
Apr 22, 2008 15:23

WHO: Elle Bishop, Peter Petrelli.
WHAT: After a multitude of text messages, Peter finally gives in, and agrees to meet Elle.
WHERE: Broom closet by the genetics lab (AMC headquarters).
WHEN: Afternoon.

Pleased to meet you. )

peter petrelli, elle bishop

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scossaelettrica April 22 2008, 19:43:38 UTC
To say he was one of her favorite playthings was putting things lightly.

Daddy always said not to bother any of her superiors, but a soldier? And such a cute one at that?

Really, could he blame her for that?

Smirk set, she turned the corner and sauntered down the hallway.

"Hey you," she started, running a hand through his hair as if just tousling it and promptly shocking him.

"Been playing with mangoes again?"


sirsognatore April 22 2008, 19:57:03 UTC
There she was, wearing next to nothing as usual, and sauntering down the hall like she owned the place. In a way, she did. Elle could practically get away with anything. Her dad was high up after all, and no one messed with his baby girl. However, she was free to mess with everyone else.

Peter grimaced as she ran a hand through his short haircut, shocking him in the process - one of her favorite past times. He shook her off, but gently - wouldn't want to hurt the girl.

Then again, she might like that.


"Not now. Told you I was waiting for someone."


scossaelettrica April 22 2008, 20:59:51 UTC
"Ugh, you're so... dutiful," she sneered, making a face as if 'duty' was, in her eyes, 'totally unfun.'

"Anyway, you're still waiting for this... mysterious someone? Good excuse I guess if you're slacking on practice..."

Of course she'd suggest that. It would be what she'd be doing, after all. Actually waiting for someone would be such a waste of time, and Elle didn't have that sort of patience, let alone attention span.

When she heard someone rounding the corner, she grabbed hold of Peter's arm, opened the door to the closet, and shoved him inside, herself following.

Damn, it was dark in here.


sirsognatore April 22 2008, 21:45:51 UTC
Dutiful? Well, who else was supposed to do? What with Detective Bishop slacking off, and practically everyone else in the Antimafia Commission (Why else was there still crime and thugs on the street?). Besides, if Peter did not do a damn thing as a soldati, he'd never get promoted, and that's what he was counting on. No more doing the sloppy, dirty work for the higher ups. A cozy job like detective would suit him fine, and maybe he'll actually feel like he's doing something for this organization aside from the laundry.

"Slacking?" Peter frowned, totally serious all the time - at least when Elle was involved. She probably liked teasing smiles out of him any way. "There is someone. Got assigned to some unstable guy, and - "

In a flash, he was in complete darkness. He didn't think the girl had it in her to shove his whole body inside the cramped broom closet. She followed suit, up against him like this was her plan all along.

It probably was.

"Elle," he growled under his breath, more like a curse than actually calling for her.


scossaelettrica April 22 2008, 21:55:07 UTC
"Sure," she said, and that was that.

Either he was lying to save his ass, or he really was that boring (read: patient), so she'd assume the former and move on.

Made him look so much better.

"If he's unstable, you're probably wasting your time waiting for him," she told him cheekily.

Electricity bouncing off her fingertips, it did its part to illuminate the closet every now and then.

Sure was cramped in there.

"You like saying my name?" she asked, tone straining very hard to come across as innocent, practically purring half the sentence.


sirsognatore April 22 2008, 22:08:05 UTC
Jesus fuck, of course she'd hear him.

Peter backed up against the wall, trying to distance himself from little miss shocker. It wasn't an easy task what with there being a mop in his way, and a bucket filled with questionably hazardous liquid. He was already a mutant. He didn't need three arms to add to the freak show.

Then again it was either that or be at the receiving end of one of Elle's electric jolts.

He could heal any way.


"Maybe," he answered, playing it cool.


scossaelettrica April 23 2008, 00:17:34 UTC
As Peter stumbled backwards, Elle crossed her arms in front of her chest, smirking as she regarded him.

"So either you really are bored, waiting on this unstable guy, or you do. Because otherwise, you wouldn't have come here."

Because really? Broom closet invitation?

