[aim log/completed]

May 20, 2008 00:22

WHO: Grimmjow Jeagerjaques (stradapanthera) and Hirako Shinji (ilmascherato)
WHAT: Fighting. Grimmjow's post was a result of it. Guess who won. :|
WHERE: Outside somewhere.
WHEN: Sunday night.

stradapanthera: Grimmjow had his hands shoved into his pockets as he stalked down the darkened streets. He was so restless lately. All he could think about was beating the shit out of Ulquiorra and killing him once and for all. Taking care of that fucking punk would make it easier to sleep at night. The fucking bastard still thought he was so much better than Grimmjow. It made his blood boil when Ulquiorra's expressionless face didn't so much as flinch. And it fucking pissed him off when he looked at Grimmjow with those creepy eyes like he knew everything. Fuck that.

Grimmjow took his hands out so he could crack his knuckles as he imagined beating the fucker to death. The bastard would die once he was healed and Grimmjow was even stronger. Grimmjow was going to make sure he could hold his transformation long enough to destroy Ulquiorra. But he couldn't fucking do that without practice, and he couldn't practice without prey.

He rounded the corner, so aggravated he nearly punched the brick wall, and saw someone leaving a store. It was dark and the asshole was walking alone? Grimmjow watched for a second or two, contemplating, and then it dawned on him: Shinji. That ugly piece of shit who'd refused to fight him. How fucking perfect.

"Yo," Grimmjow called out, hands in his pockets again. "You goin' somewhere so late?"

ilmascherato: The office had had no food for him. What was more, no one he yelled at had actually listened to him when he ordered them to make him some goddamn food. Incompetent assholes. He'd fire them all if that wouldn't require so much paperwork. Shinji hated paperwork.

So, instead, he had been forced to lock up the office and take a midnight stroll down to the sandwich shop just a few blocks away. He knew the owner and he knew that it wouldn't close any time soon. And god damnit, he was hungry.

He ordered a rather large and delicious sub that he was enjoying as he stepped out of the shop.

He thought he heard a voice call out to him, but he couldn't be bothered to care. This sandwich was really fucking good. He ate and strolled.

stradapanthera: That little fucker. Grimmjow was going to kick his fucking ass. No one ignored Grimmjow Jeagerjaques. Pissed the fuck off, he stalked forward, ready and willing to shoot Shinji's ass if he needed to.

"I'm talking to you, you fuck," Grimmjow growled. There wasn't any point in trying to hold back his temper because that never worked. "And I know you can fucking hear me."

ilmascherato: Shinji blinked as he thought he heard a voice again. He stopped, chewing on his sandwich thoughtfully. Needed more mayonnaise. Definitely.

He turned around to go back to the sandwich store and found himself staring at a tall, blue-haired man with an angry expression on his face.

"Where'd you come from?" he blinked again.

stradapanthera: "The fucking sky," Grimmjow replied with a sneer. "Where the fuck do you think I came from? You fucking dumbass."

Christ, if this blond idiot didn't look stupid. What the hell did he do for a living? Something that didn't require you to fucking think? What the fuck ever. Grimmjow had the weight of his sword against his leg, and his gun in his pants. Those two things were all he needed.

ilmascherato: Shinji frowned at him. The idiot looked familiar. Slightly. Perhaps.

He took another big bite of his sandwich and waved it around a little before asking, "Who're you?"

stradapanthera: Was he fucking serious? Grimmjow snarled and whipped out his gun, aiming it right at Shinji's ugly face. Maybe a couple bullets would make him look better. This asshole was just standing there eating his fucking sandwich like nothing was going on. And he couldn't even be bothered to remember him.

"Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, you piece of shit. You were too fucking scared to fight me," he reminded him.

ilmascherato: Shinji tapped his index finger against his chin as he thought.

