Hey everyone! My name is Savannah and I write for Buzznet.com. I'm going to be interviewing Travis Jayner some time in the next week and if it is okay with the mods I'd love to know what you guys, as fans, would like to know about him!
I am SO excited to get the chance to talk to him and I thought having some fan questions during the interview would be cool. If I use your questions I'll quote you if you want to be and refer the question back to your name and/or livejournal username.
I have a list already written up of my questions but if there is anything specific you'd like to know about Travis that you haven't got the chance to ask him during a web chat I'd love to give you that opportunity now. Jordan has also said he would be willing to do an interview with Buzznet but we haven't set up a time yet with him moving and everything so if you'd like to know anything about him that hasn't been answered in his 67832 webcasts or formspring answers feel free to please comment with them here too.
Here are some pictures of our favorite dirty sexy hipster being adorable to inspire some thoughts about him! :)
Mods if this isn't okay I'll delete this post asap! Anyone can message me on livejournal or my buzznet (www.tryingtofindthewords.buzznet.com).