Complete~ Closed

Jul 03, 2008 01:45

WHO: Shunsui Kyoryaku, Jinx, Jushirou Soygo
WHAT: Shunsui brings home a stray cat
WHERE: Jushirou's house
WHEN: After this

Despite the hundreds of ways this could foreseeably go wrong, Shunsui was an optimist )

shunsui koryaku, n.a.o.e.2 jinx, jushirou sogyo

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hexyoutotuesday July 4 2008, 05:43:01 UTC
With the first thing Jushirou ever said to her, Jinx felt a wave of disappointment. He had set up a bed on the couch in the living room. It was a nice offering, a good place for her to rest. But she had been looking forward to sleeping in a bed with Shunsui, pressed against the warm body of a man. Blushing, she tried to hide her sigh of disappointment. Maybe she could play the card of being too frightened to be alone. Then again, it may have been best with the nightmares she was having. Yet she may get the urge to run away in the middle of the night, to go on the search for Gin.

Suddenly, her eye was caught by a polite bow and formal introduction. Two Japanese men, how strange. It was probably not strange for them, but she had only been around a Japanese Gin for extended periods of time. Maybe this was a new experience. Possibly, she could try to see how much she remembered the languages she learned years ago. Once upon a time, she was fluent in five languages, and they began to fade as she only ever used Italian with occasional English. Could she remember Japanese? Her head spinning, her eyes falling from her lack of sleep, she highly doubted it at this moment in time.

"Thank you for having me," she told him automatically. "My name is N-- Jinx. My name is Jinx." She began to spout off her experiment name in this state, but corrected herself before she expressed the full N.A.O.E.2. That would have been very troublesome to explain. "It is nice to meet you."

And then her sanity began to fade, that bit of tact she had. Looking up to Shunsui, she played with the buttons on his trench coat and softly asked, "Can I stay in your room? I don't want to do anything stupid and try to run back out there." That was the precise truth, and she was surprised she could actually say it to him.


tempestabianca July 4 2008, 05:49:33 UTC
"There is no need to thank me, signorina. I would not turn away anyone in need," Jushirou said without a stutter, tactfully ignoring Jinx's statement to Shunsui. If that was what they thought was best, he wouldn't stop it, but...well, he hoped Shunsui knew better than to bed a distressed could-be-teenager. Then again...

He shook the thoughts from his head and went back to reality with a gentle smile. "There is soup currently on the stove. It's not quite ready, but will be soon. I have prepared some tea as well...a special blend I designed myself," he said in that same soft tone, stepping aside and directing them into the house.


pink_sake July 4 2008, 16:35:32 UTC
"If you like, I'll sit up with you in the living room" Shunsui assured Jinx. ...Really, he knew better than to make a move on someone when they'd been in the emergency room all evening. For once, Shunsui's motives were actually fairly premeditated and reasonable.

He was sure Jinx needed the company, and the way she'd gone into various spells of distress so far this evening, Shunsui guessed getting through the night in a strange house would be difficult. ...At the same time, Shunsui knew how trusting Jushirou could be when it came to young people. He had a tendency to underestimate them when he assumed their innocence. There was a portion of Shunsui that wanted to be able to keep track of Jinx's movements for Jushirou's sake. As quickly as he was getting attached to Jinx, he knew it was dangerous on principle.

"Jushirou's tea is the best~" Shunsui smiled. "It comes straight from Japan. He owns an import store, you see" He explained to Jinx.


hexyoutotuesday July 4 2008, 19:40:31 UTC
"Soup and tea..." she mumbled, getting a sleepy smile across her lips. Food would be very nice. Maybe she would not have enough time to sit down and drink tea before she passed out, but that did sound incredibly nice. If she could stay to hunt for Gin all those hours, then one more would not hurt to get something into her stomach and possibly take a shower. Taking a quick glance down at herself, her clothes had dried blood on them, her skin was probably a shade darker just because of the dirt and she had not washed her hair since Wednesday. A warm shower did sound nice, since they paid their gas bill.

