[closed : COMPLETE]

Jul 02, 2008 14:55

WHO: Saix (lunaensnared) and Zack (spikeysoldier)
WHAT: Zack takes a stroll through the streets at night, which proves to be a bad idea.
WHERE: In the streets of Reggio Calabria.
WHEN: Night of July 2nd, late.

Things that go bump in the night is so cliche. )

zack fair, saix

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lunaensnared July 2 2008, 22:25:44 UTC
Should have started a day ago, no two days ago. More time to run and more time to separate himself he had taken a taxi far north at noon. That hadn't stopped anything. One less taxi driver wasn't that bad a thing was it? There was little more to think about now. The man should have remained quiet and still instead of demanding his fare. Pulling a gun had resulted in a sprained wrist and broken fingers. That pain was fleeting though.

But it was a quiet enough night. His company would eventually become suspicious but not before some of the animals would have gotten to what was left.

There was no walking back into town. The man was running as fast as he could. Only one thing stuck out in his mind, a girl, a young woman. She was the only connection. She was the only target.

The dull glow of lights in windows illuminated his path as he continued to speed down empty streets. It was for the better that people were cloistering up. Disappearances were not the only matter of concern any more. It seemed though that not everyone was afraid of the night or the future. A pity for the lone agent. Saïx didn't seem to notice the impact beyond the annoyance of picking himself up afterward and continuing his race down the only path he knew to get 'home'.


spikeysoldier July 2 2008, 22:45:28 UTC
Zack heard the rushing footsteps, but just shugged it off before it became his problem. Feeling the impact, he felt himself stumble to the side witha small sound of surprise, almost falling off the curb and tumbling onto the street. But luckily his footing saved him and he stood up right, only to see the person responsible running away hastily.

Narrowing his eyes he chased after the man. Was he being chased? Glancing over his shoulder, he saw no one was on the man's trail. Then he must have been running away... or even to something. He frowned tightly and sprinted after the man, calling out after him. Just to think, this was supposed to be a nice brisk walk. Now it grew into a chase, and even his problem. Now his mind was like a damn bee hive, buzzing around with senarios.

"HEY! Stop, hold it right there!" he shouted after him, gritting his teeth as he willed his legs to follow the man.


lunaensnared July 2 2008, 23:55:01 UTC
There was no stopping. Zack's voice was heard but the other couldn't have cared less what or even if he was shouting at him. He continued to run and turn a corner, past the cathedral.

He was fast. A less athletic person would have already lost sight. But who was to say keeping sight of the man was a good thing? Not caring that he was being chased or otherwise he only continued toward his destination.


spikeysoldier July 3 2008, 00:09:50 UTC
"I said stop!" He shouted again before he sprinted faster after the man. Zack took note of the enhanced running this guy had, but he tied to focus on why this man was running in the first place. Seeing how he had no other way of catching up to the man, he took out his gun, aiming for the runner's feet. Narrowing his eyes, he pulled the trigger. Two. Three times. Warning shots at the man's feet. He didn't want to hurt him, just warn him, or at least catch his attention. If he wasn't gonna listen to him, then perhaps he'd listen when someone is shooting at him.


lunaensnared July 3 2008, 00:12:09 UTC
Zack couldn't see or hear the man's reaction more then the body flinging itself into the nearest alley way. There he waited pressed back into a dark corner...eyes shut breathing. Just breathing calmly he stood rigid and alert. His ear twitched at the other man's foot steps. So close...


spikeysoldier July 3 2008, 00:17:55 UTC
Zack made it up the alleyway's entrance, standing in a defensive stance. His gun was pointed into the darkness, both hands gripped onto it, his finger on the trigger still. He slowly lowered his gun, but held it just as tightly. Blue eyes searched the best they could inside the darkness.