"Grimmjow... Grimmjow..." Hm. It sounded familiar. But then again, a lot of things sounded familiar to Shinji. He was a busy guy. He couldn't be bothered to remember every idiot carrying a gun. He shrugged. "Don't like fightin' anyone if I don't feel like it. Takes too much fuckin' energy."

stradapanthera: That was fucking it. Grimmjow pulled the trigger. He had no doubt that the fucker would manage to get away. That was sort of the point, anyway. Grimmjow didn't want to shoot and kill him--he wanted to make him fight. Then he could beat the shit out of Shinji and go home and have a sandwich himself. And it would be bigger and better than the one Shinji was stuffing his face with.

ilmascherato: Shinji didn't even blink as the gun went off. He moved his head sideways so that the bullet missed him, but that didn't stop it from leaving a nice hole in his sandwich. Not to mention the force of the shot that made him drop said sandwich onto the cold, dirty ground.

Shinji stared down at the ruined remains of his dinner for a minute before looking back up at Grimmjow, this time with a serious scowl on his face.

"Oy! What the fuck was that for?!"

stradapanthera: That seemed to have gotten his attention. Grimmjow hadn't been aiming for the sandwich, but he was glad the bullet had hit it, anyhow. Now Shinji had nothing to keep his focus off of Grimmjow.

Grimmjow grinned from ear to ear and tucked the gun away again. "For being a dumbass," he explained with a shrug of his hands. "Think of it this way: now it's food for some poor, starving fuck of an animal. Makes you feel better, don't it? I hear good deeds are s'posed to do that. Never fucking felt better doing them myself. But we're all a little fucking different."

ilmascherato: Shinji could hear Grimmjow blathering on, but he wasn't saying anything particularly interesting or relevant, so he settled for staring at his sandwich in remorse. When he looked back up, his face was serious.

"You owe me another fuckin' sandwich."

stradapanthera: Grimmjow would've shot the sandwich immediately if he'd known he'd get this result. Still grinning like a kid in a candy store, he withdrew his sword. Maybe he'd get the fight he wanted after all. This dumbass had gotten so upset over some fucking food. It was fucking funny.

"You want a present from me, you need to fucking earn it."

ilmascherato: "I ain't gonna fight ya," Shinji drawled, an irritated look on his face. He scratched the side of his head. Honestly, was one sandwich really that much to ask for? "I just want a fuckin' sandwich."

stradapanthera: Grimmjow couldn't use his transformation yet. That was something he needed to save because it didn't last forever. If he used it too soon he'd be wiped out and easily killed. He'd need to use whatever else he had before he resorted to that.

"You're gonna fight me." Grimmjow was getting pissed off. "I'll fucking make ya if I have to."

Using his speed, he darted forward, knowing his sword probably wouldn't land, but not really caring. The fucker was going to get pressed into fighting eventually.

ilmascherato: It was at this point that Shinji noticed the sword. He sighed. A sword in this day and age. Really? He watched Grimmjow coming towards him and tried to stifle a yawn. He was getting tired too. Maybe a nap would be what he needed to help him forget his hunger.

He jumped out of the way smoothly as Grimmjow swung across where he had been standing a moment before.

stradapanthera: "You fucking scared or something?" Grimmjow asked, turning to look back at Shinji. "Don't know how to fucking fight?"

Plenty of people were fast enough to dodge. Grimmjow was. Ulquiorra was. Now Shinji was, too. That wasn't anything fucking special. What Grimmjow could turn into--now that was special. And he was itching to do it. But he fucking couldn't yet. With one hand he grabbed a heavy metal table outside a restaurant that was closed for the evening and hurled it at Shinji and that fucking face of his. Then he lunged in with his sword again.

ilmascherato: "Scared o' what?" Shinji asked, frowning. The only thing he was scared of at the moment was that he would die of hunger. That would be a sad death indeed. Especially since he had almost avoided it before this loud-mouthed, blue-haired moron showed up out of nowhere.

Sighing, Shinji focused in on the situation again just as a heavy metal table was launched at him.

He jumped out of the way, limbs flailing everywhere and then found himself being lunged at with a sword again.

"Oy, OY!! Give a guy a chance ta fuckin' BREATHE!!!" He dodged the blade and flipped backwards, landing on the flat underside of the table. Not expecting the slick surface, he slipped on it and landed sprawled on his back. "SSKFH GOD DAMNIT!!"

stradapanthera: Grimmjow was too busy to stop and laugh, but if he'd had a chance, he would have keeled over laughing his fucking ass off until he couldn't breathe. That fucking dumbass. Maybe he should've been paying some fucking attention and fighting like Grimmjow had wanted to. He wouldn't have ended up on his ass like a moron.

