May 07, 2017 15:20
Still alive, yo. I'm thinking I should post here more than once in a blue moon -- besides, I don't see any SJW bullshit here -- probably because everyone's on failbook now, lol.
So, anyway. What happened since I made an actual post last? I survived staffing my first con, and I actually had fun doing so. In fact, I've already applied to staff Nekocon AGAIN this year. Go, me.
Speaking of cons, I'm thinking of skipping AMA this year, and going to Otakon. I'm just not feeling AMA this time around, and it's been a while since I've been to Otakon. I wanna see the new home in D.C., I think. Plus I *think* I can justify plunking down 80 bux for a badge, lol.
I beat FF XV... and then I beat it again, and now I'm on my third playthrough(which I need to work on so I can start the Gladio DLC).
Blah, I don't have much else to say, and I gotta start getting ready for work in a bit. I'm surviving.
k bai