Silently, she began to drift off again in his arms, but was shook awake again by Shinsui's decline of her sleeping in his bed. Narrowing her eyes, she thought to herself damn. "I would like that..." Maybe he was gay. Looking back and forth between the two men, she would not be entirely surprised. The notion was pushed just a bit further as Shunsui began to glorify his companion's tea. Sighing, actually disappointed, she nodded. "That sounds cool," she bluntly stated, taking the fedora off her head and putting it back onto Shunsui's. Then, she pressed her cheek into his chest, closing her eyes again.

"Can I take a shower?" she muttered, not wanting to wait to do that or eat. It was pointless wasting time with idle conversation when she could feel the dirt caked on her body. Also, sitting down to eat in a house like this when she was this filthy did not seem nearly as polite as the men were acting. Then she remembered she would have no clothes to change into afterwards. Pondering on that subject, if these two men where homosexual, then they would not mind her walking around in a towel. Maybe she would, though. Even though Shunsui had seen the scars on her legs, he had not seen her shoulders and arms just yet. That was a whole new awkward subject.


tempestabianca July 5 2008, 00:59:30 UTC
"Of course," Jushirou answered with no hesitation at all. She looked like she needed it, after all. "So long as you are in need, my home is yours. You are welcome to whatever it is you need. Food, a place to sleep, as well as anything else," Jushirou answered with a soft grin. He didn't have a problem with Shunsui staying with the girl, really...he knew better than to second guess his friend after that exchange.

Jushirou made his way into the kitchen then, fetching all the things he needed. A tray, a bowl for the soup, and a mug of tea. All warm and fresh, hopefully would do Jinx well. He couldn't account for her appetite, but if she had gone as long without food, the soup would be the least abrasive thing to her system.

"If there's anything you need at all, don't be afraid to ask," he said with that same soft smile he gave her before.


pink_sake July 5 2008, 05:32:43 UTC
"A shower and you'll feel much better" Shunsui assured Jinx, rubbing her back lightly as she pressed into him. "Will you need any help at all?" He asked her, it was supposed to be innocently.

The other thought running though his head was that Jushirou direly deserved a fertile woman to produce him children. He would be an amazing father.


hexyoutotuesday July 5 2008, 06:07:28 UTC
With such an offer, Jinx was slightly confused. How could someone be this nice and still alive in this city? Looking at both the men, they seemed to be able to back themselves up on just about anything. If Jinx was this polite, she would be dead in a week. And now this man, Jushirou, was inviting her into his home and telling her she was welcome to anything, that his home was hers. Part of her wanted to jump up and yell I'm a Monacello assassin! I kill people for a living and there is always the chance I may slit your throat in your sleep! Well, for the time being, she was not feeling any bit of violence toward these men. They were kind to her, gentle with no intentions of harming her... yet.

"Thank you, the both of you."

Looking at Jushirou's soft smile, she gave one back, as much as she could of a smile. It turned into more of a grin, though, especially with Shunsui's question. If she were not so tired, aching so much, injured, sick to her stomach, she would have leaned up into his ear and whispered just how he could have helped her. But for now, she slipped out of his arms and stood on her own two feet. Without her platformed shoes, she stood quite a bit shorter than him. Head spinning, she stumbled a little, her leg shooting pain through her, but she would deal.

"Well, for one I have no idea where the bathroom is in this place," she told him, trying to walk on her own and swaying. "And two, I have nothing to change into." Grinning, she decided not to add the several innuendos she could not help but think of.


tempestabianca July 5 2008, 06:39:40 UTC
"The bathroom is down the hall," Jushirou directed with a motion in the direction of said hall. "Second door on the left...and if you need something to wear, I have plenty of kimono spare," he added, still smiling. He halfway wondered what her impression of all this hospitality must be. Perhaps a bit overwhelming...but she had thanked them.

Jushirou had taken careful care before they arrived to carefully disguise anything that might give any possible clue of his status with the AMC. The simple and warm looking home was, in truth, a veritable fortress. Their were weapon caches hidden all throughout and hidden terminals to access the many automated security systems throughout the entire building, including the warehouse and garden areas in the back. But not a single bit of it was apparent even to trained eyes...something he was quite thankful for.

