[ Semi-Closed Log | Betting on Hope | Complete ]

Jun 30, 2008 09:18

WHO: Envy, [ mercuryvictim ], Greed [ avariceshield ], Rhode Kamelot [ dolcezzamacabra ], and anyone who would reasonably be in the Devil's Nest
WHAT: Rhode is willing to bet her life on her family's return, and gives up her most important possession as security in her gamble with Envy.
WHERE: The Devil's Nest
WHEN: Midday, Day 55

When misery comes calling... )

rhode kamelot, greed, envy

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avariceshield June 30 2008, 16:52:33 UTC

A curious sound rose from inside the bar. In the dimmly litted room, a tall figure stood from the couch. The figure soon glanced towards the young girl who had entered, two round circle glinting in the scant light. The man rolled his neck on his shoulders and walked closer to Rhode. Soon more distinct details of the man came through as he closed in on her. His violet eyes, his tight fown, and his arms which were crossed over his chest.

Greed lifted his furrowed brows high up on his forehead, blinking a few times. A girl? Here in his bar? A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, his shark-like teeth visible after being exposed by his lips. He unfolded his arms casually and rested his hands on his hips, leaning his head down to her height, only smiling wider.

"Kiddo, we're not open. Besides, aren't you a little younge to be in a bar?" he almost hissed, tilting his head to one side. "Where are your parents hmm? Are you lost?"


dolcezzamacabra June 30 2008, 17:16:20 UTC
"I'm looking for..." She faltered, looking a bit put out at the man's approach. It was rather intimidating, especially when he was that much larger than she was.

Rhode's nerves were forgotten at the man's questions, eyes narrowing ever so slightly in irritation. "I've been old enough to drink for a year, actually. I don't have parents, and if this is the Devil's Nest," she inclined her chin slightly, a gesture of false confidence, "then I'm right where I want to be."

Her grip on her parasol shifted slightly, some confidence provided by the feeling of the handle in her fingers. If it was any trouble, she'd be able to defend herself.


avariceshield June 30 2008, 17:23:54 UTC
Greed noted the parasol and stood up straight, his frown disappearing. He shrugged and rubbed the back of his head, ruffling his hair. "Oh? What made you want to come to the Devil's Nest, before we even opened huh?" He lifted his head forward ever so slightly to stared down at her over the rim of his glasses.

"And if you're some kind of charity worker, or something, I'm not donating." Greed mumbled as he waved his hand and walked deeper into the bar, and to the counter where he took a seat on a barstool, resting his elbow on the countertop. He kept his eyes on Rhode, his eyes narrowing. "Or are you some kind of sick form of a cop? Reminds me of that Dateline show. I hate kids personally..."


dolcezzamacabra June 30 2008, 17:30:46 UTC
Rhode couldn't quite stop the slight sigh of relief as he moved away, though her grip on her hidden sword was still quite tight. "Envy told me to come here. I need to..." A pause, some momentary hesitation as she tried to figure out how to phrase it. "He'll be borrowing something. He told me I need to come give it to Greed for him."

She took a few steps forward as he moved away, following in the sense of some uncertainty as to where she should stay. "Rhode Kamelot. I'm not any kind of government." Rhode practically spat the word, not entirely able to disguise her hatred. "And I'm not a kid. I'm seventeen."


avariceshield June 30 2008, 21:45:48 UTC
Greed was mildly surprised, then again his face contorted into irritation. Envy sent this brat here? Pleasant. "Fucking bastard, he's too scared to be here himself. But, fine. I'll take good care of that item for you, Miss Kamelot. Besides, why would he want to be borrowing this from you? You got some kind of deal or somethin? Envy never tells me anything anymore."

He shook his head and held his hand out for the item. This was unlike Envy to be wanting a simple item. The bastard would surely want more than just a parasol... But then again, why was the girl gripping so tightly onto it?


dolcezzamacabra July 1 2008, 02:56:26 UTC
She hesitated, shifting so the parasol was behind her petite frame. It wasn't smart, she knew, but there wasn't anything she could give otherwise. At the same time, this nagging feeling...

"I need insurance that I'll get it back." There was no way she could give it up without some way to know. "It's a bet, but no matter what- No matter what happens, I want it back."


avariceshield July 1 2008, 03:02:55 UTC
"It's all a matter of if Envy gets what he wants, kiddo." He said as he flexed his fingers for the parasol again. "You brought it here and you're clinging to it like a fucking teddybear. Now that's something a seven teen year old wouldn't be caught dead doing."

He slipped off his glasses with his other hand and glared firmly at her with his violet eyes. "I wouldn't want to give anything back if I didn't get what I wanted, from a bet. Now are you gonna give me it or not?" Greed growled with irritation. Another reason he didn't like kids. Their developing minds couldn't grasp the concept of making choices fast enough for other's expenses. They always had to fucking drag it out.


dolcezzamacabra July 1 2008, 03:34:29 UTC
"I'm only doing this to prove something." For some reason, she was seriously considering listening to the whisper in the back of her mind; Just drawing her sword out and killing him. There wasn't anything to gain from it. Nothing except...

