AIM log [complete]

May 29, 2008 17:48

WHO: Spanner
divaricatore and Irie Shouichi
WHAT: An invitation to Spanner's home and sleepover.
WHERE: Spanner's workshop
WHEN: After this log at Takesushi

It got a lot quieter as Spanner closed the door of the restaurant behind him, after waving to a “Please come again!” sounding from the inside. Sure enough, he’d come again, for the food was great and the customer service was excellent. Even Shouichi had eaten his share, something Spanner took delight in. He must make sure to somehow drag the workaholic out more often, for if the guy was left alone, he would surely return to that damned habit of not eating or sleeping, and that wouldn’t do.

The street was mildly quiet, with a humidity hanging in the air. Spanner glanced up at the sky - no stars tonight, but a crescent moon glowing in its pale whiteness. It was no wonder that he could not see any stars, for the pollution in this city had blocked out the tiny little lights. Though this part was relatively “clean” - meaning without much violence and prostitution around - Spanner could still smell the pungent odor in the hair. As he headed to where his car was parked - a community parking lot a block down the road - the mechanic could see a few female heads peeking out of a dark alley just beyond, their eyes darting back and forth furtively. Spanner looked away.

The parking lot was half-empty already at only an early hour in the evening, but that was understandable. Normal people did not like going out in the night, for there was a belief that crimes occurred more often. Though this was somewhat true, Spanner knew better. Those mafia didn’t really give a damn about what time in the day it was. Brushing that thought away, he approached a dark grey vehicle, jingling his keys.

His car was an old 139 A,R. Subaru with two seats. Spanner had bought this for a much cheaper price than usual, because it had been wrecked in an accident. It didn’t take him much effort to replace the unusable parts, got it a new paint job, and even add some other knickknacks that would make his ride more comfortable and convenient. “Sorry, it’s not much of a ride, but my house is a bit further away.” He threw the sentence over his back at Shouichi, and unlocked the door, inviting the other man to get in.

Shouichi followed, his eyes wandering around as they walked through the now darkened area. Adjusting his sweatshirt over his shoulders he couldn't help but peer suspiciously at the one or two passersby still out. This entire area was just... less than desirable, to say the very least. As they approached the vehicle, he couldn't help but wonder if the surroundings were about to get worse.

Merely shrugging at Spanner's apology, he didn't quite understand. It wasn't as if Shouichi had a car, himself. Or even knew how to drive, for that matter. Being raised in Japan meant he could take the train everywhere he needed to go. Living relatively close to the building he worked in, he could take the subway or walk. The fact that he and Spanner wouldn't be walking any further in this neighborhood tonight was really more than enough.

"Aah, really I don't see anything wrong with it." he replied honestly. Then again, he obviously wasn't an expert on this type of thing. "Actually, I don't get to ride in cars too often.." he said as he nodded a silent "thank you" and climbed inside.

While Spanner understood that there wasn’t much use for cars in Japan, he was a bit puzzled at Shouichi’s indication about his unfamiliarity with cars. Living in Italy, a car was a necessity, if not for work, then for personal needs. “Why? How would you go around the city?” Almost fter he said that, Spanner figured out the answer himself. “… Oh.” Shouichi had said that he didn’t go out much, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that the only place he would go to is that building where he worked. Most likely Shouichi slept there too. “Right. I forgot.”

The gears were put in place, engine rumbled to life, and the car was backing out of the dark parking lot. Colorful streetlights flashed by the windshield as the car rolled down the streets of Reggio Calabria, past buildings and pedestrians and other cars racing down the same street. Humming a discordant tune to himself, Spanner lazily held the steering wheel in his hand, only twitching the wrists at slight deviations in directions.

“Staying the night too, Shouichi?” He asked, glancing briefly at the companion next to him before returning his gaze to the road. It was already nine in the evening, and Shouichi’s visit, Spanner imagined, would last until a much later time in the night, for they would be discussing his new Mosca model, which had a complicated design, and would take hours to explain.

Shouichi couldn't help but let his eyes continue to wander curiously, especially in another change in surroundings. He simply never got around to learning how to drive, really. He started on a high work regimen from the moment he'd arrived in Reggio Calabria which had remained consistent since. If he needed to venture out he would opt for the subway, a taxi or a company car. The interest in driving, if it ever were there, was now non-existent.