Grinning, he stopped at Shinji's head and placed the tip of the sword at his throat. "You want to fucking fight me or you gonna die on your back like a fucking cheap whore?"

He'd prefer it if Shinji fought him. That way it'd be a challenge and it'd be fun. There wasn't any fucking fun in fighting someone who couldn't fight back. That shit was like kicking an infant in the face.

ilmascherato: Shinji let out an exaggerated sigh. For a minute he let his head fall back on the ground. All he'd wanted was a goddamned sandwich. His life was so fucking difficult sometimes.

He grabbed the sword, ignoring the way the blade cut into his hand, and shoved it out of the way. Then he sprang up to his feet and, grumbling, rubbed the blood off on his clothes.

"You better buy me a fuckin' soda when we're done. I'm fuckin' thirsty now too."

stradapanthera: "Tell you what," Grimmjow laughed and rested the sword over one shoulder. "I'll buy you a fucking soda and some chips. Maybe I'll even throw in a cookie if you're a good boy. How's that sound?"

What a fucking waste of space. Who the fuck thought about food so much? Fucking whatever. If it meant Shinji would finally fucking fight, then Grimmjow would buy him ten sandwiches. The shit he had to fucking do for some people.

ilmascherato: Shinji thought about that for a minute. He was starving. And a cookie sounded delicious. He hadn't had one in nearly three days. It was like he was on a diet he had never signed up for.

But Grimmjow would change that.

Shinji grinned and reached for the sword on his back.

"I accept."

stradapanthera: Fucking idiot. The way to get him to fight was to promise him food? This piece of shit belonged in a zoo. Maybe Grimmjow would just have to fucking put him there. Now wasn't the time for that, though. Right now he had someone's ugly ass to fucking beat into the pavement.

Grimmjow used his speed to dash forward with his sword aimed to slice Shinji in two across the chest. This bastard had better fucking be worth fighting after all the trouble Grimmjow was going through to get him to draw his fucking weapon.

Here was to hoping.

ilmascherato: Shinji pulled out his sword smoothly and met Grimmjow's own with a loud clang. Jumping backwards just a step or two, he lowered his sword just a few inches to slice at Grimmjow's wrist before hopping backwards and around and quickly disappearing from the other man's line of vision.

He tried to stifle a yawn.

stradapanthera: Grimmjow really wasn't surprised that Shinji was so fast as well. But if this was going to be a pain in the fucking ass, he'd need to transform and increase his speed even more. Then he could catch Shinji and rip that fucking head off. Couldn't eat a sandwich without a head.

The cut to his wrist hadn't been anything worth worrying about. A little fucking scrape would heal in a couple days. As soon as Grimmjow saw Shinji vanish, he turned immediately to catch him before he tried anything Grimmjow wouldn't be able to see.

"The fuck you lookin' so bored for?!" Fuck. He was just as obnoxious as Ulquiorra.

ilmascherato: Shinji was busy flexing the wrist of the hand his sword was held in by the time Grimmjow finally turned back around to face him. Well he sure was taking his sweet old time.

He raised the sword and cut through the air as Grimmjow asked his angry question. He hadn't practiced sword fighting in a while. Maybe that was why was so bored these days.

"Was waitin' for ya to turn around," Shinji blinked.

stradapanthera: Grimmjow stared at the fucker for a second. Was he completely fucking serious? That fucking bastard. Who the fuck was he to say Grimmjow was slow?! Shinji was starting to fucking piss him off more than Ulquiorra now. What the fuck was with people underestimating him?

Furious, Grimmjow lunged forward again, more intent upon impaling Shinji with his sword in a place that wouldn't kill him instantly so that he could finish the job with his bare hands. Fuck Shinji. Fuck him and fuck his stupid ass face and his fucking haircut.

ilmascherato: Shinji barely had time to grin as Grimmjow lunged at him, angrier than ever. Was it something he has said~?

This time, instead of jumping backwards, Shinji lunged forward to meet Grimmjow's own sword with his own. He parried the blow and then pushed back with his own enhanced strength.