Making someone hurt would feel good right now.

"What's he got to gain from it, then?" Stalling for time, but maybe, maybe, she could think of something. "You don't even know what the bet is, though. Why're you so interested?"


avariceshield July 1 2008, 03:41:16 UTC
Greed tilted his head and soon stood up, walking towards the teen as he gripped the front of her shirt and lifted her off the floo, leaning his face close to her's, snarling and exposing those pearly whites of his.

"Listen you little brat. My brother send you over here to me, and I have no fucking idea why you're here. Its be nice to know a little info' before someone barges into my bar. Especially someone like you. The Devil's Nest isn't meant for people like you. There are some things here in the Devil's Nest that you shouldn't mess with. One of those things is me."


dolcezzamacabra July 1 2008, 03:50:52 UTC
Rhode didn't really think it through before the motions occurred. A certain pressure in her grip, a flash of metal- She slammed the blade toward the man in something akin to blind panic. Even if he didn't intend to hurt her, she didn't want to be touched right now. It was a blow that would be hard to dodge at such a close range, but she couldn't see her own angle while she was being held up- Just hope for blood or enough of a shock that he'd let her go.


avariceshield July 1 2008, 04:04:12 UTC
The sword did indeed make contact with his stomach, but it didn''t collide with flesh. It hit with a sharp ting. He smiled as he looked down at his black covered abdomen. No blood, to Rhode's disappointment. His shield, yet again, came in handy like it did so many times in the dangerous streets of Italy, and the dirty dealings in back alleys.

Greed gave out a low chuckle, his eyes narrowing at her wickedly as he lifted his other hand to the sword. That same material around his stomach appeared on his hand, transforming his nails into claws. That hand gripped around the sword, careful not to break it with his brute shield. Yet again, no blood. The man lifted the sword up in the air after slowly releasing the girl, and lifted her higher into the air.

"See, kiddo. You shouldn't mess with the inhabitants of the Devil's Nest. You'll never know what you'll experience."

He shook his hand up and down, to try and shake her off the sword's hilt.


dolcezzamacabra July 1 2008, 04:24:43 UTC
Pure shock was blatant on her face, several long moments following in which it seemed she was frozen in place. That stopped quickly enough once he tried to get her to release her blade, though.

Rhode didn't bother saying something clever, just closing her eyes and hanging on as though her life depended on it. "Let it go. Let it go, let it go, let it go."

No. She couldn't let this go, if Gin was gone- the last piece of him she had left. "I'll give you something else!" Her voice was raised just a bit too loudly at the exclamation, the tightness in her chest painful to shout past. "Anything else!"


avariceshield July 1 2008, 04:33:44 UTC
"Fucking hell kid, act your age!" He shouted right back at her before he gripped tighter on the sword... a cracking sound being heard from deep within the metal, but no cracks were visible yet. "You have nothing else with you, except for this sword. Either you back down, and get off your high horse, or I snap this fucking sword in two, you hear me?!"

He could too. Just one simple twist of his wrist, and the sword could snap like a tooth in his grasp.


dolcezzamacabra July 1 2008, 04:46:25 UTC
"DON'T!" She let go, but she screamed- Rhode had a feeling she wouldn't be able to stop, but she finally ran out of breath, throat aching and stomach turning uncomfortably. "Never mind- I'll go, I didn't mean to- If he doesn't come back I need it and if he does he'll be mad-"

She knew she'd gotten herself into this, but it wasn't right. This was in her mind, something twisting it around and making it hard to think and make decisions that wouldn't end up like this. Worsening conditions within herself, as if her insanity had decided to neglect anything but her thoughts this time.


avariceshield July 1 2008, 04:54:44 UTC
Greed held up the sword to inspect it, quirking a brow to see how excellently crafted it was. He rested it on his shoulder gently, tapping it against his fake fur collar before his shield hissed away from view on his hand. He smiled down at her and soon pointed the sword right back down at her, resting the blade ust right under her chin to tilt it up so she stared up at him.

"Don't call us, we'll call you. Now do me a favor. Get the fuck out of my bar." His smile returned again on his face.


dolcezzamacabra July 1 2008, 05:01:38 UTC
There was one part of insanity that could be considered a blessing or a curse; the complete disregard for the consequences of certain actions. Rhode didn't even feel the blade cut her flesh as she grabbed the blade, hands wrapped around the cold metal even as the rest of her body shook with some desperation.

"I said never mind." There wasn't a hint of her fear in her tone, for some reason. She wanted to kill for this. Her own stupidity had caused it, and the blood welling at the edge of the blade wasn't any consequence as long as she could get it back. "Now give it back, please."


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