Hey everyone! Yes, the rumors are true, somehow I have become a mod. I don't know how it happened, either but this is my first mod post so I am excite. Anyway, I am pleased to announce that my first mod post is a pretty epic one. Guess what, guys?
So put on your happy faces, get ready to cuddle, mingle around looking for new faces, and have ample gifs on supply just in case!
A friendly recap: Membership WILL be moderated for the time being. If we decide to completely open up membership at some point, we will let you all know. So, just to refreshen everyone's memories, these are the criteria we are looking for when accepting new journals:
a.) It must have been created at least six months ago (May 2009) and not look like an obvious sock puppet/non-lulzworthy troll account
b.) You must have a current member that joined before November 14th in good standing to vouch for your fierce self on your behalf
at this post. Please read that post carefully to find out how this process works.
If you have applied and meet all the requirements, we ask that you please give us at least 48 hours to catch up and work out the kinks before kindly asking us for a status update. We'll try to accept as quickly as we can, but we're all on different time schedules so try to be patient and give us a couple of days. :)
If you have applied for membership and you were rejected, it was because your journal did not meet our current criteria. Please do not contact mods at their personal journals (or anywhere else) asking us why we did not accept you and begging for us to let you in. It was nothing personal, we promise. We are just trying to be fair and are holding the same rules and standards for everyone applying for membership. We simply can't make exceptions. You can feel free to re-apply when you meet all the requirements.
If you're a brand new member that just got accepted, WELCOME!
We totally want to cuddle with you but it would be super cool
if you'd read this very important post first. That goes for all members that haven't yet!! Yes, it is long, but it is very important, and also contains a lot of sexy information and clarified rules that are so relevant to your interests.
Have fun, be safe, and be on the lookout for some new friendly faces!
ps- I'm working on an intense "Do You Even Go Here?" guide that I hope to finish this weekend. So please be good children so I can finish it :)