He took one step inside, his breathing ragged from trying to catch up in the first place. "Come out. Ha... I just wanna talk, man. Why... are you running huh?" he asked into the darkness, his eyes still jolting around in their sockets, high on alert for any movement at all.


lunaensnared July 3 2008, 00:19:55 UTC
There was the small rattle of a pebble to the far left corner right beside a garbage can and a fire escape.


spikeysoldier July 3 2008, 00:25:21 UTC
Zack turned his attention to the sound and pressed forward, walking into the darkness, and lifting up his gun again. He tried to silence his labored breathing. He had no radio, he only had a gun for a weapon, and no extra ammo if he needed it. This was a problem. But, Zack took onn a few lone wolf missions before. This was probably some guy high on PCP, or acid. Who knew? But Zack would get his answers, even if this guy didn't wanna give them to the AMC soldier. If there was criminal activity, it was Zack's problem, for the time being.


lunaensnared July 3 2008, 00:36:33 UTC
The second his attention was turned toward the noise every pound of that man he was chasing forced itself against him from the right. Snatching the wrist holding the gun Saïx forced both of their bodies down. When they hit the ground he lifted and slammed the captive wrist hard into the ground while his free hand grasped around the young soldier's face cutting in with thick and sharp nails beside his eye and up under his jaw line.


spikeysoldier July 3 2008, 00:49:24 UTC
Zack didn't have time to react. He fell with a loud grunt and felt anxiety rise in his chest as his gun slipped from his hand. His mind was too preoccupied with the split second surprise to rach for the gun again. It tumbled away from his grasping reach, not that he could even reach for it, due to the attacker holding his wrist down.

Suddenly a sharp shout of pain ripped through the air. Zack felt those claws dig into his flesh, which soon followed with the warmth of crimson down his face. Claws? What the hell was happening?! This.. this person wasn't human. Just what was he dealing with here? Some kind of experiment from one of the scientists around here. Questions would have to wait til later. He had an issue at hand, quite literally. Wincing his eye closed, he lifted his head back and slammed it into the attacker's own, intending to make him back off.


lunaensnared July 3 2008, 01:10:25 UTC
It was human enough in shape despite the claws and glowing eyes. Straddling the soldier the beast-man released his face intent on throwing a punch but finding that his captive's face was now making contact with his own he reared back with a growl fangs bared. Then came the punch.


spikeysoldier July 3 2008, 01:15:10 UTC
His head was in a lull after the head butt, not quite adjusting to the dark again. He slowly got back to his feet, feeling his warm blood trikling down his neck and drip onto the ground before he stood. Just when his eyes adjusted to the darkness again, he was inpacted by the punch to the face. He stumbled back with a grunt, his back bumping hard against the wall of the alley way. He spat to the side and aimed his own punch to the dark blurry figure of his attacker's head, aiming more percisely for his face.


lunaensnared July 3 2008, 01:32:32 UTC
Automatically his arm lifted catching the attack. Grabbing his arm he twisted yanking down and snapping his other fist into the man's face again. Though he released Zack to fall it wasn't for long. Yanking the back of his coat he yanked and threw him into the wall.


spikeysoldier July 3 2008, 01:39:04 UTC
The soldier grunted, trying to pull his arm away, but cried out at the twisting, swearing he could have heard a pop or two in his arm. And yet again, another punch to his swelling face and before he knew it he was slammed into the wall. Pain ran down his whole body now. Chest, arms, face. It was almost too much. He fell back onto the floor, and tumbled torwads his gun.

Getting down on his knee, he pulled the trigger, the bullet heading towards the man's shoulder. Only two bullets left.


lunaensnared July 3 2008, 02:18:25 UTC
A second growl erupted angry and pained but he didn't stop. In the end it only caused him to rush forward and grab the arm holding the gun again throwing it up to render it useless. Saïx attempted to disarm the man biting into the arm. He raked claws down his face and chest shredding fabric and skin but the blow was much weaker compared to before.


spikeysoldier July 3 2008, 02:24:59 UTC
Inhumane. This was all inhumane! Zack writhed in the man's grip on his arm, keeping a tight hold on his gun before he felt his teeth sink into his arm. His flex muscles running down his arm and to his arm to hold his gun, suddenly relaxed, trying to relieve the pain that washed through it. He cried out, feeling the claws rake down his chest and face again, more blood escaping onto his clothes and onto the alley floor.

"YOU BASTARD!" Zack shouted, his voice shaking with strain. He was never trained for something like this. Then again, he didn't have a partner with him. Alone. One on one, with no rules. He soon swung his leg back and aimed the shin of his leg for the man's groin. An immature tacticnothing else was proving to work on this guy.


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