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this commercial rawks! why do i dig it? well... if this shit were to happen to you... you'd know exactly what to do since you saw it on tv. one of the main reasons i dig zombie/werewolf/vampire/troll/mythological type stuff. you just never know... and you'd be glad i shared this video with you.
p.s. my favorite fruity flavored carnauba wax candy dinosaurs aka gummi dinos has returned to the dollar store!!!!! all is well in the world again.
p.s.s there is no such thing as playing 'just ONE more song' on guitar hero. you must admit the fact that you are addicted to the damn game.
p.s.s.s. i'm addicted to the damn game.
p.s.s.s.s. since
'heroes' and
'lost' are on a season hiatus i've been watching
'big love' and
'john from cincinnati'... if you haven't seen them then 'i don't know butchie instead'