☆-- forever only takes its toll on some. (Closed) - ON-GOING

Jun 22, 2008 02:07

WHO: Teddy Altman (skrullactually), Billy Kaplan (witchactually), and open to Tommy Shepherd (need_for).
WHAT: After spending the night in separate rooms.
WHERE: The superhero hideout! Their apartment.
WHEN: After Teddy, Axel, and Reno are busted by the fuzz.

Billy Kaplan woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Literally.

It took him a moment of laying sprawled across the right side of the mattress, half-awake and trying to understand his own odd sense of discomfort, before he realized what it was that felt so off: he was laying on Teddy's side. Teddy's side, which was oh-so-conveniently lacking Teddy. Reality sank in with the hints of morning light from the window. Billy rejected it with a miserable groan, rolling over and curling up in the blankets, face buried against the pillows.

A part of him wondered if he could just stay in hibernation until this whole argument blew over, just remain a bundle of hidden Billy Kaplan, safely cocooned in blankets. Five minutes later, a suspiciously loud growl from middle reminded that him that if he wanted to hibernate, he'd have to put on at least one layer of fat first. And that meant breakfast.

Another groan, then Billy braced himself and threw back the blankets, forcing himself up off the mattress. He was sure he really did look like the Wicked Witch of the West-- while the plaid PJ pants and the Star Wars t-shirt ruined the look a little, the bags under his eyes and the moody expression made a convincing case.

Magic Lad padded quietly into the kitchen, glancing at the clock. It was fairly early-- seven something-- and maybe if he was quiet about pouring his Lucky Charms, he could escape back to his-- their room without confrontation. Trying to make as little noise as possible, he retrieved his cereal and milk. A bowl, on the other hand, proved slightly trickier.

Poised up on his tiptoes, Billy reached up into one of the higher cabinets, groping around for what might have been the last clean bowl.

billy kaplan, teddy altman

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