AI Now Part Of Billboard's NYE Conference Call
This afternoon FOX hosted a conference call with Kris Allen, Allison Iraheta and some of the print and online media. The "Idols" primarily talked about their upcoming performance at Billboard's New Year's Eve Live on December 31st, but also fielded some other questions from the press. Click here for the latest information on the NYE special!
AI Now's Derek Sheldon, who was recently voted the "best blogger to follow" on the Open Web Awards, had a chance to listen in and even ask a question!
Here is a tentative transcript of the conference call. Note that FOX will be releasing an official transcript soon. This tentative copy might have some small word choice errors but for the most part should be right on. Enjoy!
.Q. What was some of your favorite music from the past year barring of course your own albums?
Allison: "Only By The Night" by Kings of Leon.
Kris: Yeah, I would have to agree. I'd also like to through Mayer's CD in there.
Q. Do you guys have any New Year's resolutions...or anythings you really want to push to do or accomplish?
Kris: For me, man, it's just to work harder on the music stuff. Writing, performing and all of that. That's my resolution.
Allison: Wow. Damn. You're going to make my resolution look dumb and crap....I don't have a New Year's resolution. My resolution was to not have a resolution.
Kris: There you go. I like that.
Q. What made you both want to perform live as the clock ticks down as opposed to maybe being at home with your family or even at a party?
Allison: Ummm who wouldn't want to be in Vegas performing?...It's going to be a lot of fun.
Kris: Yeah, I've never been to Vegas, so this is going to be fun for me.
Q. Do you have a particular set list in mind?...I mean, you get to perform a couple of songs, right?
Kris: Yeah, I'm playing a couple of songs from the album.
Allison: Yeah, same here. I haven't really chosen what songs yet.
Q. Twitter is a big part of your daily activities. Why is speaking to the fans through that forum such an important event for you guys?
Allison: I guess because it's an easier way to actually get in touch with them. I don't see any other way other than fan mail. Twitter is definitely easier. That's why I like twitter.
Kris: Yeah, I think people to get see a different side of you. You know, they just get to see you sing all the time. But, for me, I think there is a lot of stupid crap that goes on in my head and I feel like Twitter is a good way to get that out.
Allison: Oh yeah...
Kris: Which is cool.
Q. What one bit of advice would you give to "American Idol" hopefuls?
Kris: Umm, just rock! I mean there is only one thing you can tell people, [and that is] to just do your best.
Allison: Stay true to yourself!
Kris: Yeah, exactly.
Q. About the headlines Adam Lambert has been making...are your surprised?
Allison: No. Hahaha. I don't think anyone should be surprised really.
Kris: Anyone who knows him is not surprised at all.
Allison: Yeah.
Q. Do you think it's going to hurt him in any way?
Kris: Obviously it hasn't hurt him.
Allison: Yeah, I'm going to say the exact same thing.
Q. Has anything changed about your music, about what you're writing and performing since the time you have left "Idol?"
Kris: Like style wise?
[Reporter: Yes]
Kris: I think for me, I've been going through this whole process of starting to really learn who I want to be as an artist.
Allison: Being on Idol has helped us all find out who we are as artists.
Q. Has it changed any of your musical selections or musical taste?
Allison: It has probably opened more doors to I guess new music for me.
Kris: I would say the same. When you meet new people, especially people who like music, you get introduced to all kinds of music. Whether it be the actual artist or just a friend of the artist. It happens all the time.
Q. Take us back in time and talk about your most memorable New Year's Eve.
Allsion: Damn. I don't know. Most past New Year's Eves I've had are just huge-ass family just eating our faces off until the next morning. Yeah...
Kris: Last year, we had a party at my house on a small deck on the roof. There were like 45 people, or something like that, at my house and and we all had sparklers and somebody's pants caught on fire. So that was pretty scary.
Q. Kris, you said you've never been to Las Vegas?
Kris: I've flown in their. But never been anywhere in there.
