Aug 18, 2009 13:18



!!!mod hat, !!anon email post, !!anon post, !!capslock confessional, !!love post, !!off topic, !!tag mod squad, !adam lambert, !advice idol, !advice ontd benches, !after dark post, !ai au fic meme, !allen family, !allison iraheta, !anoop desai, !appreciation post, !archuheta, !article, !astrology, !auditions, !australian idol, !awards, !bad fanart, !bad fic, !bad fic challenge, !bad manip challenge, !beauty post, !birthday project, !blake lewis, !brad, !breakfast club, !brooke white, !bubbletweet challenge, !caption contest, !carly smithson, !cassidy haley, !chatroom, !cheeks, !chris daughtry, !community rewatch, !consolidated media post, !consolidated tour media post, !constantine, !cookleta, !craigslist, !creepypasta, !daniel allen, !danny noriega, !david archuleta, !david cook, !discussion, !drabble meme, !drake, !drinking games, !ebay, !elliott yamin, !eurostans, !facebook, !fake album cover contest, !fake danny, !fan art, !fan art challenge, !fan fic, !fan mixes, !fan videos, !fan-made album covers, !fant asia, !flickr, !friday countdown, !friending meme, !getting to know you, !gif request, !gifs, !gokeyhate gate '09, !good fic, !graphjam, !gtfokey, !header contest, !horror fic challenge, !icons, !idol encounters, !idol meet and greet, !idol tour, !idolatry / slezak / baldwin, !insomniac post, !international poetry post, !interview, !jason castro, !jon peter lewis, !jordin sparks, !josiah leming, !kara dioguardi, !kellie pickler, !kelly clarkson, !kimberly caldwell, !kink meme, !kradam, !kradison, !kris allen, !lamekeylovefest 09, !, !layouts, !leila lambert, !lil rounds, !macros, !magazine covers/articles, !manips, !manoop, !matt giraud, !mean girls, !megan joy, !meganoop, !memorable quotes results, !memorable quotes submission, !michael johns, !michael sarver, !mood themes, !movie script/trailer contest, !music, !myspace, !nate marshall, !neil lambert, !neilorgy 09, !norman gentle, !off topic, !official ticket sales post, !omegle, !ontd_ai member fic meme, !ontd_ai radio, !ontd_ai soundtrack contest, !ontd_ai wiki, !party post, !past idols, !paula abdul, !performance, !please add to memories, !podcast, !political post, !poll, !polly pocket, !pre-idol, !production team, !randy jackson, !review, !rickey, !ricky braddy, !ringtones, !rolling stone, !ryan seacrest, !sanjaya malakar, !sarvokey gate '09, !saturday secrets, !scavenger hunt, !scorned matt, !scott macintyre, !season 1, !season 2, !season 3, !season 4, !season 5, !season 6, !season 7, !season 8, !season 8 rewatch, !season 9, !simon cowell, !skingraft, !social networking entry, !songfic meme, !statistics, !submission post, !sytycd, !tag explanation post, !tag video project, !tattoos, !taylor hicks, !television appearances, !the citizen vein, !the mfb show, !tour 09 party post, !tour video/mp3/pictures, !tours, !trugs, !twitter, !vftw, !video / computer games, !voting post, !wallpapers, !wicked, !wikipedia, !yes you missed something, !youtube, "hold on i need to rethink this", "look at my shiny diamond vagina!", #1 desai'ple, #gokeyisadouche, #gokeyisadouche official statement, #krisallenrockstar, (in rap voice), -1000 comments, -10000 comments holy shit, -2000 comments, -3000 comments, -4000 comments, -500 comments, -5000 comments, -6000 comments, -7000 comments, -8000 comments, -9000 comments, ...unless it's for minotaurs, 100% straight... oic, 42 & loving you in pittsburgh, 5 dolla make you holla, :), :flowers gif:, a 9.6 inch duck, a bunch of hot dorks, a cougar moans in horny recovery, a crow moans in horny recovery, a crush doesnt mean i was having...., a nun-made bed, a splash of orgasm, adam & kris write the fanfic you guys, adam dancing always syncs to britney, adam doesn't need anyone's permission, adam is more famous than the night, adam is my favorite twat, adam is my favourite twat, adam is pretty adamant, adam lambert is a cock god, adam lambert is a gay, adam was born fabulous, adamgasm, ahhhhh mashed potatoes, air sign homos, all aboard the crazy train, all aboard the fail boat, all men need education for roal sex, all my tweets are twats, all the midgets are kris, all up in your kool-aid, allison and archie should get married, allison iraheta is a dorce of nature, amy adams is awesome, anal sunshine when she's gone, and kris isn't with his wive, anoop accidentally blondehollywood, anoop and matty: milf hunters, anoop is my boyfriend, anoop is the cab emperor, anoop: he instigates