A Review

Dec 20, 2011 02:52

You wake up one morning: consciousness flowing back to you in waves like the crash of the glowing ocean that shimmers in the gentle sunrise. A chill hits your face, a refreshing burst of cool to wake you up from your comfortable dream state. You see the dew on the leaves outside--see the beautiful peace, the gorgeous aftermath of a storm you slept through. The power of the sun hasn't completely emerged yet this day, there are still a few more minutes of this place to bask in. This place of pure lush green and calm mist, this place of tranquility, this place of life, this place of suspension and unencumbered innocence, the glory of fondness. You ask, "how can I make this moment last forever?" If only this treasured moment could be captured and saved somewhere to be revisited--to have perfectly preserved, so you could visit it without it ever being soiled.

Although you never allowed yourself to hope for it, your soft prayers have been answered. Paradise is at your fingertips, and it costs less than a dollar. On the twentieth of December, in the year two thousand eleven, CE, the talented Mr. Clay Aiken released unto the world a four minute and eight second slice of heaven. Aptly titled "Bring Back My Love," the song brings back all of the love.

I'm not a mind reader, and I don't believe in magical thought-intercepting powers, but I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "hey, I used to love Clay Aiken. But then something happened." You probably don't even remember what happened, or if you do, you realize now that it doesn't actually make sense. You, just like everyone who exists, is now open, willingly or not, to letting Clay Aiken's love back into your life.

With this frame of mind, I encourage you to purchase and listen to "Bring Back My Love."

The song begins slowly and dramatically, with lonely pining lyrics instrumented carefully with simple piano and blipping sonar beeps, as if Clay is lost at sea in a submarine and all his mates have died from ingesting bad fish, and Clay survived because he decided to just eat something out of a can. He's understandably upset, and partly blames himself--but he only blames himself for his own pain, because he didn't know the fish was rotten. Obviously the second party in this song is to blame as well, but he's willing to put that aside for some love, and hopes you will too.

The melody presses on, the song builds, and Clay urges you, his baby, his darling, to give him time. He only needs about three minutes more at this point before you give in to his smooth, passionate vocal pleas and resign yourself to a life of Clay bringing back his love to you.

He doesn't have to explain what bringing his love back to you entails. He doesn't promise to bring you breakfast in bed; he doesn't promise to remember your anniversary, buy you gifts, take you to see Reese Witherspoon movies or remember the names of all those stupid Twilight vampires you love so much. But he doesn't have to--you can tell he's sincere, you'll know you don't have to worry about little things like that. In the long run, he's there for you, making funeral arrangements for your great aunts and reminding you to go to the dentist.

As the song progresses, we no longer feel lost at sea. The music swells: Clay doesn't feel so lonely anymore, because that spark in your eyes has taken hold. He senses he's winning you over, but you're still reluctant, and he's a little afraid to open up even more to you, because it hurt so much before. Sure, he was the one who made you leave, and he acknowledges that, but you still LEFT him, and he, honestly, expected a little more loyalty than that. No, no, he's not trying to pin this on you--he's just afraid that if he makes one wrong move, you're going to walk out on him again. That's why he's being so careful around you.

The song gradually bursts into a lively and joyous, lustful proposal of love after a gentle, devoted courtship. Clay's voice shines with purity, like an angel that just got out of the shower. It's like butter on top of butter drenched in butter sauce. He is vulnerable without being whiny, emotional without losing clarity, strong without being harsh, and orgasmic without the mess.

Isn't it time you let this stress go? This wall you've built between yourself and what will make you happy? Isn't it time to start living for YOU? Isn't it right to bring back your love to Clay? He's been waiting for you, patiently, understandingly. Maybe he was kind of catty towards you once or twice, but now is the chance to leave the treacherous past where it belongs--out of your future. He's opened the door to you--will you take that step? Grip his hand tightly and never let it go. There's more to come, there's so much joy to have together along this road.

What can a dollar buy you? Candy, a movie rental, a cup of bad coffee, an hour of parking, a different song that you thought you wanted more than this one? But those things are fleeting, and, ultimately, they are empty (subjectively). But regret will not be had with this purchase, I assure you, as either you will fall in love with its old fashioned, classical love song style and Clay's timeless voice, or you will have made reading this review a little less pointless for yourself and solved the problem of wanting to know what I'm going on about.

Some songs are noise, and some songs are Clay Aiken songs.

clay aiken: measure of a man, clay aiken is a sex god, !clay aiken

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