He could feel his blood starting to flow. He had almost forgotten how fun it was to fight~

stradapanthera: Grimmjow held his ground as Shinji pressed against his sword. The ugly fucker was strong, but so was Grimmjow. He'd been strong before those bastard scientists had fucked with him. Feeling Shinji's strength through their swords made him excited. He'd been right in thinking this asshole had some form of skills in fighting. Maybe he'd finally met his fucking match. Maybe this fucker would put up more of a fight than Ulquiorra. (And definitely Renji.)

"You gonna fucking push on my sword all night?" Grimmjow asked, grinning as he pushed right back. "'Fraid I ain't fucking interested in that."

ilmascherato: Shinji could feel Grimmjow's own strength pushing back against his own sword. Not bad. Maybe this wouldn't be a complete waste of his time~

"That so~? Then I guess we gotta mix it up, eh?" Shinji smirked. He pulled his sword back and in that instant disappeared again. Letting his voice echo "Wouldn't want ya to be bored~" from where he had been a second before while slicing down at Grimmjow's back from behind.

stradapanthera: Shit. Grimmjow managed to turn and catch the sword in his hand. The sharp blade sliced his palm as he held it at bay, but that didn't bother him. Was Shinji faster? Fuck. Grimmjow didn't want to use his ability yet. Not when he was sure he could take this bastard without it.

"I'm bored of looking at your fuckin' face." Grimmjow brought the handle of his sword quickly toward Shinji's face without releasing the sword he held. "Need to fix it."

ilmascherato: Shinji ducked sideways and let his left foot fly up and ram into Grimmjow's side. Then, quickly, he pushed his blade down, deeper into the other man's palm before pulling it up and back hard.

"What's wrong with my face? Jealous yours can't come close~?"

stradapanthera: Grimmjow had no choice but to release the sword and he jumped out of Shinji's range, flinging his bleeding hand through the air so the accumulating blood would spatter elsewhere. "Jealous mine doesn't fucking compare to the ugly shit yours looks like? Don't fucking make me laugh. Fights're s'posed to be serious."

He went in again. Fuck. Maybe he was going to have to release his form after all. If it was the only was he was going to be fast enough and strong enough, he'd have no choice. One way or another he was going to beat this shithead.

ilmascherato: Once again, Shinji met Grimmjow's sword with his own. The power behind each of Grimmjow's blows was increasing, but still not nearly enough to interest him. If the man didn't have any more power than that, this would end pathetically quick.

So there was only one way to do this.

"I only fight seriously 'gainst those who don't fuckin' fight like girls~" He grinned and pushed back against Grimmjow harder than before.

stradapanthera: "Tch." Like girls, huh? Grimmjow wasn't a fucking girl. Not even fucking close. That'd be Ulquiorra's place when it came to fighting and anything else he did. Grimmjow was better than that.

That pissed him off.

Grimmjow used all of his strength to shove Shinji back and then he jumped backwards as well, putting a decent space between them. Shinji was going to be fucking sorry.

"Grind, Pantera." The change crawled over his body, transforming him into something even more powerful. Something that looked far from human. And something that could tear Shinji's head off with one fucking finger.

Grimmjow lunged at him from the settling cloud of debris with even more increased speed.

ilmascherato: Shinji watched in interest as Grimmjow slowly transformed. So he was another genetic experiment in this goddamned city. Shinji had had a feeling that he would be, but that was different from seeing it in action. Grimmjow was just like him and the others. Not exactly, but close enough.

He jumped backwards from Grimmjow's lunge, but the distance was a lot closer this time. The other man had become infinitely faster. Given the usual results of the genetic experiments in this city, it was probably fair to guess that his strength had grown as well. And most likely other abilities too.

Shinji pulled his sword forward again, cutting the air in front of him multiple times rapidly while continuing to jump backwards.

stradapanthera: Did he really think a sword was going to fucking stop him? Grimmjow's claws didn't give a fuck about the sword. He easily blocked each strike with them as he would have if his own sword had still been out. They clashed against the blade and each time they struck, Grimmjow felt a little thrill. This would need to end quickly before his time ran out and he lost his strength.

