The First

Nov 28, 2004 02:26

Man what a weekend. Lost lots of money, nothing good happened really. But, don't write about the bad stuff because then it'll be remembered. Let's remember the good.

I'll explain why I am filling one of these out by IMs.
jordan sin ferno: you know those long lj questionairres?
john f e welsh: yeah
jordan sin ferno: I never liked them
jordan sin ferno: but
john f e welsh: i think theyre great
jordan sin ferno: in 20 years
jordan sin ferno: if you find an old one
john f e welsh: yeah
jordan sin ferno: they will be the best thing you read all month

last kiss: Jenna
last cigar: not yet.
last good cry: almost, almost almost almost, I cant stress that enough, at the end of the shawshank redemption
last library book checked out: The Count of Monte Cristo, about 8 months ago, and I haven't returned it.
last movie seen in a theatre: Spongebob Squarepants
last cuss word uttered: I just said fucker so I could write it.
last beverage drank: snapple
last food consumed: an oreo, tuna fish sandwich
last phone calls: I can't remember. That's awesome
last tv show watched: some weird porno
last shoes worn: 1 dress shoe, john stole the other
last cd played: phantom planet - the guest
last item bought: snapple
last thing downloaded: a frog parachuting off of a
last annoyance: lack of money
last disappointment: ace high flush losing to straight flush
last soda drank: with dinner, code red MD
last ice cream eaten: I believe cookies and creme
last time trippin on drugs?: never tripped.
last time in love: with jenna of course
last time hugged: I believe jenna
last shirt worn: my flamboyant button down one
last time dancing: at band practice

1 MINUTE AGO: got pocket 6s pocket 7s and pocket 8s on 3 consecutive hands
1 HOUR AGO: at band practice
1 DAY AGO: I was reading

1. What do you most like about your body? Im not skinny
2. And least? slightly chubby
3. How many fillings do you have? 0
4. Do you think you're good looking? yup
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? generally no

First job: little league umpire
first screen name: skatetuff33
First funeral: my grandmas...might not have been first but I remember it
First pet: barry my fish!
First piercing: upper ear
First Kiss: preschool / eden reis... that slut
First Lust: eden....yea I bagged her.
First love: melissa I guess
First enemy: rob gloria
[What does your name mean?] awesome
[Birthday?] February 17th
[Zodiac Sign?] aquarious

[What are your plans for tonight?]well its 2:40, so sleep.
[What time is it?] 8:30

Have you ever...
[Said "I love you" and not meant it?] I don't think so
[Gotten into a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish/etc?] just for fun
[Been to New York?] I live in new york
[California?] someday
[Hawaii?] I wish
[Mexico?] eventually
[Philippines?] I have a cell phone, it was probably made there.
[Had a dream about something really crazy?] fought zombies for the first time in my dream last night. They were an un-worthy advisary.
[Had an imaginary friend?] no I dont think so

Pick one
[Apples or Bananas?] apples
[Red or Blue?] blue
[Wal-Mart or Target?] target
[Spring or fall?] spring
[Do you have a boy/girlfriend?] yes. Jenniffer rose.
[Santa or Rudolph?] santa
Just Wondering...
[What are you going to do after you finish this survey?] sleep or probably the nasty
[What was the last meal you ate?] tuna fish sandwich
[Are you bored?] not really
[How many of your buddies are online?] 58

Which was the...
[Last movie you saw?] spongebob I think
[Last noise you heard?] feedback, putting down the guitar
[My Obsession:] music..right now. poker.
[My most attractive feature:] my magnet. hahahahahaha
[My favorite thing to do:] guitar, music, sleep, eat, anything sexual, party.
[I'm wearing:] woodward hoodie and acid wash jeans
[I'm eating:] I was eating a banana
[I'm listening to:] all my music at random, tbs right now
[I'm feeling:] slightly more bored than when I started.
[I'm thinking:] about what to write here
[I see:] flowers

[food?] spaghetti and meatballs
[drink?] snapple
[color?] blue
[album?] deja entendu? brand new
[shoes?] I have fat feet, so shoes dont really fit me well.
[site?] /
[song?] carry on my wayward son, wish I had it, by kansas

Last Person you...
[touched?] john, we wrestled.
[talked to?] you, lau. brian eulau
[hugged] I thikn jenna, and didnt you ask me that?
[instant messaged?] jimmy
[kissed?] jenna

my first one done.
consider that cherry popped.
motha fuckaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

hahaha how can a dragon be ditzy?!
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