[aim log/completed]

Jul 16, 2008 00:05

WHO: Grimmjow [stradapanthera] and Renji [scimmiarossa]
WHAT: Renji comes over to show Grimm his tattoos and Grimm pounces.
WHERE: Grimmjow's apartment.
WHEN: Day 68 (Sunday, June 13th)

We stopped before the smut, but there is some gropage, etc. in here. ♥

After turning off the lights, Grimmjow shut and locked the door to his weapon's room behind him. Most of his weapons had been packed up safely for the move he was planning on making soon. He'd already found a nice, big apartment on the other side of the neutral territory. It'd be a hell of a good thing to get away from this place now that Ulquiorra knew where it was and could stalk it all the fuck he wanted. Grimmjow had lived in it for as long as he could remember but he'd be damned if he had to deal with trash trying to get into it over and over again. Not much else of his had been packed away though. He'd need to wait a few more days for the wounds to be healed a little better before he did too much lifting.

Grimmjow glanced at the clock in the living room and grinned to himself. Yeah, Renji would be over soon. The dumb asshole probably thought Grimmjow was still weak as a fucking kitten. But he healed twice as fast as a regular piece of shit did. Few more days and he'd be completely good to go. He'd taken most of the irritating bandages off already anyway.

Bored, he picked up his kitten from where it was prowling, set it on top of the highest shelf in the room, and watched it try and get down. Pretty funny to see a stuck cat--Grimmjow never got stuck. He beat the shit out of whatever was in his way.

It was impossible to forget an apartment like Grimmjow's, and Renji didn't easily forget places he'd visited in the city anyway. Walking was easier and cheaper than hailing a cab, so he left early and took his time, stopping in a liquor store on the way to pick up some beer.

He fully expected the idiot cat to try something on him, and fully intended to elbow him in his broken ribs if he tried. He'd said no and he meant it, and while his stripes were something he'd go to great lengths to defend, he wasn't about to let Grimmjow take advantage of him over them. He'd see they weren't fake and then he'd take everything he'd said about them back. Renji wasn't going to let him have any alcohol until he did.

He arrived a little later than he'd planned to, but he didn't really care. He buzzed in on the bottom floor and waited for Grimmjow to ring him up. As annoying and delusional as Renji found him, he wasn't actually that bad to hang out with, provided he kept his hands to himself.

Grimmjow heard the buzzer and forgot about the stuck kitten as he went to buzz Renji in. He still remembered the first time they met because it was the kind of damn funny thing you never forgot. Renji had been so damn convinced that he could beat Grimmjow in a fight. And Grimmjow had pounded his ass so badly it had been like kicking around a ball of yarn. Renji was too fucking entertaining to pass off after beating.

And now he was a hell of a lot more interested in just kicking Renji's ass. Pretty damn funny how the redhead still thought he'd beat Grimmjow even though the game was different. Dumbshit.

Grimmjow unlocked his door so Renji could come right in when he got there. Keeping his hands to himself this round was going to be out of the fucking question anyway. Not unless Renji wanted Grimmjow to touch all of his tattoos with his tongue instead of his hands--something Grimmjow wouldn't complain about doing either.

Renji climbed the stairs and pushed through the door without bothering to knock. Somehow he doubted Grimmjow was very concerned with manners, and he didn't care anyway.

"Oi, where do you want this?" He held up the beer and looked around. The damn place was so big that he had no idea where Grimmjow might be in it.

Grimmjow had quickly darted away after unlocking the door. The asshole redhead was so convinced that Grimmjow was such a cat that he was gonna show him just how cat-like he could be. They were good at stalking up behind their prey, weren't they? Maybe he could make Renji jump.

Because of his "feline grace" or whatever the fuck sick shit Renji had called it, Grimmjow treaded lightly up behind him. He reached around him and yanked the beer from his hands. "Right here's fine."

Renji jumped, but managed to turn the movement into a turning motion so that he could grab back at the beer Grimmjow had just taken. "You fucker," he scowled, annoyed. "What the hell was that for?"

He didn't doubt for a second that Grimmjow had done it on purpose. He was going to punch him if he tried it again.

Grimmjow laughed and let the beer be taken back. The asshole had jumped and he sure as hell hadn't missed it. "Why?" he asked and pushed by him with a grin. "You get scared? Fuckin' pussy."

Maybe he should have told Renji to bring along that ratty old stuffed animal of his to protect him from the big bad kitty. It might make him feel better to have something to cuddle.

"I don't like bein' snuck up on," Renji corrected him irritably. "Seems like a pretty fuckin' cowardly thing to do."

He smirked. Whether Grimmjow took offense or not, it was still fun to poke at him. He actually poked back.

Now that made Grimmjow stop as he walked. When he turned back around he gave Renji a look that said he was thinking about kicking his ass instead of touching it. He didn't like anyone thinking he was a coward. The damn reason he was still alive today was because he wasn't a coward. And he knew Renji was saying it just to piss him off but it didn't matter all that much.

"You ready to fight me again yet?" Grimmjow grinned from ear to ear and nodded in the direction of his weapon's room. "My sword's just in there. Or are ya too much of a fuckin' coward to try and beat me?"

Renji just grinned back. He could tell he'd gotten to Grimmjow, and that amused him. He liked to pretend so hard that nothing got to him, when all it really took was a choice word or two.

"Ain't cowardice that's stoppin' me. I'm just smarter than that. I can't believe you still actually use a sword."

Grimmjow was going to beat Renji's fucking face in and enjoy every second of it. That damn sword of his was his most prized possession. It did a hell of a lot more than a gun ever fucking could. He shoved his hands into his pockets to keep from grabbing Renji by that girly hair.

"A sword that kicked your fucking ass over and over," Grimmjow pointed out. "Don't even need the damn thing to beat someone like you. All I need's one fucking finger and I can make you scream. You ain't a fucking challenge at all."

Renji laughed as he brushed past him on his way to Grimmjow's kitchen. He was so easy to piss off, it almost wasn't worth bothering at all.

"You keep thinking that," he teased. "It's just a fucking sword. I'm putting this in the fridge."

Grimmjow nearly bristled. Hell, if he'd been in his other form, maybe some of his hair would have been on end. It wouldn't have been difficult for Grimmjow to beat the shit out of him at that very second and yet Renji still talked to him like that. And as much as it pissed him off, he liked it. Unlike that fucking coward Ulquiorra, Renji could banter with him for fucking hours. And he wasn't afraid to, either.

At a meow, Grimmjow remembered his kitten and brought her down from the high place he'd put her. When he joined Renji in the kitchen he had his hands in his pockets again and a devious gleam in his bright eyes. "Don't you want a drink before you undress for me?"