Finally Grimmjow snatched the blade in one hand to keep it from moving again and lashed out with his other hand to rip Shinji's face off. Just in case the fucker saw it coming, Grimmjow brought his whip-like tail around to slam into the fucker's stomach.

ilmascherato: Shinji grinned as his sword was caught and he was attacked from two sides. This was fun. Yes. This was fun.

And someone inside him thought so too~

A strange, psychotic laughter bubbled up in his throat and spilled out. The voice wasn't his own. It was at once higher and lower than what was normal for him. And yet it was coming from him-- at the same time that a certain blackness was creeping from the corners of his eyes to engulf pupils that were slowly taking on a golden color.

In the same movement, amidst thrilled cackling, Shinji took back his sword and caught Grimmjow's tail in his hand. He barely felt Grimmjow's claws scratch against the tough, white pharaoh’s mask that his face had become.

stradapanthera: Grimmjow's claws screeched down something much harder than a sword. It felt almost like what coated his own body in the transformation. When he drew his hand back he saw that Shinji's face had become some freakish mask. What the fuck. That meant he had more than just a simple speed enhancement, too. That was going to make shit a little harder.

When he went to pull away he noticed Shinji was holding onto his tail. Fuck. Fuck. Using his cat-like agility, he brought up one strong leg to kick Shinji beneath his chin. Maybe it wouldn't hurt, but if it could make him release Grimmjow, then it would have done something.

Fuck. This was unexpected.

ilmascherato: Shinji continued to laugh in the voice of his Hollow. As Grimmjow kicked up, he quickly let go of his sword and caught a strong hold on the cat-man's foot. He now had Grimmjow's tail in one hand and his foot in the other.

"Havin' fun yet~?" He grinned as began spinning.

stradapanthera: ...

Was he fucking spinning them? Grimmjow was going to kick his fucking ass. That fucking psychotic bastard. What the fucking fuck.


Shinji had two hands, which meant he couldn't make room for anything else. Through narrowed eyes that focused only on that fucking mask so he wouldn't get dizzy, Grimmjow jumped and brought his other leg up to slam it into Shinji's neck. Try fucking growing another arm.

ilmascherato: "What the fuck," Shinji yelped. He let go of Grimmjow's foot and tail mid-spin and didn't bother to watch him go flying off and crashing into whatever building was nearby. He reached up and massaged his neck. That fucking hurt.

stradapanthera: Grimmjow slammed into a nearby building and then crashed to his hands and knees with the force of the release. Pieces of the wall chipped off around him and he knew there'd be some kind of fucking dent in it. But he'd managed to get away which meant Shinji wasn't as powerful as he seemed.

Fucking bastard.

Grimmjow leaped to his feet and, using one hand, drew the beams of light from the air with his claws. He wasn't fucking playing anymore. He hurled all five of them straight for Shinji and that fucking mask of his.

ilmascherato: Shinji didn't have time to make his neck feel any better. Grimmjow had recovered from the smash quickly and was now using his powers to send beams of light toward Shinji. Shinji doubted that they would feel very good if they crashed into him.

With another slightly psychotic laugh, he ducked down to pick up his sword and cut through the beams as they hurtled towards him and lunged forward through them, sword point pushing towards Grimmjow's throat faster than the human eye could see.

stradapanthera: Grimmjow saw that sword coming and didn't even have time to think how the fuck Shinji had cut through the energy. He didn't have any time to throw himself out of the way. The only thing he could do was bring an arm up to protect his throat.

He heard the sword slicing through his arm before he actually felt it. And even after it had gone through, the bloodied tip nicked the skin of his neck. It had managed to break through the armor completely. What fuck good was this shit if it didn't work?!

Grimmjow gritted his teeth to ignore the wave of pain. Now his fucking arm was completely useless. If he let the other get damaged, there wouldn't be much left for him to use. He grabbed onto the blade that was still in his arm so Shinji wouldn't attack him again. In this form he was for more flexible than normal, so one pawed-foot lashed up and around to slam into the side of Shinji's head with more force than a typical human could ever have.

ilmascherato: Shinji's golden pupils danced sideways, almost as though he had been expecting Grimmjow's attack. Once again, he pulled his sword out quickly, although this time the seconds it took to do so resulted in Grimmjow's pawed-foot smashing into the side of his mask.

