[AIM log - complete] Follow Me Into The Darkness

Jun 05, 2008 22:06

WHO: Spanner divaricatore and Irie Shouichi technobabbling
WHAT: Shouichi proposes to Spanner about joining Monacello
WHERE: Spanner's home.
WHEN: After this log

Spanner gave the person on his right a brief glance before returning back to the road, watching as streetlights flew by. There was the guilt still poking at him, for Shouichi had not eaten much, but only picked at his food a little. That could not have counted as a meal. He signed, turning into the familiar street leading to his home and pondering whether he should get take out from some other place or just make something for Shouichi to eat. Spanner was the one who preached that the other had to eat regularly, and now he had done the opposite.

Maybe he should just let Shouichi pick the place next time.

"Hey..." The mechanic asked tentatively as he pulled into the garage. "You're still hungry, right? We can get something for delivery..."

Shouichi had been silently watching the scenery out of the car window before Spanner had spoken up. Brought from his daze, he blinked. "Aa- ? Oh, no, I'm fine." he assured the other. Though he did a double-take, thinking that comment might give way to another slew of worries over his health - something Spanner had grown prone to over the last few weeks they'd been reunited. "I can always get something later on. Besides, I need to finish the groceries you bought for me last week."

He sighed and unbuckled his safety belt. Too many pressing matters were eating away at his mind, currently. Such as how to go about addressing what one may call a "tricky issue" to his best (and only) friend. "Thanks, though. But I'd rather just talk for now."

There was no way Spanner would believe that Shouichi was truly fine, but he let it slide for now, still guilty that he had not given his best friend a good dinner. "What is it about?" The garage door slid to a close and Spanner stepped into the hall, flicking on the lights. It sounded like something important, but he couldn't think of anything that could be that extreme between the two of them.

"Would you rather talk in the work room or should we go to my private guest room?" Either way, Spanner's home was pretty much sound-proof and bug-proof.

Shouichi pondered a moment. The quiet atmosphere of a guest room could very well make it more difficult for him to articulate all that needed to be said, while the work room, amusingly enough, could possibly be a more comfortable place. In the end, Shouichi wasn't the most decisive person in the world. "Whichever is more convenient."

While this proposition was hardly anything but finalized, it was still itching to be said.

"Let's go to the work room then." Spanner was already walking ahead, making his way down familiar hallways to the room where he spent ninety-percent of his time in. "You wanted to see the upgrades too, didn't you?" It would be more convenient that way, he thought, mind still wondering what the pressing issue was. "Most of the modifications I'll be making is heavily leaned towards eliminating the intruders." He kicked away a stray metal cylinder and it made a clang against the wall.

"Yes, that's right." Shouichi followed, sticking his hands into his pants pockets. Suddenly, he regretted his choice in clothing. Jeans, sneakers, hooded sweatshirt - maybe not the most professional attire out there. Still, his intentions were. That was all that mattered, right? His eyes watched his friend attentively, having been given the perfect moment to chime in.

"Good to know. However, when you told me about all of this, with the break-in... I got to thinking." Knitting his brow, Shouichi was obviously searching for the proper approach. "It worried me, you know."

Spanner raised an eyebrow as he dropped down on the couch. "There's nothing you should worry about. I can take care of myself." He laughed, hand fishing in a pocket and pulled out a stick of lollipop. "Or do you not trust that my gadgets are good enough?" Really, and Shouichi was telling Spanner that he was a worry wart. Mere thieves would never be able to get their hands on him in a million years.

He patted the space next to him, asking Shouichi to sit. The red-haired man looked a bit tense, and Spanner wondered if it was partly some residue from the experience in The Hungry Bug.

Shouichi looked hesitant, but he decided to agree to Spanner's offer to sit down. "Oh, it's not that. It's not you, per se... but it's other people I don't trust." he began to explain, absently biting on his bottom lip. "It's like I told you, about desperate people.." he attempted again, before his face reddened slightly and he back-tracked.

"Your work is amazing! And I've no doubt that it's unrivaled, Spanner..!"

Okay, so this was harder than he'd originally anticipated.

The red-haired man was making interesting facial expressions again, and Spanner stayed silent, sucking on the candy in his mouth and eyes fixed on Shouichi's face. What was he getting at anyway?

"... Then...?"

