Re: Timeline

Jun 26, 2008 23:13

We would like to give the players an opportunity to present their arguments for the following issues:

In-Game Time Progression:
- Option A: 1 day In Real Life = 1 day In Game
- Option B: 7 days In Real Life = 2 days In Game as proposed in the !timeline tag
- Option C: X days In Real Life = Y days In Game

Calendar Progression:
- Option D: days In Real Life SHOULD correspond to In Game Days
- Option E: days In Real Life do NOT need to correspond to In Game Days

EVENTs Handling:
- Option F: do nothing special for EVENTs; mark them as mod-driven plot and nothing else
- Option G: suspend time for the duration of an EVENT in increments of weeks (7 day groupings) to allow for player involvement in important mod-driven plot

Note: Forward-dating is not being considered as an option because there is no way of knowing beyond "the present" how certain factors will play out for each character. It is being held in reserve only for very strange and unforeseen circumstances in which it is deemed necessary.

This will not be a strict poll to determine the Timeilne system to be used in Onorata. Rather, we would like to see clear and concise arguments regarding how time should flow in a comment to this entry, without reverting to pure opinion statements such as "because I like that option". Please include the "why". The moderators will then use this as a guiding tool for a final decision.

This decision was made due to the severity of the (potential) change and its integral part in the Restructuring process. Every single little issue will not always be up for debate.

All comments to the post will be screened. In one week, the mods will revisit this issue. For the time being, time will remain on a 1 day IRL = 1 day In-Game basis.

!timeline, !modpost

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