Tieria drove them quickly back to the mansion, sliding the car out onto the roads skillfully. He preferred to drive himself when the situation allowed for it, and Reborn indulged that.
By "indulged," Tieria obviously meant "didn't have much of a choice, Tieria was a stubborn, willful jackass."
Either way, as he shifted from fourth to fifth onto the mainway, he enjoyed driving. Were he less fond of himself, he would have said he could be a driver. That degree of uniformity would have driven his intellect to destruction, however, and he did not approve of that.
Also, driving helped him to think of other things. Like the road. And the traffic. And the purr of his custom engine.
Things that weren't Reborn's tendency to be nice to anything that even remotely looked or seemed wounded. Like this damn, under-achieving kid. While Reborn may have been willing to give the kid some leeway, and a little independence, Tieria was not. He was obviously not putting an effort into his life, and being the best he could be, and Tieria had absolutely no patience for people with attitudes like that.
Tsuna had a finite amount of time to prove himself a man with drive before Tieria simply dubbed him a threat to the future of Vescovo and demoted him back to message boy -- Reborn's favor be damned, it wasn't his favor, and if he did it, Reborn had a scapegoat, anyway -- or simply disposing of him.
Pulling the car into the mansion's expansive attached rear garage, Tieria unlocked the doors and pulled his key from the ignition. He gave Tsuna another frighteningly demeaning smile, and said, "Home, sweet home. Reborn will give you the tour. I'll see you tomorrow at seven a.m. for the start of your lessons." He swung himself out of the door, but paused just before shutting it. "You would do well to be on time, Tsunayoshi."
The boy was terrified, but not for the reasons Reborn couldn’t guess or understand. His life, the life he had been trying to create for the past four years was slipping through his fingers. It was just like when his father picked him up and moved him here all over again. He didn’t want that, he wanted to stay rooted to stay with the friends he was making. It wasn’t fair, what was he going to tell them?
Nothing, he couldn’t tell anyone not yet anyways.
Tsuna flinched at Reborn’s touched and moved away from the taller man. It wasn’t from fear but anger. It wasn’t a feeling Tsuna enjoyed but he knew the bite well enough. How dare they walk into his life and sum it up as nothing. It was a delayed festering anger, but anger none the less. The anger was strong enough to drive that flame back to his eyes for brief moments as he dwelled on it mentally.
He would show them and until then so long semi normal life.
And for the moment that thought was sufficient to create a bit of resolve in the boy. He would simply learn what he needed to escape. After all his bitching and moaning he got the chance he needed, and he would take it.
“Thank you.” Tsuna spoke softly as he took the folder and ignored the second half of Reborn’s statement. He was thinking, a rare phenomena but it happened time to time.
When the car came to a stop in front of his new home, he slipped out he was amazed what he found. The anger vanished as his eyes grew huge at the sight. This was bigger then anything he had seen before. With wide innocent eyes he turned to catch Tierra’s statement, the resolve melted back into place, “I will be on time…” it was followed by a short pause before, “…Thank you for taking your time to teach me.” And then Tsuna bowed to his new teacher.
Tsuna watched the other close the door before looking at reborn. I will make it through this, I have to
By "indulged," Tieria obviously meant "didn't have much of a choice, Tieria was a stubborn, willful jackass."
Either way, as he shifted from fourth to fifth onto the mainway, he enjoyed driving. Were he less fond of himself, he would have said he could be a driver. That degree of uniformity would have driven his intellect to destruction, however, and he did not approve of that.
Also, driving helped him to think of other things. Like the road. And the traffic. And the purr of his custom engine.
Things that weren't Reborn's tendency to be nice to anything that even remotely looked or seemed wounded. Like this damn, under-achieving kid. While Reborn may have been willing to give the kid some leeway, and a little independence, Tieria was not. He was obviously not putting an effort into his life, and being the best he could be, and Tieria had absolutely no patience for people with attitudes like that.
Tsuna had a finite amount of time to prove himself a man with drive before Tieria simply dubbed him a threat to the future of Vescovo and demoted him back to message boy -- Reborn's favor be damned, it wasn't his favor, and if he did it, Reborn had a scapegoat, anyway -- or simply disposing of him.
Pulling the car into the mansion's expansive attached rear garage, Tieria unlocked the doors and pulled his key from the ignition. He gave Tsuna another frighteningly demeaning smile, and said, "Home, sweet home. Reborn will give you the tour. I'll see you tomorrow at seven a.m. for the start of your lessons." He swung himself out of the door, but paused just before shutting it. "You would do well to be on time, Tsunayoshi."
Nothing, he couldn’t tell anyone not yet anyways.
Tsuna flinched at Reborn’s touched and moved away from the taller man. It wasn’t from fear but anger. It wasn’t a feeling Tsuna enjoyed but he knew the bite well enough. How dare they walk into his life and sum it up as nothing. It was a delayed festering anger, but anger none the less. The anger was strong enough to drive that flame back to his eyes for brief moments as he dwelled on it mentally.
He would show them and until then so long semi normal life.
And for the moment that thought was sufficient to create a bit of resolve in the boy. He would simply learn what he needed to escape. After all his bitching and moaning he got the chance he needed, and he would take it.
“Thank you.” Tsuna spoke softly as he took the folder and ignored the second half of Reborn’s statement. He was thinking, a rare phenomena but it happened time to time.
When the car came to a stop in front of his new home, he slipped out he was amazed what he found. The anger vanished as his eyes grew huge at the sight. This was bigger then anything he had seen before. With wide innocent eyes he turned to catch Tierra’s statement, the resolve melted back into place, “I will be on time…” it was followed by a short pause before, “…Thank you for taking your time to teach me.” And then Tsuna bowed to his new teacher.
Tsuna watched the other close the door before looking at reborn. I will make it through this, I have to
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