top 10 performance poll!

Mar 22, 2012 01:45

Poll time! Y'all know what to do.
hello )

!poll, !discussion, troll in the dungeons

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myhiddeneyes March 22 2012, 05:59:37 UTC
Loved HeeJun tonight, really saved the show for me.

Philip and Hollie disappointed me. :c

Still want to strangle DeAndre with his own hair. /aka still bitter about his group in Vegas butchering a Buddy Holly song imho *shake fist*

Still want to throw things at Colton , even if nothing justifies my hate.


ivybgreenflower March 22 2012, 06:08:57 UTC
I'm just so happy SOMEONE had fun on the show!


myhiddeneyes March 22 2012, 06:10:41 UTC
I KNOW! Everyone seemed to be taking themselves way too seriously tonight.

This is Idol. You're not going to be a superstar because of Idol - it doesn't work that way anymore. Use it as a tool to show labels "this is why you need me", haha.


ivybgreenflower March 22 2012, 06:12:05 UTC
Everyone's so stuck on having a ~moment~ and it's like... moments don't happen because you force it, or just because you do a ballad. A "moment" is when your personality AND singing shine together in one glorious, well, moment.

idk if Heejun really did that, but he's capable.


myhiddeneyes March 22 2012, 06:13:26 UTC
Exactly. You can't make a moment, they have to happen naturally.

He didn't, but he could do some pretty amazing things if the cards fall the right way.


ivybgreenflower March 22 2012, 06:14:48 UTC
so looking forward to what he does next!


myhiddeneyes March 22 2012, 06:15:32 UTC
Me too! He better not get sent home this week.


(The comment has been removed)

myhiddeneyes March 22 2012, 14:16:32 UTC
I might throw my boot at my TV, not even gonna lie. :c He needs to stay at least a couple of more weeks.


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