Minding your own business is harder than you think. (closed/complete)

Jun 22, 2008 15:17

WHO: Superbi Squalo (sword_master01) and Aoyagi Seimei (charredremnant)
WHAT: Seimei is picking up something to eat in a not-so-wonderful place, hoping to keep a low profile by lingering in the background of places that most people don't frequent.
WHERE: Random bar in a very, very bad area of town.
WHEN: A few days ago, a Thursday night (not as likely to run into many ( Read more... )

aoyagi seimei, superbi squalo

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sword_master01 June 22 2008, 22:42:35 UTC
Moving in Squalo looked around the place. He had been searching for something, but then again...Wasn't that always what he did? He liked to keep as little contact as possible with his fellow capos due to the nature of their personalities.

Grabbing something from the bar and sending a glare the way of the bar keeper assured that Squalo got the bottle of alcohal for free. It was always that way...Yet tonight the company of his sword on Squalo's wrist was also gone. Maybe that meant he wasn't going to kill anyone and that he'd had a change of heart. Better to play it safe than sorry and risk losing a limb over a bottle of vodka.

Squalo let his eyes glance over the bar goers his eyes catching a man that looked different. A smirk with accompanying curiousity was piqued, as he slowly moved towards Seimei slamming his left hand down onto the table top. "voiiii...what the fuck are you doing in this place?"


charredremnant June 23 2008, 00:26:30 UTC
Seimei's eyes flashed, and they rolled upward to look at the man that had interrupted his meal so rudely. And loudly.

His head didn't actually tilt upward, either, it was just those eyes that watched the silver-haired person in front of him. They looked black in this light, bottomless with nothing to separate the pupils from the irises.

One corner of his mouth twisted upward in what could have been a smile on someone else's face. On Seimei it looked like a snarl, though it was just a twitch of facial muscle that didn't really come close.

"If you had looked before you made it your business, you would have noticed that I'm eating, nothing more." His voice wasn't very loud, but it somehow made itself heard over the din in the place, and his eyes twitched. Narrowed a little. And then he went back to eating, as if he'd never been bothered.


sword_master01 June 23 2008, 00:31:48 UTC
Listening to him, catching the attitude a smirk slid onto Squalos face as he stood there his hand reaching out as he slapped the plate of food away and growled. "You think your attitude bothers me?"

Taking a drink of the vodka Squalo leaned over the table down really low. "Too bad..." If Seimei thought that he was going to get to finish his food he had another thing coming. He just raised an eyebrow and chuckled darkly. "I think I've found something interesting in you."


charredremnant June 23 2008, 00:45:42 UTC
Seimei didn't so much as wait for the plate to hit the floor to push his chair back and stand.

He also didn't wait for this stranger to finish speaking before whipping out one of his knives and holding the tip of the blade to a spot just under the man's chin. With the curved blade, he could have easily hooked it under the bone of his jaw and jerked him closer, but it wouldn't do to make such a mess here.

"Given your reaction to it, I'd say it bothers you, yes." Seimei didn't move. But he stared down at the man who was leaned over his table, his ruined food, and his eyes remained fixed on him.


sword_master01 June 23 2008, 00:51:00 UTC
Before he had a chance to react there was a knife at his throat and he just smirked, "No..." He reached over his gloved hand grabbing Seimei's looking at him with a smirk. "Just bored." Licking his lower lip he murmered, "Go ahead...I've had much worse."

Of course he brought the bottle full of Vodka up and turned it over spilling the contents on the table until they were gone as he pointed the empty bottle at Seimei.


charredremnant June 23 2008, 00:56:35 UTC
Seimei looked nothing short of completely disgusted. He wrenched his hand free and took a step back as the vodka dripped off of the table, making a real effort to keep from letting his lips curl back.

The young man didn't put his blade away, but he gestured toward the exit that led into the street just to their right. It looked like a challenge.

But what Seimei really wanted was to get out of the view of anyone in the bar; the attention was not something he needed.


sword_master01 June 23 2008, 01:03:39 UTC
Grinning like a cat that had just ate a canary, Squalo slowly stalked after Seimei..If he wanted to take this outside, he would let him. Sighing for once he didn't have his regular blade on him, so he turned to look at Seimei.

"Are you going to cry?"

Adjusting the glove on his left hand, Squalo just chuckled. "Voiiii I like that intent in your eyes...I'll eat you alive."


charredremnant June 23 2008, 01:09:47 UTC
This man was clearly stupid, insane, or both. Seimei had no interest in him aside from getting him out of the way, and the coldness of his distaste was visible in his lack of reaction to the man's teasing.

