Title: Apo Pantos Kakodaimonos
makacakeeeGenre: Romance/Supernatural/Slight Angst
Length: chaptered
Rating: PG-13 for slight violence
Summary: Onew was cursed to forever walk between Hell and Earth as a demon, lonely and unfeeling. He had no memory of why he was cursed, nor what the curse truly meant. All he knew was that bad things seemed to happen to everyone around him, including a certain human named Taemin that had a perverse attraction to his demonic nature. Demons are cursed to never feel any emotion, though, so matter how much Taemin loved him, he could never reciprocate the feeling, and no matter how much danger Taemin was put in, Onew could feel nothing whenever the human was on the verge of death. Or at least, that's what he thought.
[Excerpt] The shadows stretched long in the darkening night. The sliver of moon barely offered enough glow to illuminate the ground, and the shattered streetlights just stood there, broken and useless monuments of times passed. Times when people could walk around in the dark without being scared for their life. Scared of what else lurked in the dark with them.
Read Chapter 1