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May 07, 2008 18:30

WHO: Yamamoto Takeshi pitchingsword and anyone who happens to come by~
WHAT: Dinner at Takesushi
WHERE: Takesushi Restuarant
WHEN: 7:00 PM on a Friday

I'll take over from here! )

yamamoto takeshi, shouichi irie, spanner

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technobabbling May 8 2008, 05:55:31 UTC
Walking rather hurriedly through crowds, Shouichi was constantly referring to a small, crumpled piece of blue paper as he looked at the names and addresses of the businesses that decorated the sidewalk. Blinking and looking upward as he stopped suddenly in his tracks, a moment later he sighed and continued searching. Even if he felt like he may be lost, it was more than just a relief to be outside of work. & in civilian clothing, no less. Sneakers, jeans, hooded sweatshirt - it almost made him feel like a normal person.

Stopping once again, he adjusted his glasses before comparing addresses. Takesushi. This must be it. he thought to himself, remembering his friend's taste for all things Japanese. He stepped inside and took a look around. Spotting Spanner sitting off to the side in a corner booth, he blinked and proceeded to walk over. Sliding his headphones off his ears and down around his neck he visibly winced at the noise level within the room. Popular place, I guess... He thought to himself.

Exhaling as he sat across from his friend, he met his gaze with tired eyes. It'd been a long day, so say the least, but he was relieved beyond words that he would be able to spend an evening with a close friend. Well, probably his only close friend.

.... Okay, only friend, really.

Then suddenly, it occurred to him. He and Spanner conversed frequently, but they hadn't physically been in each other's presence in years. Eyes lighting up as he suddenly remembered this fact, his mouth twitched itself into a crooked smirk.

"Long time no see, Spanner-kun."


divaricatore May 8 2008, 06:37:00 UTC
If it was anywhere else, any other restaurant, Spanner would've stuck another lollipop in his mouth already. But this was different. This was a Japanese restaurant. Spanner wouldn't want to ruin the taste of the food , not even with something he always liked. Instead, his hands were rested on the table, fingers laced together as he stared off into space, searching for another topic of interest to look at.

Out of a corner of his eyes, Spanner saw the familiar face of Shouichi, and immediately brightened. He watched as his friend maneuvered through tables and people, feet stepping closer to the table where he was sitting. A corner of his mouth twitched to a smile and a hand raised as a greeting. "Indeed."

Now that Shouichi was in front of him, Spanner could study the friend he had not seen in ages. Shouichi hadn't aged much, he still looked almost the same as when he was back in high school, only the length of his face got longer, and there was a seasoned, mature look to it. A chuckle escaped Spanner's lips. "I told you I could already see those bags under your eyes." And surely there they were, imprinted on Shouichi's pale skin. Not enough sunlight...


technobabbling May 8 2008, 06:54:55 UTC
Taking a moment to give Spanner a proper once-over, Shouichi nodded to himself. He had certainly matured, appearing to possibly stand considerably tall. Perhaps he'd cut his hair? It was hard for Shouichi to remember all the details, but Spanner was still Spanner all the same. It was nice; refreshing to be in proximity of a familiar face.

His face colored, briefly, at the teasing. Nervously glancing off to the side for a moment, he shrugged. "Ahah.. I'm working on it."

Sighing and sinking back into the cushions of the booth, he made eye-contact with the other again. "I appreciate you getting me to leave to office."


divaricatore May 8 2008, 07:11:40 UTC
"No need to thank me." The mechanic leaned back against the wall, fingers drumming on the table. "I would've dragged you out whether you liked it or not." Really, he would have done that if Shouichi did not agree to go out. This guy had a bad habit of obsessing over things he was doing that he forgot everything else that went on, even his own health. It was like that back in high school too.

"So how did you get time to sneak out anyway? What about the data you were supposed to re-enter into the system?" Spanner asked, an eyebrow perching. Even if Shouichi had done that, surely there would've been more junk sent to his inbox. An endless, tedious cycle.


technobabbling May 8 2008, 07:32:04 UTC
"Ahah.." The light chuckle escaped his lips. Shouichi didn't doubt Spanner's words for a second. He was aware of his seemingly self-destructive personality, but he honestly didn't have the commitment or confidence in wanting to change it. He'd survived this far, right? Surely only by the skin of his teeth, but it was survival, at any rate.