Renji glanced up long enough to give him a brief glare, but he wasn't about to let Grimmjow's stupid sexual antics with him ruin his mood. He twisted the cap off of a beer and offered it to him.

"I'm only taking off my shirt, and I ain't doing it for you to ogle or whatever."

Still grinning, Grimmjow took the beer. Maybe this time Renji wouldn't take his shirt off for Grimmjow to ogle but he sure as hell would next time. And he was going to fucking make sure of that. Funny how Ulquiorra had been the same damn way to start with--refused Grimmjow and then had given in. Only he'd turned into a real fucking pussy at the end.

"How far down they go?" Grimmjow asked and he didn't even bother trying to keep his grin from widening. "You sure your damn pants ain't hiding anything?"

"All the way down," Renji said with a grin, opening one for himself. "But I ain't takin' my pants off for you. You'll just have to imagine~"

His stripes were probably his only weakness. He was proud of them, and even if he was sure Grimmjow was only claiming they were fake as an excuse to touch them, he couldn't pass up the opportunity to prove that they were real and to show them off in the process.

Grimmjow all but snarled. It pissed him off when there was someone who thought he couldn't do something. And when it was a challenge that people thought he couldn't win. He fucking hated being looked down on and underestimated. Grimmjow would get Renji to show him all those fucking tattoos and he wasn't going to do it by force.

"Bet those are the fake ones," Grimmjow said with a shrug and took a drink. "So damn sensitive the lower you go that you fuckin' chickened out and used a marker to fill in the blanks. Cowardly little asshole. Bet your hair ain't even naturally red."

Renji's grin widened. It didn't take a genius to figure out what Grimmjow was trying to do, and he wasn't having any of it. He'd prove that nothing about him was fake, but he wasn't going to agree to do it by Grimmjow's terms.

"You really think I'd bother drawin' 'em on down there?" he asked, taking a drink as well. Then he snorted. "I got better things to do than paint all this hair red. You tryin' to tell me yours ain't naturally blue?"

Grimmjow didn't have any damn problem proving that the blue was his natural damn color. Whatever the fuck it had been before experiments, he didn't remember. And he didn't give a shit. Because now it was blue and was always going to be blue. Whatever proof Renji needed he could have.

"I bet you do fuckin' touch-ups and shit." Grimmjow leaned back with his elbows on the counter, slouching. "Everything's in the same spot so you use dye and new marker once a month. Pretty easy to fake something when you hide it all the damn time."

"You the master of fakin' shit, then?" Renji wanted to know, leaning forward over the counter to lift an eyebrow at him. "For someone who claims to be all real, you sure know a hell of a lot that suggests otherwise."

However much he knew Grimmjow was just poking, though, he couldn't help but be a little ruffled. Just the implication that he could fake something as important to him as his tattoos was enough to set him off.

"Fuck you," Grimmjow retorted. "Everything on me's fucking real. If you wanna see then you can fucking take a look. I ain't a shy pussy the way you are. Don't need to color my own tattoos and I don't need to color my hair. I came outta my fucking whore mother looking as perfect as I do right now."

He knew Renji wouldn't say he wanted to see a damn thing on Grimmjow. The dumbass was so fucking sure he only liked women that it was funny. To Grimmjow it was like the redhead was trying too fucking hard to prove that he was interested in only women. Made the challenge all the more fun.

Renji's grin was becoming a little strained. A joke here or there was fine, but Grimmjow's constant accusations were getting on his nerves.

"Fuck you," he growled back. "Just 'cause I don't wanna strip naked for a gay guy don't make me shy. I would never fake my stripes or my hair, and it ain't my fucking problem if you don't believe me. Least mine don't look fake."

Grimmjow snorted with laughter. Seeing Renji pissed only made him want the asshole more. Gay? Wasn't a fucking gay bone in his damn body. Someone's sex didn't matter to him. That shit wasn't all that important. What mattered was strength. Male or female, whoever was strong, Grimmjow would want to try them out. He liked strength. That was what was attractive. And whether or not it came with breasts or other things mattered little to Grimmjow. It wasn't his damn fault that the last two times he'd seen strength he had liked had been within men.

"Don't look fake, huh?" he finally responded and took a slow drink of his beer. That shit really hit the spot. "Then take off your fucking shirt already and show me. Or you gonna run back home with your red tail between your legs?"

Renji gave him a final glare before setting his beer down and peeling his shirt off and throwing it at Grimmjow's head with a scowl. "Fuckin' happy now?"

It wasn't like this was an unexpected twist or anything, so he didn't really care, and he wanted Grimmjow to shut the fuck up already. His stripes wound all the way down his arms, back, and front, but he was leaving what the stupid cat couldn't see up to his imagination.

Grimmjow caught the shirt with one hand before it fell and then tossed it onto the counter. Renji was such a fucking baby. It was like throwing rocks at a monkey and then watching it throw a fit inside its cage because it couldn't get back at you and tear your face apart.

"Not happy yet." Grimmjow's grin never faded and he put down his beer, too. "Still gotta touch 'em, don't I? Seeing isn't fucking believin'." He held up one hand and winked. "Unless you wanna wait for me to get my claws out and so I can use those instead."

Renji rolled his eyes. "No fucking thanks. And you ain't allowed to touch anywhere else, and you ain't allowed to fucking rub. Got it?"

The hell he wasn't. What the hell was Renji going to do? Try and fight him again? Grimmjow was healing damn nicely. He could beat the shit out of Renji just as easily as he had the first time. Right now, though, he didn't feel like the kind of fighting that ended with broken bones and bloody floors. Felt like doing something else.

Grimmjow let his bright eyes wander over Renji's chest before moving. The tattoos really were pretty damn interesting to see. He knew they were real and he wondered at what the fuck had possessed Renji to make himself look like a tiger. The big kitty couldn't help but be curious and want to run more than just his hands over those markings.

First things were first. Grimmjow pushed away from the counter, pressed a hand flat to Renji's chest, and shoved him back against the nearest wall. The grin on his face sure as hell wasn't just an amused one anymore. "Might wanna lean back for a while," he suggested. "Wouldn't want your legs givin' out. I'm not gonna catch ya if you fall."

Caught off-guard, Renji stumbled back against the wall hard, then glared at Grimmjow for shoving him. Fucker. Renji knew he'd try and turn this into something sexual, and it wasn't, and he wasn't going to let him.

"I'm not goin' anywhere," he retorted, shifting to restore his balance. Being so close to the man when they weren't fighting was making him uncomfortable, especially knowing that the idiot was checking him out. "Hurry the fuck up already."