Tearing his gaze away from the progressively more slum-looking streets, he turned to Spanner. "Uh..?" He thought for a moment, then upon realizing he had no idea where he was and he didn't think the subway ran down here (or rather, would he want to ride a subway down here? Granted, he was always armed, but still...) it would be an inconvenience to his friend to take him all the way back to a more appropriate station at a ridiculous time of night. "I wouldn't want to impose, but I would probably be better off making my way back in daylight.."

A smile played on Spanner’s lips as he made a turn into the alley where his home and shop was located. This meant Shouichi would be getting some sleep instead of staying up until an insane time in the morning. Suddenly the mechanic remembered something and turned towards his friend. “I just remembered, I only have a double bed. You mind?” Spanner himself wouldn’t mind sharing a bed, but Shouichi could. In case the guy did, the floor should be as good as any for Spanner.

Nearing the destination, Spanner pressed a button on the car ceiling, and opened the door to his garage. Yellow light flashed on as the car crawled into the narrow entry, illuminating the bare walls within the garage. “I don’t mind sleeping on the floor, but if you prefer, I can take you back to your house when you want.” The mechanic chewed on his lollipop as the garage door rumbled to a close behind them.

Unbuckling his safety belt, Shouichi nodded understandingly. "Aa.. No, it doesn't matter... I'm fine with the floor or otherwise. Where you want to put me.." he assured the other, already feeling as if he was imposing enough. The last thing on his to-do list would be to make himself more of a bother to Spanner and he especially wasn't about to kick someone out of their own bed. Besides, what was a bit of shared space between friends? Not that Shouichi had ever shared bedspace with anyone before, it was probably a common practice in situations like these. Right?

"I don't want to trouble you to drive back if you'd rather not. It's quite a distance. The trains will stop running soon anyway, so if it's better to wait until morning…" he explained, really trying his best to sound accommodating and unbiased.

“Hey, don’t talk like you’re a stranger.” Spanner slammed the car door behind him as he walked up to the door leading to the main house. “I wouldn’t mind driving you back. It’s pretty cluttered in there, so you probably wouldn’t want to stay the night anyway.” Really, Shouichi acted like they were just casual acquaintances. What good was a friend if he was not willing to take another friend’s home? The mechanic’s fingers danced on the numpad, keying in the code and the door slid open, revealing a lighted hallway.

“Come in.” He waved at Shouichi, already stepping into the entrance. “Don’t worry about shoes. The inside of my workshop isn’t exactly clean either.”

Shouichi followed behind, wearing a confused expression. Would he prefer I stay or not..? Shrugging he replied. "Aa, I just don't want to be an inconvenience, is all..."

His behavior wasn't meant to insult the other, it was simply how he was. Nodding at Spanner's comment about shoes, Shouichi stepped inside and smirked. "Your workshop and my office have something in common, then."

Spanner gave a laugh and closed the door behind Shouichi, keying the code so that the security system was activated again. One could never be too careful these days, and especially around these parts. The sound of the A/C rumbled above his head as he led the way, pointing at various doors on the path. “Here’s the storage,” he pointed at a metal door immediately to his left. “There’s the bathroom, kitchen…” As they walked on down the hallway, Spanner continued listing where everything was, in case Shouichi needed to find his way around the house.

Finally they arrived at a large, heavy metal double door. A few strokes of Spanner’s fingers on the numpad and the door slid open, revealing a large room, strewn with parts and equipments. “And here’s the workshop, where I build all my stuff.”

The Grand Tour' so far was pretty much what Shouichi had expected of Spanner. He nodded as he continued to follow behind the other. It really was genuinely interesting to see how his friend lived, though. Especially considering that now the two of them were quite grown up. Shouichi couldn't help but smirk at the piles of odds and ends here and there. It was a quirky living space. It suited Spanner.

Watching as the workshop door opened, he was instantly interested. Just what sort of work had his friend been doing over the last six years? And just how many advancements had he made in his field.

Seeing his friend’s expression, Spanner smirked to himself. Of course Shouichi would be interested, how long had he spent without working on a single mechanical project? Being stuck in that office room all day and night must have been so tiring and tedious. He waved a hand over at the right corner of the room, where the larger machines were located - the electricity generator, smelter, and various other equipments. At the back of the room was a small desk, where a computer monitor sat with its screen darkened. Throughout the room there were machine parts strewn on the floor, only a small, unclear path was defined. There was a couch too, sitting next to the computer desk. Various surfaces were placed in random, where incomplete pieces of equipments were laid.

