(no subject)

Jul 06, 2008 18:34

Okay, so, just a few quick things. First, as some of you may or may not know, depending on whether you've spoken with Sis, I've been sick since Friday, and, as such, was not on the computer, primarily because I was either sleeping or not allowed on the computer due to being sick and my parents loving any excuse to take away said computer.

But! I'm well enough to start work tomorrow-- which my parents are glad for-- and thus well enough to get on my computer-- which the 'rents are not so happy about. Unfortunately, my summer job starting also means that, by and large, I will be on very little during the day, as I start at 8:30 in the morning and get off at 5:30 in the evening. Due to other obligations, aside from drastically reducing my daily comp time, this will also mean that I will be completely unavailable on Wednesdays unless I sneak on late at night and skip sleep.

Furthermore, this next coming weekend I am going on CHOIR RETREAT. Which includes DISNEYLAND. SO, past this coming Thursday, you will probably not see or hear from me again until Monday night-ish, possibly Tuesday if the blowback from the retreat kills me dead for a day.

Okay, now that I've done this, I'm gonna go tag some logs. \o/


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