The redhead was such a fucking pain in the ass. Grimmjow didn't want to just feel Renji up against the wall in his kitchen. He wanted to shove the asshole onto his bed and follow the tattoos with his tongue and dig his fingers into those muscles. Ulquiorra had been a fragile, tiny little thing that Grimmjow had been afraid might break. But Renji was more like him: muscle, strength, and a stubborn asshole.

Grimmjow followed the dark pattern across the left side of Renji's chest with his fingers, pressing hard enough so his nails scratched over the black. He only had one tattoo of his own and the thing had been given to him not only against his will, but when he hadn't even fucking been conscious. That was enough for him. "Why so many? Tryin' to be a fucking tiger, Renji?"

Renji tried very hard not to twitch at the biting sensation of nails on his skin. Grimmjow looked good, but he wasn't attracted to guys like that. But he'd prefer that he didn't touch him, because sensations were sensations no matter what gender was causing them.

"I add more every time I finish doin' somethin' I was working on," he explained somewhat irritably. "They're not supposed to look like anything."

Guess that made sense. Meant the tattoos had a reason and a purpose. Whenever Grimmjow completed something, he celebrated by drinking or killing some asshole for the hell of it. Renji went and left permanent markings on his body so he could still see them later. They weren't unattractive either. Fucker even had them on his face and neck.

"Yeah? What'd you last finish?" And he was genuinely curious as to what was deemed important enough to earn a marking on Renji's body.

Though he was far more curious about touching them and the skin they rested on. Grimmjow could have easily moved his hand by picking it up but he chose to run his palm smoothly down Renji's chest to the tattoos along his abdomen. His fingers followed the curves of muscle and his bright eyes never left Renji's face; he knew the asshole redhead wasn't an idiot. Same as Grimmjow wasn't.

Renji glared when his stomach twitched of its own accord. Cheating bastard. "I said only the tattoos," he reminded Grimmjow. "Watch it."

He glanced down at the ones on his shoulders, since they were the ones he could see the easiest, and shrugged. "It's been a while. I mastered usin' two knives at once."

At the little warning, Grimmjow's predatory grin reached his eyes. The redheaded shit could tell him to stop all he wanted but he wasn't even making a move to get Grimmjow to listen to him.

"Think usin' two knives at once is enough to beat me yet? Or you gonna try and come up with something else?" His tone was a little challenging; he'd love to see the asshole try and come at him again.

His fingers followed the jagged path of the tattoos he'd run his hand down Renji's chest for. Then they stopped right at the hem of the pants he'd refused to take off. It the fucker didn't want to take them off to show Grimmjow all of his collection, then he'd touch more than the tattoos to make up for the loss. Grimmjow ran his nails across Renji's stomach to the tattoos on the opposite side, pressing hard enough so it left behind white lines, but not hard enough for them to be red.

Glaring more, Renji grabbed Grimmjow's wrist and directed his hand back up again. He didn't like feeling those fingers so close to the waistline of his pants.

"I think it will be eventually, yeah." He smirked. "Maybe not yet, but soon. Then I'll get another stripe as soon as I beat you."

So beating Grimmjow was a goal of Renji's now? Grimmjow liked the sound of that. It meant Renji had to actually think about him in one way or another. And Renji was already some sort of goal of Grimmjow's. Perfect match made in fucking heaven.

Grimmjow had his other hand pressed to the wall to not only keep himself up, but give Renji one less escape path. And a few seconds after Renji moved Grimmjow's hand up, he had dropped it back down again, leaning in a little closer. "Only way to beat me is to kill me, Renji," he purred. "Thought you didn't want me dead. Or is it you just wanna take me out yourself?"

"Don't have to kill you to beat you," Renji murmured, dragging Grimmjow's hand back up again with a warning glare. "But I will if you don't fucking watch yourself. And back up. You don't need to be this fucking close."

He put a hand on Grimmjow's chest and shoved him backward, well aware of how close they were and how close he'd rather they be. The cat was pushing it.

Cats were stubborn assholes who fought to get what the fuck they wanted. And Grimmjow wasn't going to let the dumb prick push him away for good that easily. He moved close again and this time put a hand on the wall on either side of Renji's head, smirking at him and not giving a shit if Renji didn't like their close proximity.

"How you think you can beat me?" he all but growled. "You'd have to fucking shoot me and that'd be cheatin'. Never took you for a cheater, asshole. Thought you had a hell of a lot more pride than that. Or you just wanna shoot me because you're afraid of me? 'Fraid you might like me a little too much?"

"I already said I wouldn't fucking shoot you," Renji scowled. "You use a fuckin' sword. I can fight that with knives. Or maybe I'll pick up swordplay, can't be that fuckin' hard if you do it."

Grimmjow was making him pretty fucking uncomfortable now. Renji knew he was probably stronger than him while he was still injured, but Grimmjow wasn't fucking acting injured, and it was throwing him off. He set his hand against his chest and pushed.

"Back off, Grimmjow. I said no."

Grimmjow grabbed Renji's wrist but didn't pull his hand away from his chest. Didn't budge, either. He wasn't injured enough for there to be a lot of pain anymore. He was still a little sore around the wounds that had been the most damaged but the pain wasn't even close to unbearable.

"I know what you said." Grimmjow wasn't bothered at all; he'd known Renji would be a pain in the ass. "And you knew what I'd fuckin' try. So why the hell did you bother coming over in the first place? Ain't gonna believe it was all so you could show off those tattoos. You knew I was bullshittin' ya."

"Maybe," Renji growled, tugging at his hand, "it was because you're not that bad when you're stuck in bed with your kitten. Let me fucking go, Grimmjow. You wanted to see and now you saw. I didn't come over here for anything else."

He shoved harder at Grimmjow's chest, hoping to hit a weak spot, and then tried tugging his hand back again. So maybe he found the idiot vaguely attractive, so what, that didn't mean he wanted to do something with him. And he liked his personal space. And Grimmjow was invading it. Showing off was fine, but his stripes were an eyes-only show.

The harder shove made his healing ribs protest, but he masked the pain well. Grimmjow was a cat through and through. He didn't give a shit about anyone's personal space and whether or not they liked him invading it. If he wanted to get into someone's tiny bubble then he'd fucking pop it with a bomb.

"You scared of me now that I ain't so immobile anymore?" Grimmjow dragged his nails down the center of Renji's chest hard enough to leave marks this time and when he got to his pants, he slipped the tips of his fingers down enough to grab onto the hem and use it to yank Renji's hips away from the wall and closer to him. "You like bein' able to feel like you're stronger than me?"

Renji sucked in a breath at the sudden pain, but it was the kind he liked, he just didn't like who was making it. He pushed down on Grimmjow's hands, trying to get him to let go, and leaned his hips back against the wall again.

