you're the right kind of sinner {closed}

Apr 27, 2008 23:04

WHO: Quatre Raberba Winner jordanian_jem, Aerith Gainsborough radiantsonnet, Trowa Barton onbitchdetail
WHAT: tail end of Quatre's act, then down to some business
WHERE: The Circus
WHEN: approximately 2 am

you're another notch in my lipstick case )

trowa barton, aerith gainsborough, quatre raberba winner

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Comments 16

radiantsonnet April 28 2008, 13:30:47 UTC
This had certainly been an experience. If Aerith had said she didn't feel slightly out of place here it would be a lie. Back when she was with the family this would have been the last place any of them would have been. Since opening her buisness she had been in some pretty shady places. Dank bars and back alleys. Compared to them this place was great. Though even if this place was the worst she had ever been in she would withstand it. Information was worth more then anything espescially when it came to the families ( ... )


jordanian_jem April 28 2008, 17:24:48 UTC
Quatre offered a sultry smile and inclined his head. He had absolutely no interest in the female body, generally, which is why flirting with girls when he was all dolled up like this was so much fun. Then again, there was almost nothing that "Katrina" didn't make more fun, in the end. It was fun, his mask. He could be a carefree, fun, flirty girl and not have to worry about the cross hairs painted on his back.

"I'm drinking sex on the beach." he offered. A free drink, of course, was just part of the dance. Quatre knew it pretty well by now, and he never wanted to upset a customer. He waved over a waiter, and smirked to see his boyfriend in one of his usual tight little black t-shirts. "Sex on the beach, for the two of us. Thanks, love." he winked at Trowa. What the client would probably take as coy, Quatre meant more sincerely.


onbitchdetail April 28 2008, 18:16:24 UTC
Trowa nodded to Quat as he smiled -- just slightly. He was off into the crowd again gathering up pitchers and glasses. People were still mingling around the top floor, but nearly everyone was going downstairs to the dance floor. Trowa could feel the bass beat pulsing up from the floor and up his long legs.

At the bar, Trowa watched the table as he made the drink. He made Quatre's weak. His little queen didn't need any more booze for the evening. The other girl, Solange or something, got the regular recipe. She didn't seem the type to finish the drink, but there was possibility that she just needed her juices flowing.

He returned to their table. "Ladies," he presented the drinks with a smile. He moved to start busing tables. He kept him in positions to keep an eye on Quat. Trowa had no reason to doubt, but he liked being able to see what was going on.


radiantsonnet April 29 2008, 00:47:03 UTC
The waiter who seemed be familair with Katrina soon returned with their drinks. Aerith didn't worry about it, all she got from the man was wamrth. She wasn't probing his mind. Wouldn't do that unless absolutely necessary. It was just what he was projecting and she was receptive too. She filed this piece of information away. She hoped to never have to, but if she ever needed information on Katrina this man could be a way to get it.

She hated that she may have to do that. Hated the thought of using her abilities or anyones loved ones against them. Unfourtanetly it was a necessary evil. Espescially in the situation she was in. She looked at the drink in front of her but didn't touch it as her green eyes now focused turned on Katrina.

"If you're ready. Shall we get down to buisness?"


radiantsonnet April 30 2008, 06:52:30 UTC
Aerith's lips pursed for a moment when she heard of the way her third case had ended. She would have to tell the girls family. the fiteen year old girls family what had happened and return the body to them. She didn't care if Monacello or vescuvo were responsible, even if it was one of the less then honourable members of the AMC. This had to stop, if she ever found out who had done this she would bring them down with everything that she was ( ... )


jordanian_jem May 1 2008, 12:45:28 UTC
Quatre had information about who had done it, alright, he worked with the assassin from time to time. He had not personally arranged this kidnapping or murder (or even supplied the Sakurazukamori with information about it) but word gets around, and Quatre knew where to listen.

"I can give you the name of the man hired to do the kidnapping and murder, but I don't know who hired him. He may be more forthcoming, but it's doubtful." Aerith would try, anyway. Quatre knew that. Hence why he dangled the information. He named a figure for the information, a fair price even if it was on the side of too much.

"As for the rest, I only have rumors. Nothing that would be of use to you, I'm afraid." he replied.


radiantsonnet May 2 2008, 02:33:04 UTC
The figure was accpetable, slightly pricey sure but you paid that extra for relaibility. This was information she wanted and Katrina knew it. It was fair enough. That was the way the world worked and she had to deal with that ( ... )


jordanian_jem May 6 2008, 18:45:30 UTC
Quatre stuffed the bills into his bra and smirked, inclining his head in a thank you. Aerith, despite his irritation with her, was a good customer and one of the ones he dealt with striving to get the bad ones off the streets. Then again, he felt almost bad giving her the name of the killer. The killer was one that gave Quatre chills, even if he had never been involved in the man's work. He knew the death's were brutal, and no one ever found the bodies.

"The name you want is Sakurazukamori. The assassin clan." he offered. "The... current head of the clan is Seishirou, and he's the man hired to do the job." Quatre hesitated. "You can try to get out of him anything you want, but I'm not sure he'll be impressed." He rarely offered warnings. This time he did. One did not play with the Sakurazukamori and live.

"I can only warn. I think you'll ignore me." he said succinctly. "Good luck, Miss Gainsborough. I hope to see you again." He stood. It was an obvious end to their conversation.


radiantsonnet May 21 2008, 10:26:35 UTC
Aerith stood to match him. A short nod was all the response she gave him, though it was enough there buisness was over. The warning was received though he was right it would be ignored. That is all that there was to it. She could not abide by this, for the girls family she had to see this through.

Many would say she was too involved, some could even see it as weakness. They would be wrong this wasn't weakness, to the contrary this is from where she drew her strength. The fact that she cared was why she did what she did. There were her own personal reasons as well, they weren't the only ones though. It was how she kept herself true to her cause.

She would reach the bottom of this. That she swore by all that she was.


onbitchdetail May 22 2008, 04:02:11 UTC
As Aerith left, Trowa moved toward Quat. The girl took the stairs, her hand moving over the lights that hugged the banister. He placed an arm around Quatre's shoulders because even with the heels, Trowa would have to bend too far to comfortably wrap an arm around Quatre's waist. "How was it?" Anger and worry was written all across Quarte's face under the layers of foundation and powder. As an aside, Trowa added, "Good thing she pays so well, because I've never liked that one ( ... )


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