
Jul 07, 2008 16:30

WHO: Kairi (
WHAT: Kairi's out enjoying the summer evening when a distraction is all she needs to lead to death of a loved one.
WHERE: Kairi's front yard.
WHEN: Today (July 7th Day 66), around 7:30-8 pm. Yes, posting ahead of time.

Kairi loved the summer months, especially in the early evenings. Even though she knew reality was always right around the corner, she felt like she could try to get back into her dream, her perfect life, with the good weather, Neffe and Reine, Ulquiorra and Saïx, and of course the rest of her friends that made up that perfect life.

Things could be perfect again if she tried.

The redhead smiled to herself as she scratched Neffe behind his ears. She knew she had to keep an eye on him after doing some research on Egyptian Maus. She wanted him and Reine to be both indoor and outdoor cats, but Neffe had to be watched over when he was outside, since Maus seemed to be the reason why ‘curiosity killed the cat’. He mewled up at her before crawling out of her lap, and Kairi instantly reached out to start stroking Reine’s fur.

Reine was a curious cat. She’d never seen a longhaired Abyssinian (then again, she’d never seen an Abyssinian period), or one with white paws or odd-eyes. Though, Kairi knew she was an Abyssinian from the coat pattern. She just wondered what sort of cat the other parent was. It didn’t really matter, though. Reine seemed to take after who named her; she was stubborn and rude, just like Grimmjow. And she’d never even seen the blue-haired man before.

Kairi watched Neffe carefully as he wandered out into the grass in the front yard, sniffing every little thing that got in that cute little nose’s way. She felt Reine slowly start to move from under her hand, and she glanced to make sure she was staying on the porch at least. Satisfied that Reine was just sniffing at a harmless bug on the porch, Kairi’s attention turned back to Neffe, who was pouncing on something. “Be careful,” she called out to the kitten, and Neffe perked his ears and sat up to look at the redhead before mewing at her and turning his attention to the firefly that then flew up from the grass.

The teen smiled and watched as he continued to pounce on the firefly as it landed, flew away, landed again nearby, and flew away again. He then got distracted by another firefly and readied himself to pounce again, waiting a few seconds before dashing towards the porch and just barely missing the little bug. Neffe lifted his paws and looked around, then up to see the firefly flitting away.

A crashing sound resonated from beside Kairi, and she gasped, then knelt down next to the fallen terracotta flower pot, complete with a squirming Reine inside of what was left of it. Giggling, Kairi carefully lifted the bottom of the pot and set it back on the porch as she dusted the soil and picked the flowers off of the Abyssinian kitten. She picked up the broken terracotta pieces and tossed them inside the larger part of the flower pot as she picked Reine up. Kairi giggled again, then pouted, poking Reine’s nose. “Curiosity killed the cat you know, Reine. Grimmjow would be heartbroken if he found out you were hurt in some way, I’m sure.”

The redhead giggled again as she thoroughly dusted the soil off of the kitten’s fur, then glanced into the yard to check on Neffe…

Who wasn’t in the yard?

Kairi scanned the front yard quickly, looking for the bronze and spotted kitten, only to catch sight of him in the street from her peripheral vision. Panicking, she scrambled to her feet, quickly putting Reine inside the house before calling out to him. Though Neffe didn’t pay attention, more focused on the firefly he was preparing to pounce on.

Then Kairi saw the car.

Shaking her head slightly, she hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do until she found herself jumping off of the porch and stumbling a bit from the landing as she dashed towards the street. Everything felt like it was going in slow-motion around her, but that silver car that was coming wasn’t slowing down and it almost seemed like it was speeding up as Kairi kept running forward, feeling like there were sandbags tied to her legs and she tried so hard to run. And then she leapt. She dived forward towards the street, her right arm reaching out to try to grab Neffe, and she felt herself land on the grass and the asphalt.

But she didn’t feel fur at her fingertips. Instead she felt rubber and 3500 pounds of pressure on her hand, relief for a few seconds, and the weight again, causing the girl to wince in pain each time. But she only didn’t feel it because she didn’t care enough to. She only cared about Neffe in that moment, not that her hand was more than likely broken or that she had a few scrapes on her palm, arm, and chest. All that mattered was Neffe.

Keeping her eyes shut for a moment and afraid to look as she heard the car speed away, but when she finally blinked and looked at her hand, then past it, and she choked back a sob. “Neffe,” she whispered as she tried to curl her fingers into a fist, only causing her to cry out in pain.

Slowly pulling herself to her knees, Kairi folded her right arm over her stomach, keeping her hand away from further damage, and she slumped over, her legs sliding out from under her and sprawled to her side on the road while she supported her weight with her left hand. She shook her head as she stared at the now lifeless kitten, wondering what it could’ve done that was so wrong enough to shorten its life. Was it the socks? Was it really because of Neffe’s fondness for Saïx’s socks?

Kairi wanted to reach out. She wanted to reach out and touch him to make sure he wasn’t really dead, but she knew that no matter how much she wanted him to be alive, he wasn’t going to be.

When the next car came, she didn’t even bother to move. They swerved a bit to avoid her, but with the position of her bare feet on the pavement, they were still in the way and she just didn’t care enough to move them out of the way of the car’s tires. She bit her lip as that car sped by, her teeth puncturing her lip and making it bleed from holding in her scream at the first tire running over one foot and then the other (in which the pain shot up through her legs and torso, and went straight to her right hand), though she released her lip and hung her head as the next cry fell from her lips once the second tire tread over her feet.

She didn’t care. She didn’t care. She didn’t care. So maybe she couldn’t walk or write or move off of the road or do anything right now because she was in so much pain. She didn’t care. She didn’t care. She didn’t care.

Kairi didn’t care that the couple who had been in the car actually stopped the car and asked her if she was okay. Kairi didn’t care that they came running to her when she didn’t answer. Kairi didn’t care that they were picking her up from the ground, telling her that everything would be all right and they were going to take her to the hospital. Kairi didn’t care that they were being nice and caring and everything she was only five minutes ago.

Neffe was dead. That cute, completely energetic and curious bundle of bronze fur and dark brown spots was dead. Her first companion since she’d gotten herself involved in the real world again after three years of loneliness was dead.

And when the couple asked her what happened and why she was crying, she could only reply with a hoarse whisper of "Curiosity killed the cat."

[ooc; so um, yeah. around 8 pm EST tonight, Kairi won't be replying to anything (unless it's in the crack comm, of course) until tomorrow. even then, expect her to be incredibly lazy, since she'll be typing with one hand, so no capitalization or anything--basically pulling a Grimmjow/Axel/Matt--for a while until she's healed.]

kairi russo

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