"Fuck off," he scowled. He shoved at Grimmjow's chest again, harder, as a warning. "Don't make me fucking punch you."

If Renji managed to break one of Grimmjow's ribs again then he'd fucking kill him. Maybe he'd tell Rukia on him, too. Grimmjow's eyes narrowed at the pressure to his chest; he didn't like being pushed away. It pissed him off. And if Renji were any kind of smart he'd know that it wouldn't fucking matter anyway. And if he were smart he wouldn't have let himself get pinned to the wall in the first place like Grimmjow had planned for from the beginning.

"So fuckin' punch me." In one fluid movement he pressed their bodies together, grabbing Renji's hip hard enough to leave bruises, and kissed him with the sort of roughness he lived by. Considering he'd been fucking shot for kissing Ulquiorra, a punch would be a damn blessing anyway.

Renji was too surprised to do anything for a moment. He made a startled grunt when Grimmjow suddenly grabbed him hard enough to hurt. His body was way too big and way too hard compared to what he was used to, but it was the sudden kiss that snapped him back into action.

He grabbed at Grimmjow's shoulders and shoved again, this time throwing his entire body into it. He was too close to punch, but he fully intended to once he had the bastard on the ground. And then he'd kick him too, just for good measure. And maybe break his ribs again.

What the fuck did Renji think shoving Grimmjow away would do? Make him stop? It was enough to make him stumble back a couple feet just from the force of it. But it made him laugh, too, because he'd expected to be hurt for what he'd done. At least he still hadn't been shot again. That shit had been unnecessary.

Since Renji didn't have a shirt on for Grimmjow to grab, he went to the next choice. Ducking to avoid any swings, he darted forward and grabbed onto the hem of Renji's pants, using that to force him farther away from the wall. At the same time he kicked a foot out so he could bring Renji down to the floor.

And Renji had swung, and the weight of it coupled with Grimmjow's sudden sneak attack on his foot threw him off-balance and sent him reeling. He flailed for a second and latched onto the nearest thing to him, which happened to be Grimmjow, before losing his footing completely and falling to the floor.

He landed hard on his elbow, which fucking hurt and the floor was fucking cold, so he immediately kicked out at Grimmjow to trip him as well. Fucking sneaky bastard with his sneak fucking attacks. He was going to leave him more bruised than before by the time this was over.

Grimmjow had planned to gladly join Renji on the floor all on his own and he'd been getting there when he felt his legs kicked out from under him. The force of hitting the floor hurt a little more than Grimmjow would have liked and his ribs suddenly became a little more sore than they'd been to begin with. It wasn't nearly enough to bother Grimmjow that badly. He had fully been expecting Renji to fight tooth and nail for a little while anyway. Getting punched and bruised by the stubborn asshole had been on the agenda the moment he'd arrived.

He wasted no time and quickly moved to get Renji flat onto his back on the floor so he could get on top of him and pin the asshole down. Renji was going to be stronger than Ulquiorra--there was no doubt in his mind--which would make this a hell of a lot more fun. Anything that was a challenge he fucking loved to try.

Renji wasn't about to go down without a fight, and he didn't care what kind it was. Grimmjow's intentions were made obvious enough by the way he was moving, and Renji wasn't about to be pinned like some fucking mouse.

He kicked at Grimmjow's middle, hoping to catch him in either the stomach or the ribs, and quickly rolled onto his knees and elbows so that he could reach for the knife perpetually strapped to his ankle. He didn't plan to actually use it on the stupid fucking catman, but he was aware of the situation he was in and of his own limitations against Grimmjow's almost supernatural speed and strength. Recovering or not, Renji wasn't going to take any chances this time. Grimmjow was quick and conniving and ruthless and a total bastard; he knew it'd be over if he managed to pin him for even a minute.

Shit. Grimmjow knew the fucker had probably kicked him there on purpose knowing he'd be sore. The kick wasn't hard enough to crack his ribs all over again but it was enough to hurt. Chances were he'd be hurting like a mother fucker tomorrow again, especially with the stress he was putting on his leg that had healed. But a little pain had never stopped him before anyway.

It did delay him a few seconds and when he noticed Renji reaching down for something, it dawned on him that the redheaded shit probably had some sort of concealed weapon. Christ, he hoped it wasn't a gun. Grimmjow hated those fucking things. He used them on jobs he was paid for but other than that he couldn't stand them. They made killing boring.

Grimmjow reacted as quickly as he could and kicked the arm Renji was resting his weight on as he reached down. He kicked it so that Renji would have a better chance of falling onto his side or back rather than right onto his face. Grimmjow didn't want to hurt the dumbshit. He wanted to do plenty of other things to that body of his. Things that didn't include damaging him.

Renji's arm buckled and he his shoulder hit the floor painfully. Fuck. He was going to have a bunch of bruises tomorrow, and he wasn't very happy about it. And he hadn't managed to free his knife. Growling obscenities, he quickly pushed himself back up and tried again. Either Grimmjow healed abnormally fast or he had an incredibly high threshold for pain, because it was obvious that he was moving as quick as he had before already, and Renji knew he wouldn't be able to overpower him alone.

What the fuck was the asshole trying to pull? Grimmjow knew he fought with knives, but a gun made more sense around this shithole if you knew what was good for you. Even Grimmjow carried a piece on him when he went out. But he really wasn't in the mood to get shot again.

The initial shock of pain from the kick had completely worn off, so he literally pounced Renji. Threw all of his weight into it to take him down the floor again and get him onto his damn back. It was a damn good fucking thing he'd decided to do this after he'd mostly finished healing. Otherwise he'd have landed himself in a fucking hospital.

"You shit," Renji grunted. The fucker was heavy, and he was having trouble throwing him off. He let Grimmjow roll him onto his back only so that he could work a knee between them and shove at his stomach with it, trying to toss him.

Grimmjow grunted at the force of the knee pressing into his stomach, which put pressure on his ribs. Jesus fucking Christ. He grabbed Renji's knee and dug his fingers in hard behind it to try and force him to relax that damn leg so he could trap it on the floor beneath him. His other hand was pressed firmly to the floor to keep his weight up so he wouldn't crush the asshole completely.

A pained grunt slipped from Renji's throat before he could stop it, and the muscles in his leg relaxed on their own, trying to relieve the pressure. So he grabbed Grimmjow's shoulders instead, pushing against them to keep him from getting any closer than he already was. This wasn't fucking cool. It if was a real fight, fine, then it actually might be kind of fun, but fighting to keep some idiot catman from molesting him wasn't the same thing at all. Grimmjow was strong. He wasn't used to wrestling.