An unearthly and irritated hiss escaped from him even as he twisted his body to smash his foot into Grimmjow's side again. And then, because a part of his mask had chipped and that annoyed him, he flipped his sword neatly and rammed the hilt hard into his stomach.

stradapanthera: Fuck. The impact dropped Grimmjow to one knee and he slammed a fist into the ground. How the fuck could someone be so much stronger than he was? Shinji was a gangly, ugly bastard who didn't take fighting seriously. Grimmjow was bigger, stronger, and loved to fucking fight. What the fuck were the odds of someone like Shinji being better?

Grimmjow wasn't fucking done. He didn't give up.

It would be pointless to use his wounded arm, so he kept it out of harm's way as he used his good arm for leverage and swiped both legs at Shinji's feet to drop him to the ground. Fucking bastard.

Grimmjow was wounded rather badly. If he hadn't been bruised from smashing into the wall, then his nearly useless arm was probably hindering him enough for none of the rest to matter. Either way, his movements were slowing and becoming less than creative.

ilmascherato: Shinji neatly jumped above the swipe and delivered a kick to Grimmjow's jaw before landing on his feet again.

"We done yet?" he asked, voice bored again.

stradapanthera: God dammit. The fuck they were done. Grimmjow didn't give a shit if one arm was useless, because he still had another one, two legs, and his tail. He used the good hand to flip his weight onto and landed at a safe distance, pawed feet skidding backward as he gained his bearings again.

"A fight's only over when someone's dead," Grimmjow snarled, beginning to feel the toll the transformation was taking on him. "And I'm not fucking dead."

A cut to the arm couldn't fucking stop him. Grimmjow tore the light from the air again with his good hand and instead of throwing them from where he stood, he sped forward, threw them as he ran, and aimed a kick for Shinji's body hard enough to break the asphalt. He couldn't fucking dodge everything. He hadn't even been able to avoid a table completely.

ilmascherato: "Fight's usually over when one person's bein' a dumbass and is knocked on his ass by th'other," Shinji replied. He was growing tired of this. He was starving now. And he was thirsty. And his haircut had gotten messed up with all of the jumping around. It put him in an increasingly bad mood.

Which his Hollow didn't take too kindly to.

Shinji didn't try to dodge the light or Grimmjow's kick. Instead, he let the light burn him where it touched and, every once in a while, raised his sword to cut through one or two. By the time Grimmjow was on him, he had readied himself. He caught the paw as it smashed into his mask again while a bar of red light was forming in his other hand. He quickly pulled the leg behind him and twisted himself so that he could pin his hand to Grimmjow's neck just before letting the red light blast.

stradapanthera: You always heard of people being thrown through walls and shit, but you never actually fucking saw it. No one could really be thrown through a wall, could they?

Like fucking hell they couldn't.

The brick wall of a building exploded into a cloud of dust, rock, cement, and all other manner of things. Grimmjow was having a hard enough time seeing without the cloud of shit settling down. The entire side of his face where the blast had hit his neck had gone numb and there was blood running down it and his neck to the floor where he had been thrown, splattering into a red pattern. Fuck. Fuck fuck.

Grimmjow's vision was hazy and there was a loud ringing in his overly sensitive ears. What the fuck had that shit been?

ilmascherato: Shinji looked over at Grimmjow and the heap of bricks that used to be a building. God damnit. As if the Commission didn't have enough things to pay for. No one would be very happy with this. Captain Hirako or not.

He sighed and wiped the blood from the sword on the ground before replacing it in its sheath behind him. He approached the pile that was Grimmjow and bricks and peered through the cloud of dust and rock.

"Oy. You still alive?"

stradapanthera: Of course he was still fucking alive. Maybe when the feeling returned to his body Grimmjow would feel like dying. Right now he didn't feel a fucking thing except how much he wanted to kill the asshole.

It was hard to do, but he managed to stand, his strong paws feeling none of the jagged stones and glass beneath them. Grimmjow never fucking gave up. That was for weak pieces of shit who couldn't fight in the first place.

Grimmjow slammed one strong foot into a heavy metal desk and sent it flying at Shinji.

ilmascherato: Shinji yelped slightly and dodged out of the way of the flying desk, tripping on some of the larger debris and ending up on his face again.