Q. Allison, how about you?
Allison: Oh yeah. My parents used to go a lot and they used to take my sister and a girl and I. We would be stuck in Circus Circus a lot.
Q. So what have you heard about Las Vegas and New Year's Eve?
Kris: The best time I've ever had.
Allison: Hahaha. I hear that one thing we are going to do is going to be pretty awesome.
Kris: Yeah!
Allison: I can't say, but yeah.
Q. Have you heard anything about how the strip gets and how many people turn out?
Kris: Haven't heard too much about it. So...
Allison: I think it gets packed, because already Vegas is jammed pack. Everyone goes there to just to go. And, I'm assuming for New Year's it's going to be happening.
Q. Are you doing anything special to mark the fact that you are performing in Vegas? Anything that maybe you wouldn't do in a live performance?
Kris: Ummm, not that I know of anyways. Maybe though. We may do something.
Allison: Hahah. Yeah, I don't know yet.
Kris: Haven't thought that far ahead. I try to only think a day ahead.
Q. Kris, you don't strike me as the kind of guy that would embrace the glits of Vegas. Are you going to be a fish out of water here?
Kris: We'll see what happens, you know? I'm going to have a good time. I promise you that. It doesn't matter where I'm at, I'm going to have a good time.
-Short pause-
Kris: You've never hung out with me.
Reporter: No, just from what we know about you. I'm wondering if...
Kris: No. Just because things are a little crazy and I'm a down home guy doesn't mean I can't have fun in Vegas.
Reporter: So, do you have a secret dark side we don't know about?
Kris: I don't have a secret side.
Allison: Yeah you do.
Source Must curb the urge to fix typos...
Q. How do you typically celebrate New Year's Day?
Kris: I usually go to my mom's house and she always makes, I think, what is it? Cabbage and black eyed peas or something like that? She always makes those things.
Allison: I'm just with the family the whole day. Eating. Uh, yeah!
Q. I was wondering if you had some thoughts on what we will be missing from "Idol" without Paula Abdul?
Allison: Obviously we are all going to miss her. I'm pretty happy we got the chance to work with her. Sorry season 9! But, they're getting Ellen! So, we will see how that goes. I really want to see what she has to bring to the panel.
Kris: Paula is the one we got to know the best. And, she's a sweetheart. I think the show will definitely miss her. Obviously, people tuned in to watch what Paula was going to do.
Q. I know you have been busy, but have you had a chance to catch "Glee," FOX's hit comedy?
Kris: I have not.
Allison: Me either. But I've only been hearing good reviews about it.
Kris: Yeah, lots of good things. I actually got to meet the music director.
Q. There has been talk of Simon bringing "The X Factor" to the US and Simon could leave "Idol" to do that. Do you think "Idol" could survive minus Paula and minus Simon?
Kris: I don't know.
Allison: I don't know either.
Kris: Obviously Simon is a big part of watching for a lot of people. And, they would have to replace him....But, yeah, I really don't have a clue.
Q. You two are also going to perform this week in Florida. Does your record label like have a buddy system for the two of you?
Allison: Ummm, no.
Q. You performed cover songs on "Idol" and the tour. What is it like now to perform your own songs?
Kris: Yeah, for me, that was the reason I tried out for "American Idol," not to play cover songs for millions of people, but to hopefully make music of my own. And that's what we are both getting to do now.
Q. I might get you guys in trouble with each other with this question. What is your favorite song on each other's album?
Allison: On each other's album? Uh oh. I still really love "Like Like We're Dying" but I love "Red Guitar" too.
Kris: Thanks. Thank you, Allison.
Allison: Weeee! Yeah.
Kris: What was the one you helped write? I really like that one.
Allison: "You Don't Know Me."
Kris: I don't know you.
Allison: You don't know me.
Kris: I don't know you. But anything that involves you writing, Allison, I like it.
