May 25, 2008 15:18

WHO: Kristoph Gavin [myscarsmiles] and hopefully lots of others.
WHAT: Nothing in particular. It's an open thread. Get something to eat, chat with your friends. Go wild. No explosions, please.
WHERE: Un Morso Di Mangiare: A 24-hour diner: Vie Marsala and Via Aspromonte
WHEN: A couple of days after the fashion show: anytime, really! Just say when in the title ( Read more... )

ritsuka aoyagi, kristoph gavin, mazikeen, billy kaplan, matsumoto rangiku, dexter morgan, hitsugaya toushirou, alistair crowley, kai, kira sakuya

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Late Evening witchactually May 25 2008, 22:42:10 UTC
Billy Kaplan might have been born in Reggio Calabria, but he had been raised in New York. After nearly a week of living in the foreign city, he'd started to grow more accustomed to how things worked, and his Italian had significantly improved-- although, having a tutor did help. But one thing Billy couldn't improve on too much was a tourist-esque craving for American food. Sometimes, a boy just wanted something that didn't involve noodles or tomato sauce.

The diner was a small blessing.

The plate of fries and the chocolate milkshake he ordered were a comfort. His mind had been a whirlwind of thoughts since his meeting with Mazikeen. Wanda Maximoff. That was her name, his mother's name-- the name that Mazikeen had given him. Now, finally, he had something solid to base his search on. One step closer to finding her.

He'd brought his laptop to do a little work on, sliding into a booth tucked into a corner, alone with his milkshake and fries for the moment. He logged on, signing into the Young Avengers online network with the username Wiccan, hoping that one of the other mutant youths would have a lead on the name Wanda Maximoff.


Re: Late Evening corvoinnocente May 26 2008, 00:45:34 UTC
Crowley was just now starting to perk up, he'd been up since early that morning working and being up during the day was a drastic upset to his usual nocturnal routine.

He'd had a nice long nap, and now he was just starting to get his daily errands run. First, a meal then the grocery store, and finally the 24 hour dry cleaners.

Coming in in a long black cloak with a high collar, carrying his shopping basket, he took a seat at the counter against the wall and asked for pancakes and a virgin bloody mary.


Re: Late Evening witchactually May 26 2008, 02:05:59 UTC
Billy's search in the Young Avengers network ran up empty for the time being. His fellow mutants, most of them American, just had little idea of things outside of the States. Keep looking, though. That's what they'd told him.

It was late enough in the evening that few people were drifting in and out of the diner. So, when the door opened to admit a rather curious looking man, Billy couldn't help but peer over his laptop screen at him. He was wearing an outfit that struck Billy as very Halloween-- but then again, who knew? New York was different than here, and maybe it was just one more Italian thing for Billy to get used to.


Re: Late Evening corvoinnocente May 26 2008, 02:21:24 UTC
Crowley smiled, pleased with himself as he waited for his food before reaching down into his basket and coming up with a book that he began to read.

"How to Read Tarot" was printed on the cover with a large picture of the ace of swords. It was lined with post its and Crowley was using a mechanical pencil to scribble notes.

He was trying desperately to learn everything he could so when his store opened, he would be able to be a good card reader for his customers. His strategy was to memorize the material in the books he sold.


Re: Late Evening witchactually May 26 2008, 02:46:37 UTC
Ah, now that was really curious. Billy caught the cover of the book the man was apparently very into, mouthing the title to himself as he read it. How to Read Tarot. His interest was piqued.

Oddly enough, growing up, as his mutant powers developed, he'd though he possessed some kind of magic at first. Most of the control he'd learned to have over his powers he'd learned from self-help books, and texts on witchcraft and wiccan rituals-- hence the nickname, Wiccan. Later, he would learn he was more mutant than witch, but he would always associate his powers with spell-casting.

His curiosity getting the better of him, Billy shut his laptop down and slid it into his backpack, hesitantly approaching the stranger. He cleared his throat politely before speaking with a friendly smile, "Uh, hi. Sorry if this is weird or anything, but I couldn't help noticing what you're reading. It looks kind of cool. I mean, I'm kind of into that stuff."


Re: Late Evening corvoinnocente May 26 2008, 02:49:36 UTC
"Oh! Really?" Crowly's eyes brightened. "I'm actually learning because I'm about to open a shop on the east side of town" the vampire explained, smiling.

"Have you been studying this sort of thing very long?"


Re: Late Evening witchactually May 26 2008, 02:53:52 UTC
( thought* )

"Uhm, yeah, I guess," Billy answered after a thoughtful pause, carefully sliding into the seat across from his new acquaintance. "Since I was thirteen, so about five years now? I think the occult and stuff is really interesting." Well, that and he had freakish powers akin to witchcraft. There was that too. "It's neat that you're opening a shop. I'll definitely stop by."

Another pause, then a look of realization. "Oh! I'm Billy, by the way. Or William. William Kaplan. It's uh, nice to meet you, mister."


Re: Late Evening corvoinnocente May 26 2008, 03:01:12 UTC
"My name is Alistair Crowley, it's a pleasure to meet you, Billy. Perhaps I should call you sensei" Crowley smiled a little more.

"This was my grandfathers' life, but I've only recently accepted inheriting it" He admitted, petting the cover of the book wistfully.

"I'll certainly look forward to seeing you in the shop" he added with a nod, getting Billy a flyer with the address out of his shopping basket.


Re: Late Evening witchactually May 26 2008, 15:54:40 UTC
Billy seemed a little sheepish at the small praise he received-- it was obvious that he didn't spend too much of his time interacting with other people, for reasons he kept to himself. Though, his intentions were good, and his smile, when he offered it in return, was full of boyish charm.

He accepted the flyer, looking at it curiously before carefully putting it into his backpack with his laptop.

"Thanks, you'll probably see me around then," Billy answered, "I'm... A student here, actually. I'm studying at the university." A pause, then he added very sincerely, "I think it's really cool that you're following your granddad's footsteps. I've always wanted to follow my mom's."


Re: Late Evening corvoinnocente May 27 2008, 01:54:40 UTC
"Good luck with your studies" Crowley sincerely wished the young man the best.

"I'm sure she'd be very proud of you. The fact you're a student, studying abroad says much about your accomplishments" Crowley smiled kindly.


Re: Late Evening witchactually May 27 2008, 18:08:39 UTC
Billy's smile turned slightly rueful. "I think she would be," he agreed. That was his sincerest hope, that when he did finally find her, his mother would be proud of her son. "It's hard though. My Italian's not that great."

He startled slightly as he phone made a light vibration, signaling that he'd received a message. He apologized absently for his rudeness before pulling his cell out of his back pocket, flipping it open to see whose call he'd missed. he frowned slightly, then glanced up at his companion.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I've got to return this call," the teenager tipped his head apologetically before standing and hefting his backpack. "It was nice meeting you."


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