“The Moscas aren’t in here by the way. They’re too large to put in this room.” Spanner kicked away a wrench on his way as he led Shouichi towards a door at the back of the room. “I have to store them somewhere where I can get them out easily.” With the same motion, the password was typed in and the door slid open.

"Aah.. of course.." Shouichi replied as the second door began to open. He really wasn't sure what to expect of this room. The last he'd personally seen of Spanner's skills were in highschool, which seemed like centuries ago. Laughing quietly, he couldn't help but admit to his friend: "I don't remember the last time I was this excited over something."

Spanner let out a laugh. There were some things that hadn’t changed about Shouichi, and he was glad for that. “So you should come over more often.” Tossing his head back, the mechanic placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder and gave it a tiny little squeeze. “If you don’t have time for vacations, at least I could get you some well-deserved break from the tedium at work”

Inside the door was a set of flight leading downwards, with a row of lamps hanging on the wall. Spanner hummed a discordant tune as his footsteps echoed off the hollow walls. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, they were met with a large door, about fifteen feet tall and ten feet wide. With the same keypad, Spanner did the similar typing and the door slid apart, revealing a large room, no smaller than an average auditorium. Finger flicked on a switch by the door and room was flooded with fluorescent light. Towering in the middle of the room were four giant robots, standing about ten feet tall, the top of their heads almost reaching the ceiling. There were wires trailing from their insides down the floor, plugged into various devices by the door. Unfinished parts aligned along the walls, the metallic glint shone under the light.

“Here they are.”

As the lights flickered on, Shouichi found himself overwhelmed by the display in front of him. This workspace was so much larger and much more grand than he could have ever expected - there was no telling how Spanner managed to create this type of space in this particular area of the city. Truly remarkable.

His lips parted as he attempted to search for words. Adjusting his glasses he timidly stepped forward, wanting to closer look at his friends' work. Eyes wide, he almost felt like a child. Though he couldn't help but think selfishly for a moment.

If he had done things differently somehow, perhaps he could have had these amazing resources as well.

Nevertheless, it was an honor to be invited to see this. Curiosity, nostalgia, a twinge of regret - lots of emotions were swirling around.

"S-Spanner..." he started, visibly searching for consonants to form words.

"You've... improved."

Spanner couldn’t help but let his lips curl into a smirk. There was a fleeting sensation of accomplishment, and Spanner felt like he had surpassed his childhood friend. It was just the competitive side of him, and the feeling disappeared just as quickly as it surfaced. He knew that this kind of victory wasn’t a victory at all. He had had opportunities to grow, but Shouichi had not. It was all merely circumstances - not because of the differences in their skills.

“Well, it’s only normal that my skills have improved since I last saw you back in high school.” He chuckled, hand landing on Shouichi’s shoulder. “It’s been ten years, Shouichi.” Yes, ten years since that competition that made them friends, and since then they have not been in each other’s company much, or at all, in fact. Spanner had gone back to Italy after the competition, and even when he found out that his best friend was here in Reggio Calabria, they didn’t have a chance to meet until now.

The mechanic wandered to a side, approaching a large metal switchboard and flicked a red switch on and the lights on the Moscas blinked to life, motors whirring and gears creaking in their sockets.

“You can go inside and look at them if you want.” He turned to Shouichi, a lazy smile playing on his lips as he sucked on the candy.

Shouichi's entranced expression turned into a smile as he looked towards his friend. There was no way around it, Spanner's advancements were amazing. Though it was a harsh reminder of the time that had gone by since they'd last met, and a harsh reminder of the last time Shouichi had been allowed to exercise his talents. Still, even to see this was an honor - and he'd more or less come to accept the fact that seeing his friend achieve this level of greatness was going to be as good as he'd ever get. "I'm proud of you."

His attention was automatically diverted as the Moscas took on movement, his eyes caught up in another state of wonder. He nodded, "Mm.." the only sound he made in response to Spanner's offer as he began to step forward.

If Spanner was himself ten years ago, his cheeks would have colored at the compliment. It wasn’t an every day thing to be praised by someone so much more talented and more intelligent than you were, and Spanner never felt quite comfortable with it. “You should start building things again, Shouichi,” said Spanner as he moved along with his best friend, approaching the towering robots. “You’ll surpass me in no time. I can guarantee it.”

Because Spanner just wanted his old friend back again, and those high school days were some of the most enjoyable experiences in his life.