Shouichi exhaled, sounding ragged. Maybe this was a bad idea. Yeah, this was a bad idea. I'm an idiot. But I can't just stop now, that'd be too weird. "It's not an insult to your capabilities by any means." He said, before his voice grew quieter and his eyes shifted downward and he
looked to be almost embarrassed. "But I wanted to interest you in perhaps.. offering you protection."

It dawned in the mechanic's mind that his prior suspicions were true - of the nature of Shouichi's work. The secrecy, the caution, the mysterious paper work, it all made sense. Spanner sat there, eyes still not leaving Shouichi's but grew a little bit colder.

"Who do you work for?" He asked quietly, the candy melting slowly on his tongue.

Shouichi felt the stare dig into him a bit, but managed to dig up some resolve. After all, he couldn't change what he was - Spanner would have found out eventually. Maybe a proposition wasn't the best segue to this, but it was certainly the most convenient. So, using his inner-strength he replied without faltering. "I work for the Monacello Family."

There. That was done.

"Monacello, huh?" Fingers stretched one by one casually from Spanner's hand as he silently counted. One... two... three... five... But he couldn't remember all of them - he was never particularly good with names and faces, especially when they all dressed in the same, familiar style. One did stand out from the crowd though, and it was not at all hard to remember him.

"I have a regular client. His name is Ichimaru Gin. Rings a bell?" Lips curled into a smirk.

Shouchi blinked, as words couldn't really describe how relieved he was that Spanner was wearing the expression he was. Still a little dumbfounded, he replied. "Yes, of course. He's a superior of mine."

Gin was one of the few in his building he trusted, aside from Byakuran. The fact that Spanner knew Gin was a very good thing.

"Oh?" Spanner chuckled, crossing his legs as he sunk deeper into the sofa. "Yeah, he didn't seem like he'd take orders from just anyone." His memory of Gin was roused and Spanner was reminded of the way that man carried himself, and the dangerous and defiant air around him.

He glanced back at Shouichi, giving the candy a hard suck. "So what do you propose to do for this 'protection' you mentioned?"

"Well." Shouichi started, sounding serious. "It's really a very sensible concept. While I realize you probably do business with either side, or at least particular parties from either side... I can assure you this wouldn't be a financial risk of any sort. It could only make business easier for you, really. As far as contracting sellers for equipment, and.." This was the part that was difficult. The most important part. "And your shop and your home.. a-and you. They'll always be protected." He looked up from the floor, obviously flustered again - and added on the
last part rather quietly. "And I won't have to worry about you."

After the long-winded explanation, Shouichi still had not grazed at the main point at all. Spanner just sat there, listening passively as his friend listed the advantages of this offer he never explained. He was, of course, amused, and curious. Something in his mind already formed, about what exactly Shouichi wanted to propose.

"I'm sure I can take care of myself, Shouichi." He chuckled. "I can say that both sides view me as an asset, I don't think they would let me die easily anyway." Though it was true that they were rivals, Spanner had never been bought to either side, and he would have liked it to stay that way.

Shouichi nodded, listening. Spanner's points were all good and valid, it was true. However, it was merely that whether or not Spanner felt he was safe, Shouichi didn't trust another soul - much less that of a rival famiglia. No matter what the other would say on that topic, Shouichi would never be able to completely believe him. Though, he hadn't expected Spanner to concede just yet. He was stubborn and independent. It would probably take time.

At least he knew he could propose this further to Gin-san if he felt he was in need to extra assistance. Trying to loosen the serious tone of voice from his throat, he still failed to a certain extent. "Aa.. I understand. It's pretty selfish of me to ask; I just thought it would be nice to work with you.."

Shouichi hated how he had the knack for sounding like a kid in these situations. And he still couldn't even explain himself properly.

A hand reached out and fingers entangled themselves in the mop of red hair, tossling silky strand as Spanner laughed. "I appreciate the thought." It was a little bit unexpected, to think that Shouichi would go this far in order to help him. They were only reunited not long ago, and their relationship back in high school were mostly a friendly rivalry. Spanner himself respected Shouichi, and considered him a friend, a person of his caliber and even better. He never knew what exactly Shouichi thought of him though.

"Though I wouldn't want to do paper work... You know I'll do terrible if given that job, right?" He smirked, teeth biting down on the stick and waggling it on his lips. Spanner was not made for office work, and Shouichi should understand that quite well.

