Every card means something. You place 10 cards in a circle and read them counter clock-wise. Each placement has a topic (The present, desires and wishes, etc) and the card that is on that topic tells you about what's going on in that subject in regards to the situation you've asked it about.
I didn't offer any interpretation other than being crazy and tinhatting. The post is just for fun. You don't have to understand it. It's just for you to go "THE LOVERS?! IT IS WRITTEN!" and whatnot.
I can't explain things.
Every card means something. You place 10 cards in a circle and read them counter clock-wise. Each placement has a topic (The present, desires and wishes, etc) and the card that is on that topic tells you about what's going on in that subject in regards to the situation you've asked it about.
I didn't offer any interpretation other than being crazy and tinhatting. The post is just for fun. You don't have to understand it. It's just for you to go "THE LOVERS?! IT IS WRITTEN!" and whatnot.
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