"Mmm" Shouichi muttered as his mind took off in a quick flight of fantasy. To be able to have the time and resources to build again would be nothing short of amazing. To regain the knowledge and dexterity he'd once possessed - the mere thought sparked a passion that warmed the inside of his chest. He closed his eyes briefly before telling himself to let it go. It simply wasn't possible right now. Looking to his friend with earnest resolve in his eyes, he shook his head. "Watching you will be good enough, for now."

Not wanting to hear objections, he continued on down the line - admiring his friend's incomparable handiwork.

Nostalgia sprung inside Spanner as he spotted the old spark in Shouichi’s eyes behind thick lenses. It was the same shine as before, the same shine that appeared on the fifteen-year-old Irie Shouichi during that robotics competition, and Spanner couldn’t help but grin at the thought. It seemed that his best friend’s interest in machines had been piqued again - inviting him over was a wonderful, brilliant idea.

Spanner’s footsteps followed Shouichi’s as he pointed out parts and gears and explaining which-did-what’s. “You can always come here if you want to tinker again, you know,” said the mechanic as he pointed at a gauge, “I’ll be happy to have you.”

While he felt somewhat of a bittersweet happiness over all of this, Shouichi nodded and glanced back with appreciation in his eyes. "I know, Spanner."

A smirk curved its way onto his lips.

It was nice knowing he always had the option.

Continuing to pay close attention to detail as Spanner explained the work he'd been doing on the Moscas, Shouichi felt that this visit was the best thing to happen to him in quite some time.

Possibly the best thing to happen in the last ten years.

They continued the tour of the robot’s design and mechanics and Spanner found that he was a actually having fun, just talking and chatting to someone who actually understood what he was saying, someone who was on the same level - or scratch that - someone much more intelligent than he was. Spanner had never been this excited before. It felt like he was young again.

“… And that’s about all I have for you.” Arms were thrown over his head as Spanner leaned back, stretching his limbs. “For now, anyway.”

Shouichi too, was enjoying himself. He still, for the most part, understood Spanner's words and made all the proper connections. In a way, he was pleased with himself that he still made sense of all of those things, old knowledge seemingly tucked away under mountains of obligation and responsibility. He still couldn't wipe the smirk off his face, which was as close to a genuine smile he'd ever get these days.

"I can't properly tell you how impressed I am, Spanner-kun.. Thank you for showing me."

“It’s nothing.” He waved Shouichi away, scowling. “Don’t act so formal, it’s weird. We’re friends, aren’t we?” A toothy grin flashed on Spanner’s face as the candy completely melted on his tongue.

Reaching inside his pocket for another lollipop, he tossed the stick to the nearby trashcan, missing it by millimeters. Spanner clicked his tongue and ignored it - for he was never the athletic type - ripping the wrapper of the new lollipop open with his teeth. “So what do you wanna do now?” He arched an eyebrow, looking at his best friend. “It’s kinda late, really.”

Shouichi's face turned slightly red, heating with mild embarrassment. It was far too easy for him to slip into awkwardly formal methods of talking, though a lot of it had to do with the fact that he wasn't as confident in his Italian as he was his Japanese.

His eyes watched as the discarded lolipop stick missed its target, amused by Spanner's lack of caring over it as he proceeded to start right away on a new piece of candy. The question he posed was slightly troublesome, however. "Aa.." he started, not quite sure. If it was time to leave, Shouichi didn't necessarily want to trouble him for a ride home. Nor did he want to impose himself. Though truth be told, the sooner he left, the sooner the reality of his own life and his job would come rushing back. Maybe for just a little while longer..

"It doesn't matter... though I'm curious, Spanner. How long have you been living here?"

He realized the backlash that was possibly inevitable by asking the other personal questions, but by now it hardly mattered.

“Aa…” The mechanic sucked on the candy, feeling sugar melting on his tongue. “It’ll be five years this coming July.” Right, it would be five years soon since the first time he set foot in this deranged city and become a weapons suppliers to the mafia. Five years since his life had taken a turn - probably for the worse - but Spanner had not cared about that matter since.

He jerked a thumb towards the couch set against the nearest wall, silently inviting his best friend to come sit. “How about you?” The question was thrown over Spanner’s shoulder as he turned and started his way towards the leather sofa, head turning just a little bit to look at Shouichi’s face. “When did you come here and why?”

Shouichi had always seen Spanner as someone with an immeasurable amount of potential - and his judgment had been correct given the work he had just seen, but the area that he lived in? It was more than questionable and while his friend had always been on the eccentric side, he couldn't help but wonder what brought him to live in a place like this. From the looks of things, it didn't seem like he had any shortage of funds.

