MJ from
MJ's Big Blog posted a blog about Gokeyhate 09:
Before I get into Eyeglass Gate, I have to mention the shizz that went down on twitter last night. ONTD started it all-it’s pretty much explained here. And, indeed, ONTD’s call-to-arms to make #gokeyisadouche trend on twitter, had peeps twittering til it trended to #1-until twitter got wind of the campaign and yanked it off.
Danny’s relatives weren’t part of the show-I could give a rat’s ass about them. And, hacking into a stranger’s account in order to post their private business on the internet is pretty low. Ok, so I’m hearing that it may or may not have been hacked. And I realize peeps are pissed about his clueless remarks on Comcast.net:
"Yes. I accept gay people, but people have to accept my beliefs,” Danny said. “We have to accept their beliefs, but they have to accept my beliefs. We agree to disagree. I don’t judge people, but at the same time, if they believe in what they believe, they have to accept me and what I believe. But I accept anybody as they come. That’s my character and my personality."
Anyway, it’s still kind of ridiculous-Gokey’s relatives aren’t celebrities. But yes. I’ll admit it. I watched and I giggled. The commotion on twitter last night was totally a lawnchair-and-popcorn worthy event…
The comments are the real treasure trove. Everyone takes everything so fucking seriously.
I don’t think that there was any malicous intent on Danny’s part. I do think that he should have thought things through better before he asked Adam to sign that particular picture. But from what I understand he was trying to help out an Adam fan, by getting the picture signed by Adam.
I believe that the picture itself came from the Adam fan, who was a friend of his cousin. I heard that she passed it onto his cousin, to see if she could get Adam’s autograph. I heard that Danny agreed to ask Adam to sign the picture and that is what he did.
In the picture Adam makes the autograph out to a girl named Stefanie. I believe that Danny’s cousin is named Talea. Also, Danny has sent out autographs of Adam and Kris(regular ones), along of an autograph of him with their approval to one of his fans before. And during the night that he asked Adam for the autograph, he was going around asking everyone to sign autographs for fans. I know that he all of the other idols to sign stuff for his cousin.
I don’t think that Danny was being malicious, he was trying to help out an Adam fan. However, it backfired on him.