Sugar and Thievery

Jun 25, 2008 19:37

Who: Yuffie and Rikku
What: A meeting. Well....kinda.
When: The day after the arrangement
Where: Undisclosed location....(the bakery)

Yuffie jumped off the fire escape of her apartment, careful to land on her feet and to stop the bag she carried from hitting the wall or the ground. She tended to carry everything important with her and this was no exception. As she had told Lulu, her expertise tended to save her from a lot of trouble. At least if she had it with her the odds were in her favor if someone tried to do something, she would be able to stop them.

It wasn't often that Yuffie got the pleasure of meeting the fellows in her profession. Well...the ones that were any fun. She had liked getting to meet Al and was now preparing to meet someone she had heard about in the circles she ran with. Rikku was supposedly pretty good and from what she'd heard of and from the girl, she seemed to be worth getting to know.

She looked again at the directions she had been given, taking a right and taking a shortcut through someone's backyard. Before finally...A bakery? Their meeting place was a bakery? Okay, before even meeting the girl for real, Yuffie decided Rikku was her kinda person. It was the cute small type, which meant the food would be good. Thank freaking god. She wanted a cookie or something like none other.

She could practically smell the sugar a block away, and when she got to the door it was practically smothering. Fantastic. This was going to be awesome. Yuffie grinned and looked for Rikku.

rikku, yuffie kisaragi

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