nudity, anoops his way in, are you twatting?!, armed with a scorned vagina, as one lone tear trailed down his face.., at first i was like lol but then i srs'd, at least wait for the cocklight!, august 1 09 was anoop day, august 5 09 is kradam day, avoiding my void, bad-a, balls, banging a outfit, battle of the bulge, bb glambert is still better than you, bb kris knows how to pick 'em, beep beep beep off the radar, bicurious in the other direction, bill o'reilly is a douchebag, birthday shhhhhhhh....., bitch i will fuck you up, blakergirl07 accidentally ontd_ai, blllollllllu, blocked by adam lambert, boo you whore, boogle that, bottom, bow down to sarvokey, brb changing room, brb cutting a bench, brb returning some videotapes, brb tinhatting, brian may's hair is moved by this, bumbaclot, but he's our douche, but then i ejaculate so it's all ok, butthurt, butthurt cows mooing in horny recovery, c'mon it's only adam, calm the fuck down it's his dick, campfire stories, cellcat, chad kroeger sucks his own dick, charles browder totally goes here, cheapxdate is going to drug your drink, children of the scorn, chocotize me scottie, church of adam lambert, cockblocked, coconut ghosts and spiderwebs, code sparkle, come at me bench, comm orgy - it's now or never, conceived in puerto rico, congrats on yor unicorn!, connection imploded, conspiracy theory, copyright much?, cougar is a lifestyle, crayola-pen glittery ejaculation, creepy, crotch grabbing, cum the fukk on benches!!!, cupcake drama, d cook or ambiance wil cut you, dammit who are you people?, dance party!!!!!, danny fanny, danny's small crooked ashy dick, dannyisadouche yourselves to sleep, dc is vagina friendly, dear kris - yr gay is showing, death, decimation of the 4th wall, dedicated my life to the pursuit of lulz, departure posts are not allowed!!!!, dick sucking lips, did i miss something?, did you hear i'm gay? oh my god, ding dong the gokey's dead, do not hush adam's gay, do not want, do you even go here?, do you have peemples?, do you like anal sex or something?, does that mean anything to you?, doin' hella dudes, don't go to bed, doom, douchebags run in packs, drama, drugz, emo, entitlement is not sexy, enviornment, equal opportunity post, erectile this function, even guinea pigs scorn you, even we have morals, every cent of our love, ew no oh my no just no, except adam's my brother, exquisite ninja, fabulous, fabulous costumes, fashion with meaning, feeding my right-click-save-as addiction, feeling sorry for my sorrow, feminine enough without tagging, fierce, first you're blowing me off, flip-flop version of a promise ring, flipping dolphins and shit, fluffy with a personality disorder, foot long meat spear, formal apology, forty-oneing, freaking britney spears, friends forever, fuck fuck fuck boom! instant orgasm, fuck me lambert, fuck you for it, fuck you made me cry, fuck you ryan tedder, fulfilling the gay agenda, fuzzy handcuffs, game over, gang banged by idol, gay it up!, gayity, get a life!, get back in your tree and eat a banana, get out of his stuff!, giggety, give us georgia matt, glamberting, glambulge, glitter, glittery alien from planet fierce, glittery cocks, glow toys, go to bed, god you're so stupid, gossip kiddies, gotta catch'em all, gotta get those bills paid, group hug, ha, had to ask the fucking candy cotton man, harry potter unicorn blood sperm, haterz to the left, have a blessed day, having adventures in narnia, he giggled and quivered in delight, he had a hardon for that cake, he has glitter in his facial hair, he hopping across stage like bunny, he let me down easy like a gentleman, he sings like an angel - a fallen angel, heart stricken, hellasketch + trugs = otp, hello fello glamberts at ontdai!, herpitage, his pants were never on, his twitts are not natural, hoe-moe-secks-you-all lust, hold me in my arms, holy tags batman!, homo t-bird glamocrat, hoopla magnet, hotstickibunz82, how about no, how adam get pragnant?, how come i lose dick?, how is babby formed?, human equivalent of a ferrari that flies, hush cats, hushcats, i accidentally adam's inbox, i accidentally your penis, i actually have an high iq.srsly, i am ill people. ill., i can tend to have a fit when i'm mad, i cry when you laugh at my poetry, i didn't know it was gonna be like this, i don't even like him..but i iz jealous., i don't think you're quite my type, i had dinner with him tonight after, i have no problem with your gay!, i have