Here's some context from Twitter.
@DavidArchie: I think it's time for me to get a haircut today. thoughts or opinions?
@DavidArchie: @CaarlaaCaarteer Haha I know I don't want to cut it too short. Just a trim so it doesn't fall down and look like a bowl on my head. in reply to: @DavidArchie haha not so short! haha
@DavidArchie: @xoPaMxo96 Longerish? haha. I don't know how to style it when it's longerish though. in reply to: @DavidArchie NOOOOO I LIKE IT LONGERISH, but you can do whatever you want!!
@DavidArchie: @lexeebel Oh I bet that would be really attractive... lol. in reply to: @DavidArchie grow it out super long. then braid it.
@DavidArchie: @domainrange I'll leave that to him ;) in reply to: @davidarchie i'm thinking dreads, man. a la jason castro.
@DavidArchie: All right enough with the mohawks! lol
@DavidArchie: @bentonpaul Oh heck no! I saw your picture of yours haha. in reply to: @DavidArchie grow a rat tail!
@DavidArchie: @xthe_truthx3 Oh man one time when I was 15 the haircut ladies forced me to put red highlights in my hair! Good thing you couldn't tell! in reply to: @DavidArchie Or red! Red would be nice!
@DavidArchie: Put up a new video blog! That way you can see why I'm trying to change how my hair looks lol Archie hasn't had lunch, or breakfast, or water. Just sand. Also meet his cousin Duke.
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