Jun 30, 2009 21:04

I was just thinking how lovely all our boys look when they're all classed up, looking dapper in a suit.

And decided it should be celebrated.

Noop, looking fly.

Scotty, looking...at nothing at all. (Plus bonus Anoop!)

Pocket Idol, taking a break from the plaid, looking fine.

HBIC, rocking the traditional suit, looking unimpressed.

Adding a heavy dose of FIERCE to the classic suit and loving it.

And of course you know I can't leave you without some gratuitous Matty love.

CONFESSION: I really enjoy these pictures of Matt and this was basically just an excuse to post them.

Enjoy the pretty, benches.

fashion with meaning, !adam lambert, fierce, !anoop desai, !appreciation post, !matt giraud, !scott macintyre, make love to me anoop, !kris allen, matt giraud is awesome

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