"DKSJFH GOD DAMNIT!!" he said as he found himself in a situation very similar to the one he had found himself in before. When he resurfaced, there were pieces of rock stuck to his pharoah's mask.

stradapanthera: Take that. Grimmjow was bleeding profusely and he'd still managed to get the dumbshit down. Grinning through the pain, weariness, and blood, he grabbed a broken pipe, twirled it in his good hand, and stalked forward. Behind him his tail was eagerly twitching.

With the sharp end of the pipe facing outward, Grimmjow lunged at Shinji to run him right through.

ilmascherato: Shinji rolled over.

stradapanthera: Grimmjow couldn't see well. Since his target had moved, this created a problem.

The pipe slammed and lodged into a thick wooden beam. The impact of it threw Grimmjow back.

Grimmjow's paw slipped on a piece of glass.

Grimmjow landed into a pile of sharp debris.

Grimmjow snarled just about every fucking profanity known to mankind.

ilmascherato: Shinji lay on his back and heard the commotion without really seeing anything. Then he heard a loud crash. And a string of profanities.

He couldn't help it.

Shinji laughed.

stradapanthera: Was Shinji laughing at him? That fucking piece of shit. Grimmjow would show him. He'd fucking show him what happened when you laughed at Grimmjow Jeagerjaques.

Except there was that awful noise inside his head again.

Grimmjow snarled once more, this time out of pure anger, and curled in on himself in an effort to lesson the pain in his head. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. As the transformation ebbed away, the pain in his body became more apparent. The throbbing of his useless arm, the pain from the blast to his neck that had radiated all throughout his body, and the glass and other objects that had stuck themselves into his skin from the fall. Everything was fucking hurting like a son of a bitch.

ilmascherato: Shinji's laughter eventually slowed to a chuckle and he leapt onto his feet, his pharaoh’s mask fading back into his own skin. He stretched and dusted his shirt off and looked around at the mess.

"Fuckin' fantastic. Now'm gonna get blamed for this shit."

He scowled and hopped over to where Grimmjow was curled.

"Ya look like shit. Ya know that?"

stradapanthera: Grimmjow felt like shit. The blood running out of his wounds wasn't making him feel any better.

Fuck losing.

Fuck Shinji.

Grimmjow yanked out his gun and fired it at him.

ilmascherato: Shinji yelped again and dodged, somehow managing not to slip and fall on his face this time. The lack of tables probably helped. Fucking tables. He could never keep his balance around them.

"Fine, fine," he grumbled, throwing up his hands as if in surrender. "Want me to call someone for ya?"

stradapanthera: "Fuck you." Grimmjow would have said more, but it hurt. It fucking hurt and fucking god dammit it was going to be hard to talk for a month with the way his face and throat were burning. Fucking Christ.

Grimmjow didn't need help or pity or sympathy or empathy. He'd get to his fucking home on his own. Not like there was any asshole to call anyway. Fuck Shinji. And fuck him for winning.

He fired off the remaining bullets in Shinji's direction, pissed the fuck off, hurting, miserable, and in a generally worse mood than normal.

ilmascherato: Shinji leapt for his dear life and only stopped hopping when he was sure he wasn't going to be impaled by one of Grimmjow's bullets.

"Ya could've just fuckin' said no," he yelled from across the distance. He glowered. What a waste of time. And he still didn't have a fucking sandwich. What a bad night.

stradapanthera: If Grimmjow weren't in so much fucking pain right now, he'd laugh at the image of Shinji dancing around like a fucking moron. But laughing would probably just make him bleed more.


Fuck everything. At least fighting Ulquiorra had been fun.

The gun was empty. Couldn't shoot Shinji anymore. Grimmjow flung the gun at him in one last effort to wound him.

ilmascherato: Shinji jumped nimbly over the flying piece of metal, hands stuck in his pockets. He looked over at Grimmjow and stuck out a tongue before removing a hand and waving at him.

"Let's get lunch another day, eh? I think ya owe me a fuckin' cookie~"

stradapanthera: Grimmjow would give him a big fucking cookie that had a big fucking bomb in it.

With an enraged snarl he flipped him off with the one good hand. How the fuck was he going to get out of here. Fuck.

grimmjow jeagerjaques, hirako shinji

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