Jul 24, 2008 14:54

WHO: Syaoran Li (raitei_wolf) and Brian Moser (salvationdenied)
WHAT: Syaoran is returning a CD that Brian left him
WHERE: The beach, so this is OPEN to anyone that would be in Vescovo territory. So no fuckin' Monas. bitches. :)
WHEN: DAY 79, noon

By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea... )

syaoran li, brian moser

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salvationdenied July 24 2008, 23:38:09 UTC
Brian did not hear Syaoran moving towards him, even though his perpetual awareness of the things going on around was not lowered.

Contrary to what might be said of Brian, he was not stupid. Yes, he was a bit brash at times, a bit too hot headed at times, he was not dumb: not to himself, to the people around him, and the situations he got himself. He was not a fool.

He kept his guard up, sniffed drinks for the scent of almonds, and was always, always armed in one way or another unless he was showering or maybe, once in a while, washing his dishes. So he did not hear the boy as he walked up to him, until he was withing striking range, and even then, as he judged the pace, he did nothing but swing his head around to look in his direction.

His hands were behind him, arms forming a makeshift back to the cement block that was the bench. He shot a lazy grin and spoke, voice light:



raitei_wolf July 25 2008, 03:42:43 UTC
Syaoran didn't smile or anything. "Hi," he answered, his tone and face both very emotionless. "I have your CD."

He'd come from Brian's left, so the eyepatch wasn't quite visible, since it was on the part of his face Brian couldn't see--and Syaoran wasn't facing him.


salvationdenied July 25 2008, 08:15:12 UTC
Brian said nothing about the eyepatch. He knew better than to have it be the first thing to cross his lips, but he couldn't help it as it flitted across his mind. He merely smiled lifted his left hand to wave him over, his back curving a bit.

"Hey there. Come have a seat."

The man turned again, his face turning to look up at the sun again, smiling briefly.


raitei_wolf July 25 2008, 21:35:22 UTC
Syaoran sat down next to Brian, just as quietly as he'd approached. "How have you been?"

It wasn't an honest question--Brian wasn't really blood, and as a kid Syaoran had no more affection for him than he had for the Don's spoiled brat of a daughter. He didn't really care, but it was at least a little worth it to start a conversation.


salvationdenied July 28 2008, 01:55:57 UTC
Brian shrugs, his expression soft and easy, looking at the sullen kid (again at his eye patch) before responding.

"I've been better." Whatever the question's sentiment might have been, the answer is honest. He doesn't see the point in lying to Syaoran; it's not as if the kid cared either way how Brian was feeling.

"Did you like it?" He gestures, pointing a finger at the CD that Syaoran holds in his hand.


raitei_wolf July 28 2008, 02:15:27 UTC
That...wasn't the answer Syaoran was expecting. His eye went wide for a moment.

He then looked at Brian. "It got my mind off things for a little while." The CD had been something that Syaoran wanted when he was a kid, and had been released a few months before he was kidnapped. He'd asked around for it a little bit in the main compound among people he remembered were also fans, and Brian had turned up to let him borrow it just a little while later.


salvationdenied July 28 2008, 02:28:16 UTC
Brian nodded and looked back out at the ocean's line against the sky, at the vast spanning glory of it. It comforted Brian, the way a mother's touch might, calming him to the core of his being, easing the demons in his heart.

He smiled, watching a family enjoying the sun a few hundred feet away. Brian laughed a bit at the sight of the youngest in the group, a girl of around three, run screaming from her older brother as he attempted to soak her, enjoying their simple, innocent joy before looking at Syaoran.

"Something heavy on your mind?"


raitei_wolf July 28 2008, 02:40:16 UTC
"It's hard to forget when you've been gone for seven years, only to come back to find your mother was murdered and have your father disown you, telling you to simply live with the family however you can."

The words came more easily, and with less emotion, than Syaoran had expected them to. "And that the person you cared most about in the world isn't even there now that you're finally back." A tear made its way down his cheek slowly, burning and cold at the same time in the cool ocean air.


salvationdenied July 28 2008, 03:10:50 UTC
Well. We can't say that Brian feels for the kid. But he makes a sound, a face, so good and so practiced that he will never, ever know the difference.

It's a sigh, that sound, and he grits his teeth, shaking his head.

"I'm ..sorry. For all this, you know?" Brian looks at him, mouth twitching into an expression of sympathy. "You just got to remember.. that life goes on and things keep going you just got to-- you got to--"

He stops and laughs. "I'm really bad at heart to hearts." He sounds apologetic.


raitei_wolf July 28 2008, 03:26:57 UTC
Syaoran shook his head a little. "Sorry...and it's not your fault. I know...that you don't really have that much concern for me. I shouldn't have said all that..."


salvationdenied July 28 2008, 03:37:24 UTC
His brows lifted. "Hey, I care." He looks down at his feet before looking at Syaoran, eyes widening a bit. "Would I have lent you the CD if I didn't?" His tone was joking then, hoping to get the kid to smile.

He stretched then, straightening his back. "Don't be afraid to talk, I'm always here to lend an ear, you know."


raitei_wolf July 28 2008, 05:04:23 UTC
Syaoran stared out at the ocean, watching the waves come in to shore. "I don't need someone to talk to."

The truth was...he didn't want someone to talk to.


salvationdenied July 28 2008, 06:43:20 UTC
So Brian let it drop. There was nothing to say after that and the man stood, a hand reaching out to take his CD.

"Well, I'm always a call away."

The wind whipped around Brian. There was a change in the weather coming.


raitei_wolf July 28 2008, 17:56:38 UTC
Syaoran's strange outfit flew about his midriff and his legs as he got to his feet, placing the CD in Brian's hand.

"Thank you."


salvationdenied July 28 2008, 20:15:07 UTC
He took the CD in one hand and saluted the kid in a mild, amusing gesture.

"Be sure to get inside before the storm comes." He looks around, and up at the rapidly greying sky, before looking back at him. "You don't want to catch cold, do ya?"


raitei_wolf July 28 2008, 20:38:12 UTC
Just as Brian said that, a few drops of rain started to fall, hitting Syaoran on his cheeks and washing away the tear stain. "What about you?"


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