Q. Kris, you already answered this. But, Allison, what were you doing last New Year's Eve?
Allison: Hmmm. I was singing at a country club? Either that or with the family.
Q. How long did it take to make your albums, from beginning to end?
Kris: Right after "Idol" we started.
Allison: Yeah, and while we were on tour.
Q. Speaking of tours, have you started any of our your own tour plans?
Allison: No.
Kris: No, I haven't either.
Allison: I think the main thing was to get the album out there.
Q. After the New Year, how are you planning to use your "Idol" success to create your own musical identity?
Kris: For me, it's about putting what's inside of me and everything that I know I can do, into my music. And, just coming out with good stuff. That's what music means to me. I don't plan on trying to make a mark or anything like that. I'm not trying to make a name for myself. I just want to make music and I want people to hear it.
Allison: I guess for me that would be the same. To have your name out there doesn't hurt...
Q. What have you learned about yourselves during your process?
Allison: I guess the process helps in who you are as an artist.
Kris: I think for me it's just realizing who I want to be.
Q. Does it feel different to go back home now?
Kris: It feels good. For me, it feels more like a breath of fresh air. So, it does feel different, but it's a good different.
Q. It used to be that you could just make music. Nowadays, you have to do talk shows, magazine covers, the New Year's Eve special. How much do you enjoy doing these other things and how important are they to your overall success?
Kris: Obviously, they are very important. To sell records people need to see you. And, that's fine. Like, I loved doing Letterman today. I grew up watching him. I love doing that stuff.
Allison: Yeah, I agree. It's a lot of fun. And, a great way to get the album out there.
Q. Have you ever performed for friends on New Year's Eve, like at a house party?
Allison: Oh yeah. If it wasn't singing at a place, it was for my family.
Kris: I don't think I have ever performed on New Year's Eve.
Q. Why do you think people like "American Idol?" The ratings are massive.
Kris: I think it's that it takes people they can relate to, like a friend of theirs, and makes them into rock stars or country stars or pop stars or whatever. I think that's the beauty of it all. Going from nothing to a lot of fame.
Allison: It's a reality show. Anyone can get stuck on a reality show. Especially one like "American Idol" with judges. It's definitely an interesting show.
Q. Of all the "American Idol" contestants, if you could perform a duet with someone, who would it be?
Allison: Ummm, I don't know. Kris I think I'm pretty comfortable doing something with you. We did something the other night, I think we rocked people's faces off.
Kris: It was pretty rocking.
Allison: Yeah, it was pretty rocking.
Kris: Take that!
**AI Now: Have you made any decisions about how many songs you are singing on New Year's Eve?
Kris: I think I'm doing two. Allison?
Allison: Yeah, I'm singing two.
**AI Now: Many of your fans are hoping you could team up for a duet in the future. Maybe an acoustic version of "Don't Waste The Pretty?"
(Kris laughs)
Allison: That would be sick!
Kris: Maybe. I'm down. Are you down?
Allison: I'm down.
Q. What was it like performing at the sold out Jingle Ball in Madison Square Garden?
Kris: I keep going back and thinking about it because it looked like the best show I've ever been a part of. Considering that the artists that were there. I just wanted to perform there. I thought it was incredible. An incredible night. Getting to perform at Madison Square Garden is obviously a huge deal. So, I think that will be something that will always stick with me.
Q. Do you have any pre-show rituals that you do with your bands?
Allison: I don't really.
Kris: We have a little cheer that was inspired by our music director.
Allison: Of course you guys have a cheer!
Kris: It's incredible. Look it up on YouTube.
Allison: I will. Oh God.
Kris: It's incredible!
Q. Allison, do you know what you are going to wear [to New Year's Eve] and Kris, do you plan to do any mashups?
Allison: I do know what I'm going to wear. It will be pretty sick. It's a dress...
Kris: That's funny I'm wearing a dress!
Allison: Are you? Where did you get it?
Kris: think we are just going to do a couple songs from the album.