no words you guys, i like dick but boobs don't scare me, i like the top, i like things dangling over my head, i like to hotlink, i like wearing robes, i love disco sticks, i love him to death!, i love lampert, i love tags, i love walmart, i need to know if i suck, i ride a polar bear to school, i shoved nothing, i smelled chocolate, i still live him though, i think i just shit my pants, i think i've turned into a zombie, i think my dad is in this comm guys, i think someone put drugs in this weed, i think they wanna do more than see her, i used to live on gay street, i wanna be a horse, i want the underwear, i want to marry a castle, i want to squish you!, i was inflammable, i wish i were edward cullen, i'm a beacon of truth!!!!, i'm a devout kristian, i'm a huge crybaby and i talk to myself, i'm a sex demon!, i'm glad i'm causing 'gasms, i'm more of top., i'm on a boat motherfucker, i'm scurred, i'm sittin' on these binches!, i'm up for anything, i've never done it on a bus though, idf = the gokeys of the internet, idf can go suck a dick backwards, if u seek adam, if you don't like it scroll past, if you seek aimee's cell phone, if you're a bird i'm a bird, imposter, in the beginning god created good times, indian sex god, is it smog?...or is it glitter?, is that a banana?, is there chicken?!, is this real life?, it can get delightfully raunchy, it makes me feel so fancy, it was amaze balls, it's a moses rock opera!, it's fucking distracting, it's good to be green, it's like we have espn or something, it's meant to be kinky you dick, it's not an activity it's an adventure, it's pocket time!, it's wholesome like you, it''s adam, its meant to be kinky you dick, jello shots, jizz in my pants, ju'not he didn't!, just because i'm not sticking it there, just sprinkle glitter over eveything!, just stop, just threw my shoe at my damn laptop, kara diowhatever, kara is a life ruiner, kick awesome, kidnupped, kiss the rings, kissoffools is our porno goddess, koala kris, kradam lives, kradam rap, kradamvid, kris allen accidentally my ovaries, kris allen is pretty, kris don't play, kris has cuddling on the mind, kris is a tease, kris is fucking distracting, kris is like fine wine, kris is mo fresh, kris is so perfect he could be wax, kris is wearing wings - must be sunday, kris says thanks for caring, kris smells like heaven. must be tuesday, kris wants to ride in adam's surfboard, kris's hobbit feet, kris's jeans are unnecessary, kris: plaid alien from planet cuddly, krisallen4real+twitter=my otp, ladies loved it called it purple passion, lampert, leave adam alone!, let me be your sleeping bag, let's go to bed adam, let's talk about sex, life sucks, like 85% douche, like a boss, like fucking genesis or some shit, like powering up and channeling krishna, lmfao my ass is now in another zip code, lolerskates, lololololol is the new blllollllllu, looking at the screen with my nose-eyes, lovealwaysliana/omegle otp, luh is all we want, make love to me anoop, man candy stage right, manamanoop, manny, math enthusiast/badass m.c., matt giraud is awesome, matt hates us, matt is awesome, merusa's cardigan fetish, milf hunting- it's a full time job, mmm lovely, mom post, monkey is the devil, monkey-boy kris, more leg than a bucket of chicken, most of those don't end up very pg-rated, most of us are good times, motherf..., mr. adam has a type, mr. cook has a type, mr. lambert sir, mulan is in contact with glambert, must be a gay thing, my feet are sticky and smell like beer, my friend adam, my grandpa is cute, my labia just clapped, my ovaries imploded, my physics teacher's car says so, my pimp name is papa allen g, n00dz, naked, nasqad, needed: kris allen, needs more tags, never have i ~touched myself like that, nickelshit, no evidence of twitter being the devil, no homo doe, no lj cut = i will cut out your eyeballs, no stalking plz, noopael, nooptown, not an offer, nsfw, numb as skunk doing a quaalude, nuttin w/o you, obvious troll is obvious, occasionally licking my braces, of the ndebele tribe, off the hizzle my nizzle, oh gosh, oh my god who has glow sticks?, oh my heck, oh ok den, oh snap, oic, ok so there was this goat, ok w/the gay & you can quote mean girls, omg a lil post?, omg disney yey, omg i'm bored, omg yay, omg... omfg, on the roof seeking proof, one sexy black polished finger, one word story game, ontd_ai - where we troll our own dungeon, ontd_ai is a stalker breeding ground, ontd_ai is