Jul 12, 2008 11:58

WHO: Kisten Felps, Jean-Claude, and whoever shows up
WHAT: Kisten gets bored and throws a mini-party at Guilty Pleasures; also, HIRING AT GUILTY PLEASURES
WHERE: Guilty Pleasures restaurant area.
WHEN: Today, day 67.

First drink's on us! )

jean-claude, lulu, reno sinclair, tommy shepherd, elena, axel, kisten felps, zack fair

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suits_me July 13 2008, 04:20:34 UTC
Elena had been begging for him to take her for a ride on the bike for...well, for what felt like forever. It should've been more than enough for her that Reno had agreed to pick her up on it. But it seemed like when the two of them were without the more levelheaded influence of the other Turks, they always found ways of upping the ante.

That isn't to say that Elena hadn't had a couple of scares on their way over. More than once she'd almost slid her hands away from the redhead's eyes. But she didn't want to spend the rest of the evening hearing about how she'd backed down on her own idea. He'd totally call her on it if she did. So she put half her trust in herself, the other half in him. The end result? Safe and sound. Elena shouldn't have expected anything less really.

Elena paused outside the unfamiliar club just long enough to check out the sign. First drink's free? "Hey, I wonder if they serve-" She stopped herself before mentioning her favorite drink by name. Just in case he'd actually make her walk home. She let Reno drag her in instead, making for a convenient place to rest his arm. Though she did have to restrain herself from reaching down and tugging his pants up. Old habits die hard.

She was caught out of uniform for a change too, but still dressed in basic black and white and a bit on the tomboyish side. It was like working with guys all the time made her forget her true gender. And the title she wore suggested it even more. But seeing Lulu, so obviously a woman, always seemed to remind her. She cut off a sigh before smiling and offering a less double-edged greeting to her. "Hey Lulu."


spikeysoldier July 13 2008, 04:35:49 UTC
It had been a while since he had been out of his apartment after the run in with that... thing. His scars on his face were visible from a mile away, reaching from the side of his head and down to the end of his jawline. Ragged claw gashes they were. He wore a simple loose white shirt with his leather jacket over the top, his hands stuffed in his blue jean pockets. His blue eyes noted the sign of 'free drinks'. God when was the last time he ever drank? He couldn't even remember. Perhaps after his old man died? Who knew?

The man rubbed the back of his head and entered the building before catching a sight of who was inside. Suddenly, he felt like the minority. These people... he didn't see everyday. Then again, he was stuck at home these past few days. He needed to get out more, he thought as he readjusted his jacket on his shoulders. Zack took note of the occupants attire. Elena's shirt. Reno's boxers peeking over the edge of his jeans. Lulu's own attire... He suddenly wanted to turn and walk the other way, feeling uncomfortable. But he bit down his cowardly side and after a few moments, he stepped deeper inside, before he walked up to the red head, tapping him on the shoulder with two fingers.



quod_mutos July 13 2008, 04:48:38 UTC
Kisten smiled charmingly, his "oh, don't worry, I don't bite" grin at his three new customers.

"What can I get for you three to drink tonight?" He gestured to the sign in the window. "First drink's free, and we pay pretty well, too." He winked at Elena, specifically, and gestured to three of the comfortable barstools down the bar from Lulu a few seats.


stray_redbird July 13 2008, 05:06:04 UTC
Reno didn't seem particularly interested in a bar stool-- at Tifa's, he made it his habit to sit himself right on the counter, maybe to rebel and maybe because it suited his ass more-- but at length, slid into one. His posture was liquid and lazy, his head tilting towards Zack with a hint of curious amusement. So the good boy had decided to take him up on his challenge and show up after all.

"Scotch on the rocks," he answered Kisten with a side-long glance, his generous mouth curving into a sly smile as he nodded at Zack, "And a Porn Star for the cop down there." He slid his smile Elena's way, obviously sharing in some inside joke before patting down the pockets of his jeans for his cigarettes and a lighter. "It's just his kinda drink."


chasing_fury July 13 2008, 05:11:56 UTC
Lulu smirked as she watched Kisten deal his charming, mostly harmless smile to the three newcomers, and also at Reno and Elena's appearance. Making a mental note to send Reno a cactuar plushie next Redhead's Day.

"You came," she said, resisting the urge to follow up the greeting with any more innuendo that it was already dripping. The Turks looked like they'd had a little too much fun of one kind or another on the way over, but Lulu was just pleasd that they had followed through. She'd only gotten Reno's reply, what, minutes ago?

