I just met adam lamberttt!!!

Jan 20, 2010 15:09

OMG you guysss i just met Adam Mitchel Lambert!! Mmhmm. Heres the story (: and picturess (:

1st, me & my mom (Glambert #3252!!) bought adam's address. We got it from this famouss friend of ours, she was on the price is right and she totally wonnn. So ya we were like OMG! we know where this iss and we were like we have to drivee over there!! His twitterrr and shit said he'd be home todayy so i was like omg i have to meet himmm. Unfortch my momm had to work sooo it was just me which suxx becausee she likes him even moree than me!

SOO i went to his houseee, the lights were on but his mom wasnt home (lolzz), and i didnt know when he was gonna get theree so i just started takingg lots of picturezz. This is the front of his houseee:

omg so prettyyy right?!?!

All of the blindsss were shut on the downstairss windows so i had to climb upp to the 3rd storyyy- i almosttt fell but TOTAlLY worth it!!! Unfortch it was the attic not that excittingg but still cool! (:

So likee i was there for 3 hrs alreadyy n he hadnt shown up so i checked twitterrr n he tweeted "Rio here we come!! Fiesta!!!!!!!!" which i assumedd meant he was gonna be likee 20 minutezz so i went to the nearest Mcdonalds andd i askedd the cashier "does adam Lamberttt ever come in here?" and she was like WTF are you retarded? LOL! that doesnt have anythingg to do with thee story i just thought it was funnyy.


Soo after i atee 10 chicken nuggetsss, 3 quarter pounderss, a large fryy and a chocolate shakee, i drove back to adamss house. This time the gatee was closed so i had to climbb in throughhh the bars OMG so scaryyy.

His garbagee. I didnt have timeee to go through it right thennn so i put the bags in my carrr (: Im gonna try to get him to autografff the condom packettt he threw away next timeee i see him hehehe.

WELL about 6 minutess later a car drove through and OMG i freakeddd out i nearly fell out of the bushh i was hiding innn. Well adamm went inside n and i worked up the couragee and i knockeddd on the door AND SOME MOTHERFUCKIN MEXICANNN LADY ANSWERED THE DOOR!!! She said she was adam's cleaneeeer but i think she was axtually his gf... omg lol!! Well i askeddd for adam and he came n he looked suuper pissed off n he kept trying to closee the door buutt i would throw my bodyyy into the way so he couldnttt until i got a picturee! Well then he saidd he was gonna call the copsss so i just tookkk a picturee of him and rannn.

best day everrr.

OH and he had a boner (: Either that or his packagee is just hugee i guess either would workk but i like to thinkk the boner was bc of my Glambertt shirt. So ya i got homee and crieddd for like 4 hours n then it hit me I MET ADAM FUCKING LAMBERT!!! and he had a boner. amazinggg. *sighh* (:

!adam lambert

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