Jun 10, 2009 19:57
Ok so I have been content to be a lurker and semi part-time sorta on occasion when the mood strikes poster(seriously the thought of using a million tags here scares me!!, but for some reason I feel compelled to post this random AI related thing that happened today.
While I was in Borders after work I heard the Steve Martin banjo song from the finale being played in the store. No, no not with Caw Caw and Sarver, but some dude and Dolly Parton. Must say Dolly rocked it. But I LOL'ed.
The on the way home I stopped at the deli and the guy that rang me up...his voice....it was eerily like Scott's that I was momentarily taken aback. Scott...HE CAN SEE! AND HE'S RUNNING THE CASH REGISTER! IT'S A MIRACLE!! (seriously he sounded exactly like him. freaky)
Yes this is random and has no point. Just thought I'd share. Now back to semi lurkdom.
Oh and I am using the tag of "whut whut" bc I have no other idea what to use. Thankyouverymuch.
whut whut!,
at first i was like lol but then i srs'd