"Looks good on you, 'Lena. Does that mean I owe you a cut of anything I make tonight?" Not that Lulu would ever admit to being anything but self-employed. She was just trying to break the ice.

"Good to see you up and around, Zack," she said, hoping the sweetheart wasn't too uncomfortable around her. Her quasi-kimono wasn't quite as reveaking in front as it was behind, so she'd keep her face toward Zack and the Turks and let Kisten have her back.


suits_me July 13 2008, 05:27:05 UTC
Elena looked over at Zack, studying him long enough to notice two things: the first was the most obvious. Those scars must've hurt. The second thing, his uncertainty at being there, was only slightly less noticeable. She felt a touch of sympathy and quickly offered him a smile. "Hey Zack. How was the jello?" He probably didn't even want to think about hospital food. Elena likewise didn't want to think about what happened after she gave Zack Tseng's jerry chello cherry jello.

She turned her smile to their host while settling on the stool beside Reno. Truth be told, it was a treat for her to get out of her apartment and be with friends too. She laughed easily at Lulu's words. "You keep it." Elena nodded. "I know that sometimes a girl's gotta do the best she can just to get by in this city." She's sure her career path wasn't one most parents would choose for their daughter. But the last thing she was worried about was her family's approval. Biological family, anyway.

"I'll have-" Elena's words were cut off when Reno ordered that particular drink for Zack. She shot him a look of surprise that he'd even mentioned it. Especially when he'd warned her against ordering it. "It's actually a good drink." She offered, giving Reno another glance and faint smile before finally placing her own order. "I'll just have a beer."


spikeysoldier July 13 2008, 05:52:12 UTC
Zack waved to Lulu sheepishly. The scars on his face stretched in his smile. He could feel the scars crack open almost, but no blood escaped thankfully. His smile soon loosened as he tried to stop himself from cracking the scabs even more. He nodded and laughed lightly, a very light blush on his cheeks from either embarrassment, or just seeing her in that attire. Zack himself couldn't even tell.

"Ah, hello Lulu! And thank you." Zack said cheerfully before he turned to Elena. "The jello was good. Thanks again for that. I appreciated it." Yet again those scabs cracked. It was then that Zack realized he smiled too much. Reno was right. He was too much of a good boy.

He restricted his smiling for now, before he noted what Reno had ordered for him. The cop was literally appalled by the name of the said drink. He narrowed his eyes at Reno and snorted in irritation, but they did say it was good. What was he even thinking?! He barely knew these people! ...Then again, it could be a good drink. He sighed heavily and tilted his head to the side and downward in defeat. Zack waved his hand with a nod.

"Ah yeah... I'll have, ahem... that."


quod_mutos July 13 2008, 14:33:12 UTC
Kisten winked at Reno and Elena and bowed with a flourish to Zack. "Your wish is my command," he said playfully, turning around fluidly to begin making drinks.

He tossed over his shoulder, casually, "So none of you wandered in for the Help Wanted sign, huh?"


stray_redbird July 13 2008, 15:31:26 UTC
Whether or not a Porn Star was a good drink depended on who you asked. Reno's opinion and Elena's opinion diverged rather extremely on the matter, but the redhead's intention probably weren't exactly the friendliest one when he'd ordered for Zack. Still, any of his mocking for the moment seemed to be in good nature, playful rather than malicious. He was in a good mood-- but any kind of adventure tended to do that to him, and pushing the speed limit with your eyes covered was definitely some kind of adventure.

"It's a good drink if you're a florist," Reno answered Elena dryly, though his wry smile said he didn't mean much by it. "Maybe we should ask 'im to water it down. I don't think Zack here drinks."

Although, the idea of Zack drunk did sort of entertain Reno. The idea of anybody drunk did-- especially since he knew with the chemical poison running in their blood, neither he or Elena would be easy to outdrink.

"Sorry, man," he answered Kisten lightly at the casual inquiry, "Zack here's too goody two-shoes to work 'round here. And me n'Elena-- we already got our hands full and dirty."


quod_mutos July 13 2008, 15:38:59 UTC
Kisten shrugged expansively, sliding Reno, Elena, and Zack their drinks in that practiced, professional push. "Such is life, huh? Maybe I'll put up another add or something."


suits_me July 13 2008, 17:34:38 UTC
Elena laughed a little at Kisten's dramatic bow. "If you don't know how to make one, I do." She offered while shooting Reno a dirty look at his 'florist' comment. But much like the redhead's mocking, it was also a playful glare. In the end, all that really mattered was that the gospel of her favorite drink was spreading.

