interview with Kris Allen: ONTD_AI exclusive.

Nov 04, 2009 19:29






here's the real deal, benches: a few days ago, in a feverish flu-ish state, i thought it'd be fun to send kris allen (the REAL kris allen) a message. wanting to share his magic with the world (ie, you guys), i asked if i could pose a few questions.

he had a better idea. he wanted to turn it into a phone interview.

so that's what we did.

i had to ask some srs bsnz questions but i also got some scoop on the other kris - you know, the one 50 percent of you stan - near the end. so read this. please. because i did not spend an hour on the phone with kris allen for nothing.

thank you, and enjoy.

Kris Allen: an ONTD_AI exclusive.
by novelized.

First things first, thank you so much for taking the time to respond to your fans.
Please tell my fans hello for me, I'd be nothing without them!

We’re an eclectic group of music lovers here at ONTD_AI, so not everybody has the same taste. What would you say to those who are afraid to give your CDs a try because they’re not big fans of country music?
When I first moved to Nashville in the winter of ’96, I too was not a fan of country music, believe it or not. I did not like the older styles at the time because I was into rock music like AC/DC, Pearl Jam, etc. I did like some country, like the new guys - back then [laughs] - Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson, etc. I thought he would go far and look what he did by NOT giving up! Music is more than just words, it is the rhythm and beat, mix it all together; country, pop, or rock; if it is good you will feel it right away!

How are you different than the typical country singer?
I am different because I become the song! I cry on stage at a sad song, I laugh at fun songs, and I love to smile and dance with happy songs. I put my heart into what I do... SINGING!

When did your love of music begin? At what age did you begin to take it seriously?
I was 3 when I got my first toy git-tar [laughs] from “Santa” (Mom and Dad) and I thought someday the world will hear me play! You know, I never changed my thoughts! I have played the guitar as far back as I can remember. I started singing when I was a teenager. I was out throwing snowballs at the huge trucks going up and down the road, just the sides - well, except the one that missed! It was that snowball that got me singing! The trucker stopped about a half a mile down the road because I hit his window and broke it. Yeah, I was a mean kid, sorry!

My brother and I ran past the local church and they stopped us at the door and said, “Would you like to join our church choir?!" Yes, yes we would! [Laughs]. Wouldn't you know, that trucker came inside of that wonderful church looking for us as we sat behind the kids in the choir!

The music business is not an easy one to break into. Did you ever face any hardships along the way? What made you want to keep going?
Yes, I found so many hardships. But what helped me was I believed in myself, along with my friends and family who believed in me! You get knocked down - like in a fight, you get back up. I do not quit till the fight - life - is over!

Read at the magazine article "Jesus Loves Even Me!" about where I died at CAMC Hospital. It was at that point after I came to that I would make my dreams come true!

Do you write your own songs? If so, where do you get the inspiration?
I write a lot of my songs. I love to write! One of my songs that I wrote called "Best Friend" was written while I was a street performer in my early years in Nashville on Music Row. Every day I would go and set up my PA and I would sing across the street from Shoney’s. I did this for 2 years, 5-6 days a week, and I lived off of my tip alone!

One day I had a group of kids that stopped by. These were not your every day kids. They had Down syndrome. All I know was they love me and I love them! They danced to every song I sang for hours right on the street. They all left, and I was never the same - kind of lonely. I told my music management about this. I said I wanted to find out who they were and go and do a free show for them. I was told, “NO WE CAN NOT DO FREE SHOWS!” By the day’s end I fired my management.

I hired a new kid who told me he never managed anyone before, but he said, “Kris, I know I can do this!” I told him to find these kids and book me a show; we'll go from there. 11 hours later he called me with a booked show! They were from Portland, Tennessee, and they were called "Special Friends Of Portland,” a group from United Way and ran by Nancy Raymond.

After my first free show I fell in love with those kids! I was sitting above cloud 9 that night after the show. I wrote "Best Friend" - the song went straight to #4 on the World Top Charts, beaten only by Faith Hill's top 3: “Breathe,” “This Kiss,” and “The Way You Love Me.”

Another song I wrote made the USA #1, and #3 on the World Spiritual Pop Charts: "Why Have They Taken GOD Away?” I wrote this song because I was mad at the whole world. It seems like the world forgot about its creator, GOD! After I lost two friends of mine on September 11th in the Trade Towers, I got mad! I got even madder when I found out that some school kids in California were arrested for taking their Bibles to school.

Also, North Korea was training their kids to kill our kids in some future war. With all of this and more going on, I said to myself, “THIS HAS TO STOP!” I asked God to let me write and sing a song to the whole world to remind them about GOD. In 2.5 weeks I wrote, recorded, and was LIVE on NBC-TV singing to over 29 million people.

(See video at

This song! WOW, HE DOES LISTEN TO OUR PRAYERS! By the way, that was NOT thunder at the beginning of the song. It was the 2nd Trade Tower being hit by the plane. I used this as an intro to my song. I also have a video for TV on this song that will be added to my website for free download as soon as my tech can upload it. This song means the most to me!

Where did inspiration for the album title “Heroes Never Die” come from?
“Heroes Never Die” is an album of Faith, Hope, and Love. You know, the funny thing about this album's title was while I was traveling across the whole USA performing, I got a call from my sister. She asked how soon could I make it home to West Virginia. I was like, "WHY?!" She said, “Your father is dying.”

I made it home in GODSPEED, where I spent his last 3 days by his side. Six months earlier I found out that both my mom and dad had cancer. My mom had breast cancer and my dad had lung cancer. Yes, he did smoke most of his life but he quit 15 years before he found out he was dying. But it was too late. Heroes Never Die was about being away from home and getting the call that your dad is dying - and I recorded this years before I had ever known my dad had cancer.

