Faction Representatives

Oct 12, 2008 18:07

All right, this announcement is hella less interesting since you can see the results, but we do, in fact, have the results for faction representatives:

Vescovo House: Laure
Monacello House: Blasphemy
Antimafia Commission: Thibault
Neutral: awree

Congrats to those four! Elected officials, please reply to this post with the following information:
Character in House/Faction
Email Contact
Instant Messenger Contact

As soon as I have this information, it will be on the Moderator Contact page under Faction Representatives. Representatives, your duties are to basically report once a week to onoratamods@gmail.com anything that you think is important that happened within your faction (to make sure all mods know) and with any complaints/issues that you see or have been told. (More details on moderator contact page.) If you have any questions, please post them here as comments.

Again, Congrats!


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