It gave him liberty to express the sort of kindness he showed others. To girls like Jinx. He could just be himself then...and not have to worry about his job. That is what gave him freedom to smile as he did.


pink_sake July 6 2008, 19:27:10 UTC
Shunsui stayed close to Jinx, just in case she needed an arm to grab on the way to the shower. Right now he was happy because Ukitake was so happy. Reggio Calabria hadn't changed his heart one bit, and Shunsui was glad.

"I wonder, Jinx, have you ever worn a kimono before?" Shunsui asked. While for the two older men, it was something they were so used to being able to throw on and go, the clothing seemed to baffle most people who weren't from Japan. Of course, he'd volunteer to help.


hexyoutotuesday July 6 2008, 19:42:33 UTC
"Down the hall..." she repeated, staggering down the hallway and trying not to use the walls so much for support. "Kimono... okay..." She was tired, her stomach ached terribly and her leg shot pain through her body every time she stepped on it. Trembling, she slowly made it to the second door on the left with Shunsui following close behind. If this were a normal situation, she would have been happy having him follow her, even into the shower if he wanted, but right now she was focused on being clean.

To his question, she shook her head, turning on the light in the bathroom and supporting herself against the counter top. Looking up toward the mirror, she cringed at seeing the bags under her eyes, her matted pink hair and the dirt coating her skin. Looking away from her reflection, she gave a weak smile. "Nope, that sort of stuff is beyond me. I suppose I could figure it out..." Removing the holster from her leg, she set her pistol and all down on the counter. Then she proceeded to pull the things out of her sports bra, which was just a giant pocket to her. Bottle of pills, wallet, switchblade and cellphone. She needed to call Yuffie sometime soon; she must have been worried sick.

With a sly grin, she would have told him to help her get undressed if she did not feel like shit. So, instead, she told him, "Maybe you could help me put one on. I doubt anything belonging to the two of you would fit me, but we can try."


pink_sake July 7 2008, 00:53:37 UTC
Shunsui watched her with concern. The sooner she was showered, fed and to sleep the better.

Then he was also envious of the supernatural carrying capacity of the brassiere. He remembered his manners and turned away. "Sure, I think we can get it to be comfortable if we tie up the length a little bit" He said.


hexyoutotuesday July 7 2008, 01:19:23 UTC
Noticing that he turned away from her, she gave a light smile. The politeness of these men still astounded her. To invite a random girl off the streets into their home? It was either hospitality or stupidity. Leaning against the counter top for balance, she removed her leggings. It was always pathetic to her when she had to use something else for balance. She could go tightrope walking on a daily basis, but right now just standing was a little too much. Taking her time, she folded her leggings and set them on the counter as well. Now was the question to remove the rest of her clothing in front of him, even if he did have his back turned. Not being able to answer that yet, she began to unwrap the bandage from her leg; she would put it back once she was showered.

Looking back to Shunsui, she contemplated her next move. Several thoughts ran through her head, but she could never complete them because her thoughts were terribly unfocused. Finally, she made a decision to close the door, leaving it slightly ajar. Enough so she could still see his turned back. From there, she took off her dress, folded it and stumbled over to the shower. Turning on the water, she happily felt the warmth that happened when people paid their bills. Removing her undergarments, she slipped into the shower, pulling the curtain closed and grinning at the feeling.

Jinx had to lean her shoulder against the wall to keep herself standing. The water stung her leg, but she ignored it. She probably was not supposed to get the stitches wet, but that did not matter. These things were rare for her. Hot water, good smelling soap and shampoo. For twenty straight minutes she enjoyed the feeling, mostly because she was drifting in and out of consciousness while standing there. Finally, she got up enough energy to turn off the water and step out of the shower, wrapping herself in a soft towel. Wow... towels were nice things, too. Looking in the mirror, she ran her fingers through her hair and it fell flat against her face. Then leaning against the counter, she bandaged her leg back up. Finishing that, she slid down to sit on the tile floor.