You’ve had many difficult and trying experiences in life that have brought you to where you are now. How have those experiences affected you as a person? How have they affected your music?
Yes, I have had many obstacles to over come! It was a struggle the whole 15 years. But I have leaned never to think of it as competition because you will starve yourself. Rather, this is me, this is what I love doing!

Many aspiring country singers can look up to you for both your groundbreaking music AND your touching backstory. But who are some of YOUR personal idols?
You know, I love anyone who at least tried to do what I have done and yes, I do have heroes. I love Keith Whitley! I loved Johnny Cash! So many people are told you’re not good enough their whole life by friends, family, and just mean people. They believe this so deep inside, as with myself. We starve ourselves because we think, I can't do this. Fact is, YOU CAN! Don't let anyone ever stop your dreams! You know life was meant to enjoy it, as with music, so live it like you were dying!

A lot of successful country musicians have come out of Nashville -- names such as Dolly Parton, Elvis Presley, Danny Gokey. You did some songwriting and recording there yourself, correct? How was that? Are you considering going back?
I lived my dreams in Nashville for 15 years. Yes I have seen many musicians come and go. Most only stayed for a year or two and gave up; you cannot do that! Alan Jackson and Garth Brooks both were cut down and tried for over 10 years each and they made it!

So tell me that you’re not worth at least giving it your best shot until you cannot take it! I will try until I am 100! [Laughs.] Yes, I will go back but just to record because they have some really great studios there. I have recorded about 50 songs while in Nashville. My favorite was The Sound Emporium, owned by Keith Whiltley's producer Garth Fundis. That man took me on a personal tour there, and he love med and my voice. He told me that I reminded him of his best friend Keith Whitley. As he said this, a tear fell from his eye. Sweet person, great producer!

Breaking away from the music questions for a bit, you’re appearing all over the media because of your contributions to West Virginia's Bigfoot Search. Why the interest in Bigfoot? Do you honestly have experiences with the creature? And can you tell us more about that?
I have been in the press a lot! 3 interviews today and more this weekend! But I loved yours the best - wink - because you are supporting artists with their fans. You’re only as good as your fans make you - I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

As far as Bigfoot, I'm not sure he is a fan...yet. [Laughs.] My so-called hobby is looking for Bigfoot. I have camped in 2 blizzards. One was -20 degrees, and the other was -30 degrees, and I froze my bi-hootie off both times. Brrrrrrrrrr. I get chills just thinking about this! I have seen six of them - THEY ARE REAL!

Back in 1918 the first panda bear was found. 50 years before, a man told the world about them and everyone laughed. “What, a black-and-white bear that lived way in the mountains and ate wood and bamboo?! Ha ha ha!” You know they stopped laughing after 1918! People do not understand these creatures. They are VERY smart and live deep in the woods and come out at night for the most part. We just camp in campgrounds and walk trails. They know when you’re there and they avoid you so you will not shot them!

This week I will be in at least 4-6 newspapers, all local news channels, and radio! Tom Biscardi ( has an internet radio program there with over 33 million listeners. He told me that 1 out of 5 calls are about me when I am on his show. HEY!

Do you think Bigfoot will be successfully captured in your lifetime?
Yes, I do believe Bigfoot will be captured soon!

What’s something that readers would be surprised to learn about you?
I think readers have seen me at one time or another and just did not know it was me! I was a comedian know as Bubba Redneck for the longest time. I shot lots of funny homemade movies - like on my website, links to Bubba where my hair was burnt half-off my head from a fart. Yeah, that was a long story and yes, they are flammable - KIDS DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! [Laughs.]

I love diving but only in fresh water. I love my four-wheelers and when I am on tour I take my warrior "450 Stroker" with me! I love riding horses anywhere, anytime, and any place!

Let’s talk about “Southern Thunder.” Who are the other members of your band, and how did you come to know them?
My bassist is a beautiful girl named Victoria Robinson who has one of the most beautiful voices ever. She also is one of my best friends who believes in me!

My drummer is Darren Edwards. He was with the Bellamy Brothers for many years, along with many other top bands, and he too is a great person and friend!

On rhythmic guitar is Reed Hamrick. This guy is on my internet door late at night with me all of the time. He is a devoted musician who lives to play and one would think we were brothers!

On lead guitar is Terry Goodwin. He is the newest band member with a heart of gold! He just came back from Florida just because his sister needed him Wonderful man!

My band is like family! When I hired each of them I was looking deep into their soul to find more than a great musician. I wanted a friend that was like family - and I found them, they are Southern Thunder!

What can we expect out of you next? Is there another CD in the works?
I have a new CD that will be coming out next year and I feel it has my very best work! I am VERY excited about this new album. It has some HUGE songwriters on it, as well as myself.

And last but not least, I have to ask: another Kris Allen has suddenly become popular since winning the most recent season of American Idol. Have you heard anything about him? What was your initial reaction when you saw his name?
Yes, this OTHER Kris Allen was a Myspace friend of mine way before he went to the American Idol show and won. Now he is set in his career and wanted to buy my website, The bid on buying it went up to $150,000. But I did not sell it because of my fans. It is only money; what would you do? By the way, way to go, Kris! I too am proud of you for winning the TV show!

Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to me, Kris. This article will be posted soon on ONTD_AI.
Tell my fans that I said THANK YOU EACH AND EVERY ONE! Could NOT have made it without you - every one of you! I LOVE YOU!!!

you can purchase Kris Allen & Southern Thunder's album Heroes Never Die at CDBaby or on iTunes.

lololololol is the new blllollllllu, novelized will prank the fuck out of you, kris the rural heterosexual, kris says thanks for caring, !kris allen

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