"Which is it?" she asked, stepping forward and leaning against him again.

Not like she'd want to play with someone boring after all.


sirsognatore April 23 2008, 00:42:01 UTC
She wasn't going to let him go. He could try making a run for it, but she'd probably break his legs in the process. Not like it'll deter Peter, but it still hurt like a bitch. Rapid cellular regeneration was not all it was cracked up to be.

Gotta give a fight - make her interested, and maybe, maybe she'll let him go sooner rather than later.

"Alright. I give in. I want to be here with you, but -" Peter replied, standing up a little straighter, and there she was again, right on him. Breasts heaving, and - this was so not comfortable. "You can either kiss me or shock me, so pick which one or I'm leaving."

Leaving? Most likely not, but it sounded good any way.


scossaelettrica April 23 2008, 04:15:29 UTC
That was just unfair.

"I have to pick?" she whined, pout already starting to show.

That was no fun at all. She didn't want to have to pick.

Oh well. She'd have her cake, and eat it, too.

Leaning up, she kissed him, first barely, hardly grazing his lips at all, letting him take the more insistent initiative, if he wanted.

Well, at least it'd look like she picked one.

Not like she could really help it, though.


sirsognatore April 23 2008, 04:23:46 UTC
"Yes," Peter replied tersely before she went right ahead, her lips near his, but she wasn't going for it. Possibly trying to drive him crazy or something like that. Elle was...he wasn't sure if she would be a tease or a slut. Hadn't actually seen her sleeping around - wasn't sure if he wanted to, but here he was in a broom closet with the detective and her ruby lips were inches from his.

God, just get this over with.

He wrapped one arm around the waist and the other hand tangled itself in her blond hair, pulling her in for that kiss she was so set on.


scossaelettrica April 23 2008, 07:22:07 UTC
Elle was the sort of girl who wouldn't hesitate, who would just take what she wanted and leave it at that.

Peter was almost making it too easy.

Kissing him back, she let her fingers run into his hair, oddly enough, behaving and not shocking him.

For now.


sirsognatore April 23 2008, 17:56:09 UTC
No electric shocks yet. This was refreshing. Just Elle's lips on his, and it wasn't as bad as he anticipated. Tasted a little fruity - maybe strawberries. Slipped his tongue into her pretty mouth, giving her what she'd probably like.

Hand on her waist, now on her lower back, and still the other in her hair. Soft, blond hair felt nice, and he didn't want to leave that one alone.


scossaelettrica April 24 2008, 06:21:21 UTC
Didn't last long.

Not like he should have expected it, really, Elle was far too much of a sadist to keep up with the fun when she could let herself have what she wanted.

It was teasing at first, tongue playing against his, but it only lasted for about ten seconds as she pressed up against him, just as her lips delivered a shock to his.

Not like she could help it.

Well, okay, so maybe that was a bit of a lie. But sparking was just... almost a trigger from something like this.


sirsognatore April 24 2008, 13:33:58 UTC

Immediately, Peter pulled away, grimacing from the shock. Oh, yeah. Elle just couldn't help herself, could she? And now his lips were tingling, burning from the electricity. He wasn't ever going to get this sensation away.


"Didn't I tell you to behave?"


scossaelettrica April 25 2008, 07:28:50 UTC
Oh, the reaction was just priceless. Eyes lighting up, she grinned.

"You know you like it," she said, running her hand through his hair one more time before another spark sailed off.

"Besides, didn't someone tell you who you were dealing with?"

She was the sociopath with paranoid delusions, remember?


sirsognatore April 26 2008, 18:39:36 UTC
Like it. Tch. Maybe a little, but - no. Didn't like it. Left a tingling sensation he couldn't shake off, and it was going to stick with him for hours now. Dammit Elle.

"I should have known." Honestly, how could he trust little miss firecracker here? Daddy's little girl running rampant through the halls of headquarters, doing whatever she damn well pleased. There was no reasoning with her. No keeping promises. At one point, Peter might have been interested in her for something more, but now? Too unstable. Couldn't hold her down. Fucking impossible.

"Are we done here, then?"


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