She hadn't really given much thought to the fact that she could handle alcohol better than the vast majority of men now. She'd never been much of a drinker, and she didn't try to push the mako the way Reno sometimes did. At least not consciously. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he hadn't exactly chosen to have it running through his veins, and she had. long as Reno drinks, she's likely to keep drinking too. "I bet he can handle it." She offered up a vote of confidence for Zack's benefit. She tried not to wince when he smiled, which was obviously a common thing for him as easily as he did it. That couldn't feel too good now though. "He might even want to try something stronger for the next round." ...Why no, that wasn't a hint of mischief in her voice, and she certainly hadn't given Reno a glance full of the same.

Elena's attention returned to Kisten then. "Yeah, you should. And keep your eyes open. There's always people popping up who are looking for odd jobs. She took a drink of her beer before tilting her head curiously. "What exactly are you looking for?"


quod_mutos July 13 2008, 18:11:56 UTC
Leaning down on the bar in front of Elena, Kisten said, "Well, I'm looking for your average bus-boys-and-girls, and a little less of your average bouncer." He gave Elena a wink. "The bouncer position's got a bit more of an interview process, but Tommy made it through just fine."


chasing_fury July 13 2008, 18:59:21 UTC
Lulu sat quietly sipping her bellini, listening to their banter fo a while, trying to think if she knew anyone who might be looking for a job--but she knew Kairi was probably too stubborn to take a job as a server even if it would help keep the redhead off the streets.

She smiled, though, when Kisten mentioned he was looking for other bouncers. She'd gotten to observed the interview process the night Tommy was hired, and it seemed like something Reno might have gotten a kick out of, even if he wasn't interested in the job.

"While that cat's away, the mice will play, hm?" she asked, quirking an eyebrow at the Turks, "You're not plotting mmischief in Tseng's absence are you?"

She offered Zack another smile, wishing she knew how to better include him, but he seemed more bashful than Soiree.


axelled July 13 2008, 22:10:22 UTC
Axel was sure there was a black cloud hanging over his head as he sped toward the club in a car that most certainly was not his. He was entirely too protective of Tieria (but it was his job, man) and one of these days he was just going to kill Lockon. Purely to rid himself of the stress, of course. Pulling haphazardly into a parking spot, Axel threw the keys and his jacket on the seat before making his way inside.

His bad mood lifted considerably once he spotted Elena and Reno, and Reno gave a small nod to the bouncer before joining them. Stepping in the space between their barstools, Axel slung one of his arms over Reno's shoulders and the other wrapped around Elena's waist. Axel pressed a kiss to Elena's cheek in greeting before turning his attention to the others milling around.

"Hey, Lulu." Axel's eyebrow raised at her choice in clothing, but it wasn't Lulu if it wasn't provocative. "Axel," he directed at the other two, in a lazy introduction.


stray_redbird July 13 2008, 22:30:14 UTC
The number of redheads in the area doubled when Axel entered, but the potential for trouble had to have quadrupled at least. Reno noticed his friend in the door way and gave a lazy half-salute, quirking a wry smile because, yeah, Axel had shown up after all, even after weighing the option of beating up Lockon instead.

Not to say that Reno couldn't understand the appeal of that too-- especially considering the situation, which really sort of called for it-- but he was just the kind of self-centered bastard that liked to be picked first and get his way. Of course, he'd done some negotiating to get his way this time around, and it still required some following through.

"Hey, baby," Reno used his usual greeting for close friends, a hint of mischief in the mako glow of his eyes. "We were about to give up and start the party without ya."

Giving a cheeky grin, he smoothly reached up and caught a handful of the front of Axel's shirt, tugging the standing redhead down until they were more eye to eye-- and momentarily after, mouth to mouth.


chasing_fury July 13 2008, 22:39:11 UTC
Well, if it wasn't the honorary Turk and Reno's identical stranger himself. Lulu smiled, smoothing the sleeve of her kimono back up on her shoulder where it belonged, and blowing him a kiss in answer to his dubious look.

Hey, it was better than his usual "stfu & gtfo," anyway--she had to give him that. Note to self: bribe Axel with ice cream more often. He was so much sweeter that way.

"Hey there," she said to the all-too-friendly firebrands, "I'd tell you two to get a room but I don't want to give you any ideas that exclude the rest of us."


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