Seimei didn't acknowledge anything the man said. He simply lunged forward the moment they were in an area dark enough, his knife arcing through the air and toward Squalo's jugular.


sword_master01 June 23 2008, 01:48:15 UTC
With the grace of a Capo regime, Squalo laughed as the other didn't hesitate. He grabbed Seimei's wrist once more crushing it his hand reaching out to strike the man with his fist.

"Voiiii so predictable!" He grinned as he triedto take the knife away. If he got the knife he would have the obvious advantage of the two.

"You're playing with my favorite weapon."


charredremnant June 23 2008, 02:00:14 UTC
Seimei grit his teeth together with a soft grunt of pain at being struck, before he turned to elbow the man in the sternum, and then in the stomach. Hard.

His tail twitched, irritably, under the coat that hid it, unseen to the outside world but a real testament to how annoyed he really was. Seimei appeared to shift to the left, but suddenly dropped out of view and attacked again from the right, eyes narrowed, movements barely visible and difficult to avoid.

Squalo was obviously experienced. What Seimei had was his intent and his speed, his innate sense of violence. No life-time of training, but that hadn't stopped him before.


sword_master01 June 23 2008, 02:26:32 UTC
His stomach hit, but fully expecting one of two ways at that point, Squalo grunted and let go breifly. When he stepped back and saw the fake to his right and weaker side, Squalo moved back his ankle popping in the process as he narrowly avoided the blow that was intended to lay him out. Seimei instead would be grabbed as Squalo went on the way down using the man to right himself at the last moment.

For his size Squalo looked huge, but he was rather light on his feet.

Seimei would find himself pressed up against the wall after Squalo had sprung up from the awkward position to push him into the wall. Something about Squalo's left hand again had saved him from the attack but there was another pop and then the hand on Seimei's back went limp. "Awww for fuck sakes!"


charredremnant June 23 2008, 02:39:43 UTC
Seimei felt himself moving for the wall, and when he made impact with the hard surface, he let out a harsh breath--his brow had slammed into the brick and scraped it as he tried to turn his head.

However, when he felt the hand that gripped him suddenly give, he moved to the side and turned, holding the knife in front of himself. Seimei took in the sight of Squalo's limp hand, and suddenly understood (on some level) what had happened. The young man felt the urge to wipe the blood from his own face when it dripped into his left eye, but instead, he tried to blink it out.


sword_master01 June 23 2008, 02:46:39 UTC
"Well...That was pointless." Squalo let Seimei go. As quick as the fight had started, it stopped and Squalo sat there fiddling with his left hand an eye on Seimei incase he felt inclined to attack again.

Looking at Seimei he just raised an eyebrow, "Wow your face is bloody."


charredremnant June 23 2008, 02:50:31 UTC
Seimei, frankly, felt tired. And bored of this. He lifted a hand to slowly push some of the blood out of his eye, lashes fluttering in some small amount of pain as he did so.

"...as well as needless." The young man glanced back at the bar, to the man that had done this to him, and kept the blade extended.

"What do you want?" At this point, all he wanted to do was get rid of this man and go back to his room. He was no longer hungry.


sword_master01 June 23 2008, 02:53:22 UTC
"You're not as boring as I first thought." Squalo seemed to ignore the knife as he took a step forward his eyes on Seimei's ..."You...You're like me. Also I can't get home so instead of beating the shit out of you and killing you...You're going to help me home."

Squalo was never one to sweet talk the men he brought home.


charredremnant June 23 2008, 17:58:07 UTC
"I'm nothing like you." Seimei lifted the knife in a sudden movement, a snarl making the pretty face something a little less pretty and a little more vicious.

Seimei normally would have taken advantage of this man's injuries to kill him off then and there, but the thought occurred to him that if the man took an interest in him, Seimei could be able to use him. Or if all else failed, he could kill him in his home and leave his body there.

The young man slowly lowered his knife, readjusted his hat and clothes, and then suppressed the feeling of his skin crawling at the thought of shouldering part of Squalo's weight. He hunched a little to get under Squalo's arm, pulled it over his own shoulders, and lifted.

He was surprisingly strong for his appearance, and it wasn't horribly difficult. What was hard was putting up with this long enough to gain something out of it.

"Tell me where you live." Seimei's voice was quiet, and it made things very clear that he had no intention to chitchat on the way there.


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