Shouichi sighed. His words had been lost on his friend, probably. Though he dejectedly let the red flush his face yet again this evening as Spanner messed up his hair. They'd only been reunited a few weeks, it was true - though they'd managed to correspond fairly frequently since they'd met ten years ago. What Spanner probably didn't know was that he was the only person Shouichi made the effort to speak to and considered a friend. Aside from his co-workers, until he'd met with Spanner again, he'd been alone. While that was good and fine, Shouichi found himself valuing the companionship far more than initially anticipated.

"Aa - well, that's not what I meant.." This was a stupid idea. Maybe it's not worth it. "Nevermind. I'm sorry I brought it up. Just forget about it." You just worry too easily, Shouichi. He twisted his face, feeling a sense of failure.

The mechanic cocked his head. Shouichi looked so flustered, and embarrassed, and while it was somehow oddly cute (Spanner didn't know why he had this thought, honestly) he still had an urge to try to comfort the other somehow. "Hey, cheer up." Spanner leaned in, taking a closer look at this friend's reddened face. "It's not like I already rejected you."

He really didn't make a decision. Though staying neutral would be nice, there was no harm in joining the mafia, save for having the cops on his heels. Spanner had done a fine job in avoiding them so far though, it shouldn't be too hard if he did decide to join one of the famiglias.

Shouichi's eyes watched Spanner warily as he leaned in closer, not exactly sure how he should act. Apparently, his behavior was already suspicious. He tried to force a smile, but it just made his expression twist further and look considerably more nervous. "Aa.. but if I'm your friend I shouldn't be pressuring you like this. It's not right." He looked considerably guilty in that regard. "You were doing fine before I met you
again. I shouldn't try to change things so suddenly." He suddenly exhaled, feeling like an absolute idiot and mumbled. "I really do just worry too much, so please don't pay it any mind."

An overbearing idiot. That's what he was.

Spanner stayed silent for a while, blinking twice at the man in front of him as Shouichi talked, then reached into his pocket. He withdrew another stick of lollipop, casually tearing off the wrapper and in a fluid, quick movement, stuck the candy into Shouichi's mouth.

"You're doing anything but pressuring me." He scowled. "I don't think you can, really." A hand once more came to ruffle Shouichi's hair as Spanner smiled his lazy smile. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine. I'll think about it, a'right?"

Shouichi winced as as sugar attacked his taste-buds. Awful.. But he couldn't bring himself to get rid of it just yet, as he was too dumbfounded by the action itself. Words could not begin to describe how hard he was trying to keep from blushing like mad. Spanner was too abrupt for his own good at times, it seemed.

Shouichi couldn't help but be disappointed. He hadn't been able to explain himself properly. Not that he really could articulate just what is was he wanted to say, he somehow envisioned himself doing a much better job than he had. "Mm.." He liked it when Spanner messed with his hair, even if it made him feel like he was ten years old. Maybe he only saw Shouichi as a kid, judging from what he'd said earlier at the restaurant. He managed a half-hearted reply, lolipop still in his mouth; muffling his speech. "I understand, Spanner-kun."

There was a sudden urge in Spanner's mind to grab his best friend and give him a big hug. It was ridiculous. Spanner was not a hugger, nor was he affectionate. It was just that... Shouichi looked so much like a child, like a little boy unable to get what he wanted and was now sulking. It was simply... adorable, to be honest.

Spanner withdrew the lollipop, knowing that the sweetness was probably causing Shouichi physical pain as of now. He promptly stuck the candy back into his own mouth along with the already half-melted lollipop. "Don't look so dejected." The words came out a little gargled, since he had a bit of stuff occupying the cavity of his mouth, but Spanner made it at least somewhat intelligible. "Why don't you stay here for the night?" Spanner glanced at his watch. "It's still early. Wanna work on some things with me?" A grin spread on his face and Spanner gestured towards the unfinished upgrades he would use for security in a few days.

Shouichi couldn't help it - as Spanner took the lolipop out of his mouth and put it into his own, he looked a distinct cross between embarrassed and horrified. Thinking he might die just then, he closed his eyes and shook his head a moment so he'd be able to continue interacting on a somewhat normal plane. You're thinking too much, you're thinking way too much.

The offer made him perk up. Spanner would still want his help even though he was more than likely very out of practice? There really wasn't any time for hesitation - he'd do his best. After all, the more Shouichi stuck around (no matter how awkward) the more Spanner would need to consider the proposition. "Aa.. Sure. I could do that."

shouichi irie, spanner

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