So... yeah, this is my first post here.
Everyone here is kick awesome and I love you guys!
So yeah... anyway.
I was always an Adam stan. (oh God I can't believe I'm saying this) But Gokey was always my second fave on idol.
But then I came here and all this epic KRADAM-ness made me see the light. And now I know the error of my ways.
So what I'm saying is, I've been listening to non-stop Kris/Adam songs form Idol, and I'm am currently addicted to "Falling Slowly" and it has to be the #1 song played on my iPod.
It's so gorgeous, and Kris sounds absolutely amazing!
And so what I wanted to know from you guys is what is your #1 played Kris Allen song on your ipod?
And also, this is completely OT but I want to know which Idol on Tour show you guys are going to, and what you'll look like and what you'll be wearing?
The shirts, pants, skirts, cross dressing, make-up, glitter, hairstyles, hair colors, nailpolish?
Also I think it would be amazing if all the people there for Kris painted their right thumb and all the Adam stans painted all their nails except the right thumb. This could get epic.
So... I think thats its.
And now some Kradam pictures for some more epicness =)
PS Hope I tagged it right! =)