fickle, ontd_ai is not a trending ihop, ontd_ai is taking over the world, ontdrama, p my pants, p33n, pap-pap-pap-pap paparazzi everywhere, papa bear, penile unit, pennywise is watching you, perez is a douchenozzle, plagued by men, plaidypus, pocket idol, pocket rocket, pointless post is pointless, poo lambert is the shit, porn fest '09, professional douchebag, pursuit of the relentlessly masculine, rage post, randy the middleaged lumberjack, rant, refresh refresh refresh, religious experience, retardation, ring of fire pants, rubbing happened, sad panda, save the drama for your mama, says the ham, scodd, scottcolate cakeintyre, sehx, serious business, seriously can you like go bake cookies?, shakin' like the poltergeist, she can once again meet with her akbar, shit just got real, shrouded in the pleathercove, shut the fuck up gene simmons, shut up and eat da flan, simon cowell is the king of beavers, singing various bollywood classics, slap me on my burns!, sleep.....who needs it?, slight curving of stomach=baby bump obvs, sloppy cheesecakey yogurt sex, snake on my crotch, so cool so real so smart, so he shares the mirror?, so perfect so stylish so... glittery, so perfect so stylish so...glittery, somebody hold my weave, sorry about your life, sorry about your vag bb, sorry bro, sparkle, sparkle in the darkness of his world, speculation, spray them wif mace, sprinkle glitter all over everything, stay on the cloud, stfd glamberts we got this, stfu one republic, stick a pacifier in me i'm done, stop screaming at me!, stop trying to make fantasia happen, subtlety - yr doing it wrong, super boinks, superfag and the shady ass benches, tagsplosion = i will murder your dog js, take it take it take it, technical help, tee hee, thank you @god, thanks for caring. that's so nice., that cute guy, that little stinker, that other dude, that was inappropriate, that was sweet, that's inappropriate, that's so crazy, that's what your wife said, the adventures of flopsy & cuddles, the choice is yours, the crying fetus, the elephant in the room is pink, the girls have gone wild, the martha stewart of fabulous, the mystical kradam love story, the narwhal bacons at midnight, the pantsless five, the smile you give my stomach, the twitter was arguing with itself, there is a butterfly next to his dick, these yearbook photographers are intense, this is my life, this is now a harry potter community, this is the fertility vase, this looks shopped, this magical beast known as season 8, throat coat, throwing up at the breakfast table, thundercock, top you like whip cream on ihop pancakes, tryin2getaball, tu pene es muy grande, twitter is full of twats, twitter is the devil, uhhhh i have womanly parts, umm bannanas for potassium, unhinging dinosaur jaw, up in adam, using our powers for good, vagina maulings, vanilla, very sexy, wanna go to taco bell?, wanna see my figglehorn?, wanton lust for seedy materials possibly, wat, wdf;oihegalkejdgnaelgpiuhchachacharmin!!, we are kradam, we don't expect you to understand adam, we realllllly like american idol, we saw star trek :], we should do it together, we're fucking famous and shit, welcome to the motherfucking huka lounge, what a twonk, what is it with you and orange lube????, what the fuck kind of question is that, what the hamburger is wrong with you?!?, what the hell is on joey's head, where da febreeze at, where my 'noop stans at?, white chocolate, who knew adam was such a partier, who the frick says bb kris is vanilla, who was bag, who was phone, who's on top?, who/archie accidently my arousal, who?, whut whut!, why are you so pms-y lately?, why is everything so conservative?, why we can't have nice things, wings are fun! (like adam's peen), witch hunt, with a fierce black girl from compton, would you hit it?, would you like some ice for that burn?, wtf is this shit, yeah capes!, yeats/flickr otp, yes be patient i'm making this good, yes he is, you can go shave your back now, you can't spell diaf without idf, you dumb bitch, you fucking gorilla, you jerk, you need to go to awesome school, you shouldn't fight anyway, you smell like a baby prostitute, you so fiya, you win a free toaster, you'll never be adam, you're a tool so what, you're the one playing games kelly, youlackcolor just shit her pants, your argument is invalid, your bandwidth has exceeded bb, your missing something, zombie uprising

needs more tags

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