Fucking finally. Grimmjow kept Renji's legs pinned between his own and he set his other hand on the opposite side of the idiot's head on the floor so that he was leaning over him. Because of the damn wrestling and since he was still a bit sore, Grimmjow was a little breathless now that they were finally still. His hair had gotten messy and hung down into his eyes that were gleaming with so much fucking joy and excitement it was like he was a kid at Christmas.

"You're an asshole," he panted, not bothering with the hands at his shoulders just yet. "You got a fuckin' weapon on ya?"

"Of course I have a fucking weapon," Renji scowled. He was panting as well, and finding it impossible not to notice the look in Grimmjow's eyes. This wasn't fucking fair. Fighting always got him excited as well, and there the gender never mattered. As soon as Grimmjow let him up he was going to clobber him.

Grimmjow liked the way Renji looked beneath him. Panting, shirtless, and sexy as hell. Did the fucker even know how he looked? Ulquiorra might have been pretty but Renji was an entirely different thing altogether. And he wanted Renji enough that his entire body was thrumming with the fucking idea of the stubborn asshole being his.

Grimmjow roughly shoved off the hands on his shoulders and closed the distance between them quickly. He claimed Renji's mouth again, the kiss hard and possessive. The day he'd fought the fucker he'd decided he'd liked him. And after the club he'd decided that Renji was his. You just didn't deny a cat what he wanted. He'd kill whatever was in his way, or get killed by it.

Renji immediately set his hands against Grimmjow's shoulder again and pushed, but it was hard to find any leverage like this, and the bastard was distracting him pretty well. He'd be a good kisser if he was a little softer.

If this was any other time and they were in a better position Renji knew he'd just toss Grimmjow off, but as it was the idiot was too heavy, and the adrenaline from their scuffle was still pounding through him. It actually wasn't that bad, and that's what threw Renji more than anything. So he did the last thing he could think of, and bit.

Grimmjow pulled back at the sting so that Renji wouldn't bite even harder and make him need some more fucking stitches. The fucker was like a little girl trying to fight off a wolf. And hell, the dumbshit even had the long hair to go along with that role. Only, Grimmjow was a hell of a lot more dangerous than some old wolf. And the look he had probably made that pretty clear.

But if Renji wanted to bite, then Grimmjow could fucking bite. And he could bite a hell of a lot better than that. There were some nice tattoos on Renji's neck that he hadn't gotten to look at or touch yet. When he leaned down this time it wasn't for a kiss. He pressed his mouth to one side of Renji's neck at once of the tattoos to follow it with his teeth and tongue, leaving bites not hard enough to break the skin but to at least leave marks. And after shifting all of his weight to one hand he used his other to drag his nails down Renji's side, curving over muscles that he wanted to sink his teeth into.

The sudden onslaught of pain and pleasure, made Renji groan; in his opinion, that was the best kind. He knew his own stripes well enough to recognize that Grimmjow was tracing them, and that had always been a big turn-on. Fucking bastard wasn't playing fair at all.

He dug his fingers into Grimmjow's shoulders and tried using the way those nails made him squirm to find some leverage between them again. He wanted this bastard off before he did something he would really regret later.

Grimmjow had had heightened hearing for as long as he could remember due to experimentation and he could have been a mile away and still heard that groan as if he weren't so far after all. Fucking prick thought he didn't like men at all, wasn't that what he'd said? Said Grimmjow would never get him to change his mind.

Grimmjow liked pain, too, so those fingers digging into his skin didn't phase him in the slightest. To keep Renji's wriggling to a minimum so he wouldn't get away again, Grimmjow's hand slipped to his hip and used his strength to pin it to the floor. Renji wasn't fucking going anywhere unless he'd rather move to the couch or bed. Grimmjow could be a little more flexible when it came to that. He bit just a little harder at the skin, wanting to leave a mark that would still be there the next day. Then, with a smirk, he moved his lips just a high enough beneath Renji's jaw to suck hard enough at the skin so the bruise left there wouldn't be hidden by a tattoo.

Renji cursed. He knew exactly what Grimmjow was doing, and as much as he hated that it was Grimmjow doing it, it was becoming more of a struggle now to make him stop.

"You sneaky shit," he rasped, squeezing his shoulders and shoving again, but in more of a weak protest this time than a real one. "You've proven your fucking point, now get the fuck off."

Now what was that? Had Renji just admitted that Grimmjow had been right? That Renji could like men if he tried it? And Grimmjow hadn't even finished yet. The fucker thought he was done and that was pretty fucking funny.

Grimmjow moved just enough to speak into Renji's ear, smirk never fading away. "Haven't seen all your tattoos yet, you cowardly bastard. And you promised I'd get to touch every single one of 'em."

"I said none below the belt," Renji reminded him with a glare, shoving at his shoulders as a warning. "You already know they ain't fake, you fucker. And biting isn't fucking air. Women bite too."

He swiped at the hand pinning his hip down and struggled to get up again. Grimmjow couldn't possibly be thinking of taking this any further than he already had. He'd already managed to pin him down and prove his fucking point, and now Renji wanted nothing better than to get up and drink his beer and get the fuck back home again. Being held down like this by someone who could actually manage it was pumping the blood through his veins faster than he'd like to admit, and he had to keep reminding himself that this wasn't just Grimmjow's twisted version of a wrestling match. He didn't want to let himself let Grimmjow try anything else.

Like Grimmjow gave a fucking shit if women bit. Women also slapped and cried and screamed and threw things at you. Men punched and wrestled and fucking dominated everything instead of acting like pussies all the time. So what if men and women had one similarity? It didn't mean that women outshone men at all. And men knew how to bite better anyway. Knew how to fuck better, too. A hell of a lot better.

The batting at his hand and shoving at his shoulders didn't make him move much. It was really what Renji had said about the tattoos that did it. Grimmjow's hand released his hip and went straight for his belt instead, undoing it with a predatory grin. "So what you're sayin' is if this belt's lower'n the tattoos, I can see them," he clarified. "Meaning all I need to do is move it a little so the rest of those fucking tattoos won't be below it anymore."

"No," Renji snapped, both hands flying to his belt to stop Grimmjow's. He didn't want him to undo his pants, and he really didn't want him to get inside them. He doubted the bastard would believe that he was still excited from the fight and the friction and that was all.

"Back off, you son of a bitch," he growled, his struggles to get out from under him renewed at the prospect of what Grimmjow was going to do if he didn't. He wasn't about to let the bastard prove himself completely right. He wanted out.