Nodding in compliance, he walked over to sit down - not being able to help looking a bit perplexed as his friend asked him a question in return. But fair was fair and this was going to happen eventually anyway. "Mm.. I came here six years ago. Well, I was brought here. To work."

A thin eyebrow raised as Spanner glanced at Shouichi quizzically, but extinguished his question before it had a chance to voice itself. He knew Shouichi did not like talking about work - and even though Spanner had a plethora of questions to ask, it wouldn’t have been of any use, and it would have just put his best friend in an awkward situation again. “I see,” he mused, leaning back against the cold leather, feeling it creak under his weight.

“What about your family?”

The instance those words rolled off his lips, Spanner regretted it. He had a feeling that this was not a good topic to touch, given the situation Shouichi was in. He had already said that he was brought here to work - and the tone somehow felt like it was not voluntary. With the notorious reputation of this city, it was not unlikely that Shouichi was forced into it, and his family might have been involved….

Though Shouichi knew that Spanner was far from a judgmental person, he still had apprehensions about discussing his line of work. Really, he just didn't want him to see Shouichi negatively. As the only person in the world he felt close to, for Spanner to think lowly of him would just be too much.

His hands fidgeted. Shouichi knew what he was getting into, so he vowed that he would answer whatever he was asked. It really wasn't fair to act otherwise. "I haven't seen them. I write a letter one or twice a year." he replied, matter-of-factly. To tell the truth, Shouichi wasn't aware of any direct links between his family and the mafia - other than himself. Though complying and coming to Italy probably saved them from any potential hardship, were it the case. He softened his expression towards Spanner. "It isn't really a big deal."

Spanner could sense the discomfort in Shouichi’s voice as he answered the question, and felt a little bit guilty for subjecting his best friend to it. He patted the red-haired man on the shoulder, lips twitching into a small smile. “At least you’re keeping in touch with them.” It would have been worse if contact between Shouichi and his family was cut off, at least this way he knew his family was alright, no matter how scarce the communication was.

“About your work…” The mechanic trailed off, his thoughts interrupted and fragmented. He had really wanted to ask about the details, but knew that it was not a good idea. “There really isn’t anyone who can help you? No one you trust enough to share the work with?” A hint of concern surfaced unmasked in Spanner’s voice. “At this rate you won’t last.”

"Aa.." Shouichi nodded. It was true. He wasn't all too bothered by the separation, though he was grateful to be allowed to let them know that he was doing well - despite what the real circumstances may be.

Regardless of the tension swirling about in the air, Spanner's smile kept Shouichi feeling relatively comfortable. He nodded, sensing that Spanner's words were dancing around a bigger question. Shouichi would answer to the best of his ability. "Mmm. I'm just a bit too particular about how things get done, it seems. I'm trying to remedy this, though." The concern he saw in Spanner was nearly enough to overwhelm him with guilt - he didn't deserve this sort of burden. "And I'm sorry.."

A hand brought down to Shouichi’s back and gave it a resounding whack. Gently enough so it didn’t hurt a lot, of course - Spanner didn’t want to break his best friend. “What did I tell you about being formal?” He scowled, scooting over and draping an arm around Shouichi’s shoulder. “What are you sorry for? There’s no reason to apologize.” Shouichi needed to relax, all the work had put him on a high edge and Spanner did not like that.

Eyes glanced down at the watch on his wrist and Spanner gave Shouichi’s shoulder a little squeeze. “Let’s go to bed. It’s late.” He stood up, pulling the other man along. “I only have one bed; but it’s not small, so we can both fit comfortably.”

"Uwah..!" Shouichi mumbled, surprised by the sudden physical contact. Slightly dishelved and mostly red-faced, he side glanced to Spanner, looking exasperated - yet thankful. This sort of discussion was better off in sessions than all at once, but Shouichi wasn't the type to take the initiative to say so.

It looks like I'll be staying here after all.., he mused. He didn't mind, really. He could worry about work in the morning. And though he'd never shared sleeping space with anyone before, he didn't really mind the concept of Spanner's arrangements. "R-right.." he said as he was pulled to his feet and away from the room. "I-I don't mind."

Sleep sounded amazing right now.

[[The part about Spanner's hidden basement should not be included in IC knowledge of any character except Shouichi.]]

shouichi irie, spanner

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