Leaning her body against the cabinets, barely able to hold up her head, she groaned a little. It would be nice if food could be served to her right here, then she did not have to move from this spot for the next few days. Adjusting her towel so it would stay tightly around her small body, she groaned once again. Words were beyond her right now.


pink_sake July 7 2008, 02:33:11 UTC
After Jinx was soundly in the shower, Shunsui went to find Jushirou, see if he needed a hand, and go about finding something for Jinx to wear. He kept a close ear out in case Jinx needed anything.

"I hope it's all right to keep you up this late, Jushirou" Shunsui asked, wandering into the kitchen to check on his host and putting a hand on Jushirou's shoulder. "I'm sorry for bringing in someone without prior notice or permission. Thank you" He said, glancing down as he suddenly became very serious.


tempestabianca July 7 2008, 04:43:35 UTC
Jushirou had been washing the dishes he had used to make Jinx's soup and tea, though his ear had also been trained to the others. He had known Shunsui was coming...and was almost comforted by that fact given he heard what could have been weapons falling. He turned to the other man with a soft smile.

"It's not problem, matter who she is, I can never turn those in need away. I trust you."


hexyoutotuesday July 7 2008, 18:44:21 UTC
Bringing Jinx into their home may have been a grave mistake. With her always came a trail of bad luck, whether she did ill deeds or random acts of kindness. It never seemed to matter with her. Bad luck followed her everywhere she went, and not just because of her powers. If she dropped off the radar for a while, people would question her whereabouts. In this town, she was part of, what she believed in her mind to be, the strongest family. And not only did she work under them, she was an assassin and did everything she was told. If a mission came up to kill someone's grandmother, she would take it without hesitation, all to climb the ranks, all to be Gin's special girl.

...but what would it be like now that Gin was gone? Sitting there on the floor, breathing in the heavy steam, she pondered that question. What if Gin was gone for good? All this time she had been working to make him happy, to make him proud, to show him that she was more important than anyone else in his life. Jinx had failed at that mission. The man who found her on the streets, who gave her a name, who brought her into the family... had only left her in the end without a word. When new commodities came along, little idiots like Rhode, he went on to a new project. Rhode got protectors, everyone watched out for her, she got a mansion, everything her heart desired... and here was Jinx, sitting on the bathroom floor of a foreign house of two men who were just being kind. She did not know them, yet they were taking care of her like they had known her for years.

The love she had for Gin contrasted to the kindness of others. Gin was never kind to her, always rough and snarling. Shunsui carried her to a clinic, then to Jushirou's home, where he was making her soup. Once she had eaten, once she had slept, she could slit the throats of these two and be on her way to searching for Gin... yet there was this part of her that did not want that. Hell, a majority of her did not want that. Slowly, shakily and painfully she came to stand, leaning most of her weight against the counter and looking at her blurred reflection in the mirror. Well, the shower did do wonders for her. Her skin was a few shades lighter, which she did not know was a good or bad thing because now she looked dead.

"Brother..." she mumbled with a sigh, "what would you do?" He would probably kill them both and take their house. No, that was not a good answer. Talking to the angels right now was not going to do much, especially in her state of incoherency. Turning around, she leaned her back against the counter and nudged open the door with her foot. Sighing, she lowered her head, thoughts spinning. The water droplets from her hair fell upon her chest and she watched them through half lidded eyes. "I must be a fucking psycho..." she whispered to herself.


pink_sake July 7 2008, 19:29:12 UTC
"Sounds like she's out of the shower. I'd better give her this" Shunsui held up a light blue kimono that was the smallest one he could find between their closets combined. It was one of Jushirou's, little wonder, and it really wasnt that much smaller than the rest.

"You really are an unbelivebly good man, Jushirou" Shunsui added as he went out of the kitchen and down to the bathroom,

"Ah- Jinx? I found a Kimono for you to wear" He announced himself, before peeking inside.


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