Grimmjow lifted an eyebrow at the way Renji was responding. Something seemed a little different. He wasn't entirely sure about what it was yet, but something was there. And he was sure as hell going to find out what it was. Grimmjow wasn't going to stop unless Renji somehow managed to fucking kill him. Besides, with how Renji had responded no longer than a minute ago, Grimmjow knew Renji wasn't as fucking against this as he tried to come off as.

He grabbed Renji's hands and pinned his wrists to the floor above his head. Once done he switched both wrists to one hand so he could use his other to go back down to that belt.

The little bastard was more of a fight than Ulquiorra had been and that made it a hell of a lot more fun. Especially since it wasn't about to result in near-death for either of them. "I'm not fucking going anywhere. Neither are you, you stubborn piece of shit," he growled right back, his eyes narrowing behind messy blue hair.

Now this was just not right. Grimmjow had all the fucking leverage and Renji couldn't drag his arms free with the bastard's weight on them, but he could sure as hell try, and he did. He squirmed and pulled and rocked from side to side, trying to throw the stupid cat off, because lying like this, shirtless with his hands over his head and his fucking belt undone, was making him feel more vulnerable than he'd like to admit, and not in the wholly uncomfortable way.

"Get off!" he demanded, and tried kneeing the bastard in the back. He didn't fucking look injured anymore, and that was pissing Renji off. He'd planned to be able to overpower him because he was supposed to have broken ribs

Jesus fuck the bastard could wriggle. It was like catching a fish on a fucking hook and hoping you got it off before it fell back into the ocean. Renji was a fish that Grimmjow was going to keep in his own personal fucking tank; he wasn't getting back out there for someone else to catch. Fuck that.

Grimmjow's quick reflexes caught the leg going for him and he shoved it back down again. He trapped it more firmly between his legs and squeezed Renji's wrists enough to hopefully cause a bit of pain. If the fuck was still going to be a pain in the ass, then Grimmjow was just going to have to make him groan again. Or maybe he'd make him purr.

Moving his hand away from Renji's belt, he slid it slowly back up his bare side, keeping its grip solid so he could feel each one of Renji's muscles moving beneath it as he tried to get away. And then he leaned down and traced the pattern of tattoos across Renji's chest with his tongue. The redheaded assholes hadn't ever said he had to use his fingers, after all.

Grimmjow's actions were unexpected enough that Renji froze at the sudden hot wetness on his chest, the pain in his wrists forgotten. Oh that son of a bitch. He failed to restrain the urge to shiver that rolled through him and started twisting his hips around again with a scowl, trying to get free. He was willing to admit now that Grimmjow had been right before, but he didn't think it would do anything, and he didn't want to think about what the cat was planning. Some scratching, fine, some biting, some hickies, whatever, he could get used to that, but he wasn't ready to do what he was fairly sure Grimmjow wanted to do, and the anxiety helped fuel his resolve to get away even as it weakened at the things the bastard was doing to him.

If Grimmjow weren't so preoccupied he might have told Renji to beg him for forgiveness for being such a stupid asshole. Maybe get him to put the words on paper and sign his name. Just not right now. Because he'd felt the shiver that followed after the way Renji's entire body had stopped moving. Grimmjow had kept from pouncing the motherfucker for nearly two weeks since he'd been injured. They'd seen each other a hell of a lot, too. And Grimmjow had been plenty fucking considerate.

When he pulled away from Renji's chest it was so he could go back to his pants and finish undoing them completely. If the belt had to be lowered, so did the pants. They were in the way and that just wouldn't fucking do. Not if Grimmjow wanted to see exactly how far down those pretty tiger stripes of Renji's went.

"Grimmjow..." Renji growled in a warning. He'd exchanged his constant squirming now for a more concentrated, forceful wriggling of his hips, trying to squirm free of the confines of the bastard's legs.

He lifted his head so that he could see exactly what Grimmjow was doing. He didn't like this, mostly because he knew that he did. His body didn't betray him very often, mostly because he didn't bother denying anything it told him, but he'd been scoffing at Grimmjow's advances for a week now and he wasn't very eager to just give in to them. The bastard wouldn't let him live it down, he knew.

"You practicin' how you're gonna say my name?" Grimmjow asked with a feral grin. "Can be as loud as you want--I'll pay the neighbors to shut the fuck up about it."

Grimmjow loved this. He loved being right. He loved winning. Renji had been so damned determined not to give in to Grimmjow's advances that he'd only made it more fun for the cat all along. It had been a game to him. Renji had been the mouse and now he'd finally caught him and he was going to enjoy him. He tightened his legs around the ones captive between them and used his hand to tug Renji's pants and boxers down, sliding his nails over an increasing amount of bared skin as he did.

Renji thunked his head back against the floor and hissed when he felt those nails on his skin. Fucker. Fucker. He was going to kill Grimmjow when this was all over and done with.

Right now, though, he wasn't sure what to do. Grimmjow was rough and that was arousing, and he couldn't get the fucker off. He wondered if he'd eventually be distracted enough for him to shove him off in a bit. Otherwise he was running out of options.

Grimmjow's thought process was an entirely different one from Renji's. It involved thinking about: how much more he was going to enjoy having the redhead beneath him as he fucked him, whether or not he should bother trying to drag Renji somewhere more comfortable, and how much of a pain in the ass it was going to be to get Renji's fucking shoes off without releasing his legs.

Whatever the fuck excuse Renji tried to come up with next, there wasn't a damn thing he could say to make Grimmjow believe he wasn't enjoying it. There were certain parts of a man's body that just didn't lie and now that he'd gotten those pants down far enough, Grimmjow had plenty of proof that he'd been right all along. Stupid fucker.

There were some extra tattoos to touch, just as Grimmjow had known there would be. The ones down his abdomen had disappeared down into Renji's pants for a reason. There were even some at the tops of the redhead's thighs. Grimmjow followed one of the descending lines with his finger and rubbed over it because Renji had specifically said no rubbing. "Still gonna try and punch me, asshole?"

"I fucking should," Renji muttered, lifting his head long enough to glare. He didn't care what Grimmjow was doing to his tattoos anymore; they were way beyond that now.

He flexed his hands, his wrists sensitive where Grimmjow had been holding them down. This was fucking uncomfortable, and completely pointless now that the fucker had gotten what he wanted. "Are you gonna let me up now?"

"Let you up?" Grimmjow laughed hard enough for it to make his sore ribs protest. "You're already up, Renji. Been up for a while. But how 'bout I help ya lay back down?"

Grimmjow released Renji's hands when he felt them flexing; he didn't want the dumbshit to be uncomfortable. Not when Grimmjow was finally going to get to play with him. And to prove that he had no intentions of letting Renji get away yet the hand he'd been rubbing over the newly exposed tattoos moved inward to rub over something far more sensitive than inked skin. He fucking loved playing with someone's else's body and watching them react. They either tried to fight or accepted it, and if they fought it they gave in eventually.

