Sep 12, 2009 20:38

@Daina_91880 Do you ever regret being so candid in the RS interview? Any backlash? Nope. No regrets. no backlash that i was aware of.

@falloutgrlxlx: are you feeling better? what about the other idols? Naw still sick. Fever's gone but throat feels raw. :(

@danyglambertgal: whats your fave scented candle? Red Currant by Votivo. The sexiest smell!!!!

@xxLexii: Do you like the band Paramore? YEs. Haley can sing her face off. I think shes really beautiful too.

@KUAngel:What book are you reading now? "A New Earth" Ekhart Tolle. Really adjusts your perspective. Companion to "Power of Now"

@shilohsrock: Have you ever thought of doing your make-up more dramatically? umm is that even possible? ha. Its pretty overthetop as it is.

@joshuastardust: song that always makes you emotional? "Eclipse" by Robyn. "I Dont Believe You" by P!nk and ""Come Home" by One Republic

@annchsc04: what do you think about Ellen being the new idol judge? Luv her-she'll be a GREAT addition to the show. Gonna miss Paula though.

@tracie312 What will happen to Skingraft jacket after the tour? Thinkin bout auctioning it off for charity. Should I have it cleaned 1st? :)

@LOLOMGWHAT Batman or Superman? Batman fo sho. Him and Robin are real hot together. haha WTAF THIS IS NOT HAPPENING LMFAO

@XNikki_luvX LAdy Gaga or Katy Perry? There is NO WAY i could pick one. They are so different. I think they're both Sexy, badass bitches.

@juliaaaxquadsss: will you send me a happy bday tweet (: Happy birthday girl!!

@jollyrancher482 if you couldve picked one more song to sing on tour what would it be? Prob woulda done RING OF FIRE

@notagroupie Did you get the boots you posted the picture of? Nope... been a lil busy. Someone wanna give them to me as a gift? Size 11 HA!

@Pacomarj Is the 2012 song your single or will you have a separate single? My first single will be from my album. 2012 song is for the film.

@luvsFOB Are you a fan of fall out boy? Whats your favorite song? "This Aint a Scene..."

@jennyfur91 are u a true romantic or a synic? I'm a litttle bit of both. I fight to hold on to my romantic side though. Makes me happier.

@BarbP11 @ Have you decided on a title for your album? not yet... What do you think i should call it? :)

@iAdamGlambert Johnny Depp Or Orlando Bloom ? def Depp. Can't wait to see Burton's Wonderland

@rezanakaasle: define love please. : I think that if you can define it, its not really love.

@xoswimmonkeyox: r u done with meet and greats for the rest of the tour? No! I just dont want to get anyone sick & i need to rest the voice.

@sf_bert: Fav Bob Marley song? hard one.. Exodus, Jammin, and One Love are all dope.

@theglamkimmy what r ur thoughts on the tour coming to an end? I'll def miss the rest of the idols. they've become like family. ...cont: i will also miss performing for the fans who got me to where i am today, but im VERY excited to record the rest of my debut album.

@directmydesire: what’s your fave IAMX song or album? Kiss and Swallow AW MAN. I WAS HOPING HE'D SAY SAILOR LOL

@Racheld90 Wats your favorite song by Christina aguilera? Dirty is hot. Id love to sing w Christina someday. If she'd let me :) HOLYFUCK THIS MUST HAPPENA;LDKJF;ALDF LADY MARMALADE PLZKTHKS

@AwesomeGal1967 WHO IS YOUR FAV NFL TEAM? LOL You actually think i watch football? not so much.... LOL FOREVER

@spastikartistry Are you considering backup dancers on your solo tour? HELL yeah!!! I would LOVE that. I wanna dance a bit too!

@lily0313 would you ever get another tattoo? Def would. Wanna get more on the same arm... browsing art lately...Havent found the right thing

@traceyzat Will there be any ballads/love songs on your album? Of course!

@Sonnysday: Mars or Venus? VENUS FOR SURE. My moon's ruled by mars and my rising by venus, but i prefer the rule of venus in those i love.

@ilyMandyXx how do you figure out your rising and moon signs? Google NATAL CHART. Need to know Birth time, place and date. LOL IT'S OK ADAM YOU CAN SAY IT. JUSTFUCKINGGOOGLEIT.COM

@SallyStitches If u could have been born in any other decade which would you choose? 50's: teen 4 summer of love 1969,then party in the 70's OIC

@ErinMary72 Shouldn't you be in bed, sick boy? ;) I am. :) and im gettin sleepy. Goodnight friends!!!

@AriesWomanMarie the Summer of Love was '67 my dear. Oh. woops. right you are...

night night!!! :)



but voldemort is my homie, sexy badass bitches, twitter party, batman & robin are real hot together, !adam lambert, size 11 ha!

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