No Lucky Charms updates...

Mar 24, 2010 16:42

VFTW has picked up on Todrick's hilarious twitter drama with his "ex," and the only reason I'm posting about this is because it includes hilarious Joerick rumors.

Todrick Hall continues to be the only contestant to bring us awesome controversies this season, even after being voted off the show. On Twitter, a user named Imur_ex_todrick is claiming to be Todrick's ex-boyfriend and has been posting crude messages to Todrick. Among the messages, Imur_ex_todrick says that Todrick might be dating fellow season 9 semifinalist Joe Munoz, that Todrick cheated on him and then dumped him, and that Todrick uses people to get what he wants. We don't know if it's true of course, but Todrick tweeted back these messages:

@Imur_ex_todrick YOU ARE CRAZY DUDE!

@Imur_ex_todrick And I don't care if you put my number out there, it wouldn't be the first time. spill it 0704 still doesn't mean ur my ex

@Imur_ex_todrick And BTW you haven't called me and when you did I still won't answer. Stop being a coward and show your face!

Sorry about all the drama guys, I think we have that problem sorted out but we'll see tomorrow I guess, or later tonight.

Todrick then deleted those tweets. Scandalous! Hey, with the season of American Idol being scandal free, we'll take some fun where we can get it. Do you think Imur_ex_todrick is really Todrick's ex-boyfriend?

From VFTW~

I'm proud Joerick has grown to the point where it's touched other corners of the Idol fandom world... even if Todrick is super pissed off about it. LOL. Todrick needs to stop fueling the drama, but on the other hand, it's really, really entertaining. ILU TODDY.

In other Joe Munoz (HE WAS ROBBED) related news, Joe babby got a hair cut and here it is:


And from other S9ers... nothing much really. They've been pretty boring lately other than Todrick. But John Park is on my side~.

So basically this is an excuse for me to tell you to follow @joemunozz and keep his star aliiiiiiiiive.

joe munoz was robbed, twitter is the devil, joerick is real, !season 9

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