Renji gritted his teeth to stifle the groan that bubbled up in his throat, his hips twitching. He glared at Grimmjow for the lame joke and brought his wrists down to rub, though he still felt distinctly uncomfortable lying prone on the floor and trapped as he was.

"Your fucking floor is hard and I think you bruised my fucking back," he complained, trying to get his mind off of what Grimmjow was doing. It was difficult. The stupid cat obviously knew what he was doing.

What a little pouter. It was real fucking funny seeing such a stubborn asshole sulking in defeat. It almost reminded Grimmjow of himself although he'd never fucking admit it. Since he refused to admit that he had ever been defeated in his life. "Yeah, whatever," Grimmjow replied with a grin. "Coulda used the bed if you hadn't been such an asshole."

For a brief moment he abandoned what he'd been doing to lean more completely over Renji again. Using only one hand he slid it beneath Renji's head, curled his fingers around the band in his hair, and yanked it out. Grimmjow wanted that stupidly long hair to be down so he could fucking grab it if he felt like it.

Renji winced when a couple strands caught and then glared at Grimmjow. "Hey, watch it!" he snapped, already irritable. "You could have fucking asked, you asshole."

He was tired of just lying there, so he shoved himself up into an awkward sitting position and scowled at Grimmjow through his hair. "Let me up now," he demanded sulkily. "And let me pull my fucking pants up."

Grimmjow's eyes widened in surprise; he hadn't expected the dumbshit to actually sit up and try and get away. The fucker wasn't going anywhere. The only direction those pants would be moving would be down. But now that Renji had pushed himself up, Grimmjow wasn't going to waste the position.

He slid his hand back into Renji's hair, twisting the long strands around his fingers, and pressed their mouths together for the third time that night. It was still possessive but not as hard as before, now that most of his adrenaline had slowed down. The stupid shit was his and he'd fucking be his in every damn way and he'd like it.

When Renji started shoving at his chest this time it was more out of annoyance than any real shock or disgust. He wasn't used to being manhandled like this, and Grimmjow's constant aggression was as irritating as it was arousing.

"Would you knock that shit off?" he scowled when he'd gotten a little distance between them. "Let me up."

Grimmjow growled a little at that. If Renji didn't want to behave, he could tie him the fuck to his bed. He dropped his hand from that head of red hair and then dragged his nails all the way down Renji's back from what he could reach and when he'd gone as far as he could, he dug his nails in hard. The look in his eyes said he wasn't fucking around and he wasn't going to knock it off.

And so his only response was: "No."

Renji gasped in surprise and arched, his back on fire in the wake of Grimmjow's nails. Fuck that hurt, but it also felt good, and right now the mixture pissed him off.

"I am not fucking you on your fucking floor," he snapped, frustrated. He didn't really plan to fuck Grimmjow at all, if he could help it, but he got the feeling the stubborn shit was going to coerce him into it one way or another.

Grimmjow hadn't expected that response. Wherever they did it didn't concern him all that much. It wasn't that big of a deal. But if Renji didn't want to do it there, then that was fine, too. Although if Renji thought he could make a run for it he'd have another thing coming. Grimmjow was healed enough to chase him down before he got outside of his apartment.

With a smirk, Grimmjow removed his hand from Renji's back and relaxed his legs so that the dumbass redhead could free himself. He didn't move from where he was crouching, though. If Renji wanted free he'd have to deal with being so close to Grimmjow while he did it.

Renji scooted himself back and out from under Grimmjow's legs with a scowl, recognizing the power game for what it was, then pushed himself up to his feet and yanked his pants up around his hips again. Stupid fuck. He was a little bruised and sweaty and winded, and he didn't like that Grimmjow was the cause of all of it. Maybe now he could calm down again, in more ways than one. He cursed his libido as he stomped over to the counter and snatched his beer off of it again.

For a moment Grimmjow watched what Renji did, like a cat watching his prey. Watched as Renji stood and yanked his pants up. Watched him grab his beer. Watched the way that long hair fell down that well-muscled back and hid parts of the other tattoos Grimmjow hadn't touched yet. It made him ache to shove Renji over the counter and fuck him right there.

When he finally did stand, he fluidly moved behind him and reached around with one hand to rake his nails down Renji's stomach and then bury that hand into his pants. His other moved up the redhead's throat so that he could grab his face. Grimmjow buried his nose in that long mane of hair, his heightened sense of smell easily picking up on the scent that he'd been pissed about not getting more of for fucking ever.

"Don't fuckin' make me wrestle you again," he warned in a growl.

Renji jumped, his beer sloshing little as he thunked it back down on the counter again and his spine straightening as he felt Grimmjow press suddenly up against his back. He was very aware of the hand down his pants, and of his own automatic reaction to it. It made him scowl in embarrassment, and he had to resist the urge to elbow Grimmjow in the gut, hard.

"I ain't wrestling you again," he said irritably, trying very hard not to think about the position he was in. "This how you seduce all your fuckin' boyfriends? Grab 'em from behind?"

"Nah." Grimmjow didn't even bother doing that seducing shit. When he saw what he wanted, he took it. It was as simple as that. "Last one left me for dead. So I hunted him down and fucking left him for dead. Guess he didn't like bein' left behind so he decided to stick around." Both hands tightened possessively. "But I ain't leaving you."

Grimmjow didn't care how irritated and pissed off Renji was about the situation. It was his own damn fault for not believing the things Grimmjow had said. The dumbshit had really thought he could beat someone who couldn't fucking be beaten.

Renji stiffened a little. "That's just fuckin' wonderful," he muttered, wrapped his hands around Grimmjow's wrist and carefully dragging it out of his pants before he could use that grip against him. "But I'm not gonna be your fucking boyfriend, so you can get that shit out of your head right now. Are you sniffing me? What the fuck?"

"Don't need to sniff you," Grimmjow purred and slid his hand down along Renji's throat. Now that his other hand had been removed from Renji's pants he pressed it to the redhead's stomach instead in an attempt to make him push back more firmly against Grimmjow. "Could smell you when you got to this floor. I'd know your fuckin' scent anywhere."

"That's fuckin' creepy," Renji remarked, as was the way Grimmjow was acting right now. He wasn't some bitch cat there for the idiot to feel up and use however he wanted, no matter what Grimmjow had deluded himself into believing. So he set his hands against the counter and pushed back against Grimmjow, trying to get him to step back so that he could slip out from under his arms somehow. Now that he knew Grimmjow had it in him to rile him up, and knew that he would do it by force if he had to, he'd rather avoid the situation entirely.

