Closed {On-Going}

Jul 13, 2008 22:12

WHO: Alphonse Elric bloodseal_bond , Envy mercury_victim , Greed avariceshield
WHAT: Alphonse comes by to confront Envy.
WHERE: Devil's Nest.
WHEN: After this.

There was bound to be a mess. )

greed, alphonse, envy

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bloodseal_bond July 14 2008, 23:31:19 UTC
Alphonse had been relieved to find out that Edward was going to be busy. It did no good to have him asking a lot of questions about where Al was going. Or any for that matter. Al couldn't really lie to save his life.

He couldn't tell weather Edward had seen Envy's promise to kill if they didn't come, but he was sure if Ed had he not only would not let Al go, but would probably go in his place. Brother was always protecting him in one way or another, and Alphonse hoped that if he went, then maybe Envy wouldn't go after Ed too.

He stood out in front of the door, trying to get up the courage to go in. This was not the smartest thing he had ever done and might turn out to be the dumbest, but he couldn't let other people get hurt just for he and Ed. And there was no way he was going to let Ed walk into this. It was his turn.

Finally going in, he walked in, down the stairs and took notice of the man sitting there.

"I'm here to see Envy." He said both as calmly and as politely as he could.


avariceshield July 15 2008, 00:32:06 UTC
He quirked a brow at the boy's entrance. So, this was one of Envy's half brothers. Greed was expecting more, but he groaned and rolled his eyes as he stood up, cracking the knots from his back. He smiled down at the kid as he shark teeth were visible in it. He nodded his head and tilted his head back and to the side, shouting out.

"Brother, the Elric brat you invited is here." he called back to Envy, dusting off his pants before he turned his back to the young man. But he did glance back at Alphonse with that same smile again. "Careful kid, don't piss him off too much." he warned with a shake of his finger in the air.

With that, he left the young man, vanishing into the back rooms and in the darkness of the hallway.


mercury_victim July 15 2008, 00:52:50 UTC
Envy appeared silently from his room, lingering in the open doorway. He wore no special disguise-- only the one he'd worn since he'd forsaken his true face, this body all limber and lean, with dark wild hair and violet eyes that pierced with cruelty. He'd almost considered wearing the face he'd been born with, but thought better of it. This form was just as good.

The younger brother had a softer face than Envy remembered Hoenheim having, but the features were still there. This was Hoenheim's son, no doubt. Envy bristled at the thought, at seeing a face so much like his father's. Hate twisted like a knife in his gut. He bared his teeth and made a soft sound of irritation, prowling into the light.

"Alphonse Elric," he spoke the name disdainfully, approaching Alphonse until they were standing face-to-face, with a few bare inches separating them. "You really came alone, didn't you?" With a sneer, Envy prodded Alphonse lightly in the chest. "You're braver than I thought. Or stupider."


bloodseal_bond July 15 2008, 06:40:10 UTC
What the hell had he gotten himself into. He was beginning to agree with Envy. He had to be stupid to come here alone because the longer he was in the company of his supposed older brother, the more he felt like he was some kind of prey. And Alphonse didn't like the feeling in the slightest.

That and he seemed to have no real sense of personal space. Al tried not to flinch away simply because showing he was unnerved did not sound like a good idea in the slightest.

Envy looked nothing like him, or his father, or even like Edward. In fact, he looked like he was purposely trying to look more then just a little bit crazy. Or maybe he really was insane.

"What do you want with us Envy?" Alphonse asked, hoping that maybe this was not going to be quite as bad as he thought it would be. Al was still something of an optimist, and his tendency was to believe the best of someone. But at this point he was not only worried that this might turn out rather badly, he was very near sure of it.


mercury_victim July 15 2008, 14:33:20 UTC
"What do I want?" Envy spoke in a voice that was almost a purr, his eyes narrowed and dark as they watched Alphonse almost unblinkingly, memorizing that face. "What do you think I want, boy?" He paced around the younger Elric as he spoke. "My name is Envy. I want what I can't have-- but most of all, I want vengeance on that man we call Father."

His voice broke off into a sudden snarl on that last word, his teeth baring unintentionally. "Look at you, Alphonse," venom seeped into his voice as he spoke the boy's name, "Flesh and blood and so very fucking human. The least he could have done was turned you into a monster too, so you would stand a fucking chance when I hunted you down."

His mouth twisted into a cruel smile. "All he ever cared about was his books and his science. I will give him something to be afraid of, that fucking man-god. When I find him, I'll choke him on the fingers I cut off your pretty little hands."


bloodseal_bond July 16 2008, 22:46:01 UTC
Despite the fact that this had quickly gone from a possibly bad situation to a definitely bad one, Alphonse still had the presence of mind to wonder what Envy mean by a monster. Their father had been quite the scientist but Al couldn't remember half as much as Edward could, and there was no talking to Ed where their father was concerned if you wanted a discussion that was not filled with various thoughts on how their father was the scum of the earth.

He was getting less and less sure that he was in fact going to make it out of this the more Envy spoke. He knew that his reasons to come had been very good ones. but that didn't stop the fact that there was a person who was describing how he was going to hurt him.

"We haven't seen our father in years Envy, he left when we were kids." Al tried to reason to some degree. "Why are you after us anyway?"

On the off chance he did escape he knew he should find out as much as he could.


mercury_victim July 17 2008, 04:29:35 UTC
Envy leaned in close, so that there was a bare inch or two between their noses. His eyes were unexpectedly large from such a short distance, stunningly violet-- a shade of chemical purple that belonged to no real human being. He did not blink, only staring into his younger brother's face with a sort of cutting scrutiny, as if he were trying to gauge Alphonse's soul through the windows of his eyes. Envy tilted his head slightly, regal gaze narrowing just faintly.

"Father is like that," Envy responded at length, moving away again to prowl around the room before perching with impeccable balance on the armrest of a couch, one leg tucked up to his chest while the other hung down. "A fucking coward who only knows how to run away." He bared his teeth again, not seeming to realize how feral his expression had become. "He couldn't face what he'd done to his own fucking son, so he left me for dead and went to start a cute little fucking family somewhere else ( ... )


bloodseal_bond July 20 2008, 09:49:55 UTC
He could not remember ever feeling more uncomfortable around another person. He wasn't sure if it was the utter wrong that Envy seemed to carry, Or the lack of boundaries or...okay he was very sure that what Envy was saying had a lot to do with it, but Alphonse was both unnerved and in all honesty scared. The worst part of all of this was knowing that no one had any idea where he was. That one guy knew, but considering Envy's apparent trust in him it didn't seem likely that Al would get any help from that man if things went very badly ( ... )


mercury_victim July 23 2008, 03:17:17 UTC
There was a reason that Hoenheim Elric had attempted to burn down his laboratory and the forbidden creatures within it. Yes, there was a god-like power in bringing back the dead-- but they were never the same. Their faces, yes, even their voices. But no memories. And their minds were fragmented, twisted. Unstable. Inhuman. Like Envy-- a golden-haired child with a sunny smile, and now the farthest thing from what he once was ( ... )


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