gay demons

Jun 26, 2009 18:03

The only way to counter something sad something sad is by making it funny. A few days ago someone posted a video of a gay teenager being "exorcised." Stephen has the exclusive.

I think it only works inside the US, sorry guys. ): And TCR is really strict about their vids uploaded to Youtube unfortunately. But basically the best thing Colbert says is, "The boy's defenders say you can't change someone's sexuality through prayer. They may have a point. It hasn't worked for the millions of teenage girls praying over Adam Lambert."

eta: okay supposedly it works. D: But if anyone wants to offer a rip/download that's A++ too

HAHA who thinks Stephen is totally an Adam fanboi too?

Gay demons tag y/n?

at first i was like lol but then i srs'd, even we have morals

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