When Grimmjow felt Renji pushing back against him, he knew he was trying to get away. So he moved away but only so he could shove Renji back against the cold metal of the fridge, knowing it wouldn't feel all that great against bare skin. And he held him there with his hands on the redhead's shoulders. "Can't help the way I am," he sneered at him. "Can't I help that I can smell better than most assholes in this fucking world. I can hear my stupid cat chasin' something on the other side of this damn apartment because I can hear better than most assholes and that ain't my fault. And nothing 'bout it's fucking creepy."

"I don't give a shit what you can fucking do," Renji retorted irritably, setting his hands against the fridge and trying to at least push himself back far enough to peel his bare skin away from that freezing metal. "It's creepy that you memorized all that shit about me, and you barely fuckin' know me. Don't tell me you were fuckin' stalkin' me before you got hurt."

"The hell I fucking was," Grimmjow muttered, getting irritated as well. It wasn't hard to remember the way someone smelled. People knew roses the instant they smelled them. And people knew what chocolate smelled like. It wasn't any fucking different.

Grimmjow contemplated pressing himself to Renji and decided he'd finished wasting time. And he didn't feel like wrestling again either. With a little growl he grabbed Renji by the arm, yanked him away from the fridge, and began pulling him out of the kitchen. Asshole could drink his beer later.

Renji stumbled a little at first. Grimmjow had gone through so many efforts to stay close to him lately that he was surprised when he suddenly back away and yanked him along with him. It didn't take a genius to figure out where they were going, either, and he immediately began setting his heels in the floor and trying to stop.

"Hey, hang on!" he said with a glare, trying to pry Grimmjow's fingers from his arm. It felt like the bastard was dragging him back there as some simple bitch to mount, and that didn't sit right with him. He wasn't property, and he sure as hell wasn't about to start answering to Grimmjow just because he was stronger.

Grimmjow stopped and glared over his shoulder at the redheaded idiot. The more he tried to pry Grimmjow's fingers off, the tighter he held on. Renji had said he didn't want to do anything on the floor so he was trying to do what the fucker had wanted. Grimmjow's patience level was practically non-existent and now Renji was making him wait again.

"What?" he growled slowly. "You gotta go to the bathroom and make yourself pretty for me?" Grimmjow fucking hated waiting. He liked getting what he wanted right then and there with no damn intermission.

"I'm not fucking yours," Renji growled back, stopping to return Grimmjow's glare. "Let go."

It would be so damn easy for Grimmjow to break Renji's arm one-handed and he gave it a little twist to remind him of that. Then, using the same hold, he yanked Renji up against him. "I ain't lettin' go," he snapped. "Gotta fucking kill me if you wanna get away."

"Just what the fuck are you trying to do?" Renji demanded. "Have me? I ain't some fuckin' toy." He started yanking back on his arm again. "You got to me once 'cause you fuckin' bit me, don't mean I'm gonna let you drag me to your room and fucking surrender to you or some shit just because of that."

Grimmjow didn't want to hurt Renji, but he was making it so fucking hard. He hated being told what to do and what he couldn't have. What he didn't mind was if Renji fought him because he was being a stubborn asshole. But he wasn't going to fucking force himself on the shithead. And he didn't like the words that Renji was saying. They pissed him the fuck off.

With an impatient little snarl he flung Renji against the wall and pinned him there immediately after. "What? Want me to fucking bite you again?" he was getting more than irritated. "What the fuck do you want from me, you dumbshit?"

Renji scowled at him. "I want you to stop throwin' me around like a fuckin' rag doll," he growled, his back stinging again. "What the fuck are you even tryin' to do, prove somethin' to me? I already gave in, what the fuck else do you want from me."

What else did he want? Grimmjow thought that was pretty fucking obvious. So he just stared him for a few seconds that seemed like hours. Renji was either a fucking dumbass, sulking, or still being stubborn. And Grimmjow didn't care which of those three it was. Growling some obscenity, he tugged Renji off the wall and headed for his bedroom again. If he had to fucking drag the redhead he would. Maybe even throw him over his shoulder and carry him like a bitch.

Renji made an irritated sound, but otherwise let himself be tugged along. This was fucking ridiculous. Grimmjow was the most stubborn ass he'd ever met, and he seemed to be stuck in some animalistic mentality of command and conquer to boot. He tugged up on his undone pants so they wouldn't fall off and glared daggers at the back of Grimmjow's stupid bright blue head.

"I already said no, dumbass. That ain't changin'."

Grimmjow ignored him. Renji had said no before. Said he only liked women and that it'd never change. It had taken some rough-housing but it sure as hell had changed. Which meant Renji was just being a fucking dumb stubborn shit about it and Grimmjow would be damned if he didn't get what he wanted.

Once in the bedroom he yanked Renji roughly inside, tossed him onto the large bed, and kicked the door shut. There wasn't anyone around the try and peek in, but having a closed door meant it would take Renji longer to escape. Grimmjow tugged his cell phone out of his pocket and tossed it onto his dresser, glaring at Renji the entire time.

Renji glared back. He blamed Grimmjow entirely for the weak threads of anticipation threatening to grow in his stomach. There was something undeniably arousing about the prospect of getting off with someone as big and powerful and rough as himself, someone who'd be just as aggressive as he was, which the bastard had already proven to be a huge damn turn on. But it was Grimmjow, and after swearing up and down for an entire fucking week that the dumb fuck could never get Renji to want him, he was loathe now to give in and admit defeat after one stupid fucking experience.

And he wasn't sure exactly how far he'd be willing to go even if he actually wanted to. Getting off on another guy, fine, he might admit to enjoying that every once in a while, but rolling over and letting one fuck you just for the hell of it was an entirely different story, and Grimmjow seemed very much the dominant type who'd do just that.

So he just glared. He knew it was useless to try making a run for it, and didn't want to anyway. He wasn't fucking scared of the bastard, just pissed off.

It wasn't that Grimmjow just wanted to fuck Renji for the hell of it. He wanted the fucking prick. Not just for one rough fuck. He wanted the pain in the ass to be his. And he wanted it bad. Grimmjow had liked Renji for a while and then when he'd refused to admit he might be interested in men, it had made the challenge even better.

And the picture Renji made was fucking hysterical. Just sitting there on the edge of the bed with his hands balled into fists on either side of him. What the fuck did he think he could do--glare Grimmjow to death? Smirking, Grimmjow stepped closer, reached out with a hand to Renji's chest, and shoved hard. If Grimmjow had to remind him that he'd just enjoyed what had been done to him, then he was fine with that. Seemed like Renji had a bit of a memory issue anyway.

So Grimmjow was going to make him remember.

abarai renji, grimmjow jeagerjaques

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