"Worked through lunch, knowing I was going to have dinner for sure." He smirked, though he normally skipped lunch in favor of work. It was easy to forget, honestly. "It'll be a tough next couple of days catching up to the rest, but the data-entry disaster has been handled."

Shouichi was briefly distracted as a waitress came by to present the two with tea. Informally bowing his head, he thanked her and proceeded to sip at the steaming cup. "Mm.. How is business, Spanner-kun?"


divaricatore May 8 2008, 07:43:54 UTC
Spanner let out a sigh. Just leave it to Shouichi to effectively kill himself with work. Though he did not really understand the reason why his best friend was putting up with something that was beneath him, Spanner did not try to get Shouichi out of it. He knew the man too well. Probably too well for his own good. Last night he had been worried for this idiot, after all.

"If you're not going to eat properly, at least have something. A light snack while you work is more helpful than you may think." Like Spanner's habit of eating lollipops. A sugar supply while he worked was a necessity for Spanner ever since his younger days.

"Work's been alright. I get all kinds of clients." The mechanic leaned forward, resting his chin on the palm on his right hand. "Pretty shady bunch, if you ask me. But then again, you can't expect anything other than that around this place." His thoughts vaguely drifted to the latest order that was placed - the customer had wanted a specialized weapon, something more dangerous than a medium-quality lock-and-kill device that Spanner had in his workshop.

"If it was my guess, I'd think that your work was something of a similar nature too."


technobabbling May 8 2008, 07:58:36 UTC
As much as Shouichi would hate to admit, the words were in one ear and out the other. The concern, however, did not go unnoticed. Pangs of guilt hit him now and then, but really, they couldn't go without being shrugged off. Spanner was smart. He knew that how things were was exactly that - how they were. & Shouichi understood that things sometimes needed to be said, despite them not making a difference.

He continued to listen to Spanner carry on, sipping at his tea often. "I suppose that's true, though honestly I don't wander around this area very often." he admitted, looking slightly sheepish - Spanner may think him sheltered or naive.

"An astute assumption." He raised an eyebrow. "You always were sharp."


divaricatore May 8 2008, 08:10:30 UTC
Maybe it was time for Spanner to stop with the worrying about his best friend's state of being. He had said all that he wanted to say, and he trusted Shouichi not to forget what he was told. Despite his stubbornness, the guy really knew what was best for him. He just chose to ignore it, much to Spanner's dismay.

"Aren't you stuck up somewhere doing a shit load of paper work? I don't suppose you could be wandering around town with nothing to do." The mechanic grinned, taking the bowl of tea to his lips and tasted the steaming liquid. "Mm, this is pretty good tea. Much better than the packaged ones I had at home..."

Catching himself before going off into another raving about how many kinds of Japanese tea there were, Spanner set down the cup. "I'm not as sharp as you. Really, if you don't polish yourself a bit, you'll become dull, Shouichi. Stop doing paper work for a change."


technobabbling May 8 2008, 08:23:48 UTC
Shouichi briefly chuckled to himself. He'd always found Spanner's infatuation with his home country to be rather... well, cute, if not intriguing. Sometimes the conversations ended up in rambles about topics that Shouichi himself was already well-versed in, but hearing it come from Spanner was another experience entirely. Highly amusing, in a good way.

"I'm working on it, though sometimes I feel like I'm keeping my department running efficiently - which takes a sharp mind in its own." He attempted to stick up for himself slightly, though with an indifferent tone. "I know what you mean, though. Even for the amount of surprises I encounter it is becoming rather monotonous-"

He stopped as the waiter returned. Glancing past him at an overhead menu, both engaged in a brief conversation in their native tongue. For Shouichi, it was all too relieving to be able to speak Japanese to another person now and then - proving he wasn't losing his mind and forgetting his own language. He and the waiter exchanged thank you-s and Shouichi turned back to Spanner, smirking.

"Aah. I remember your favorite things from the last time I had lunch with you." He admitted, feeling rather silly about it. Shouichi had a knack for remembering everything - no matter how insignificant.


divaricatore May 8 2008, 08:34:21 UTC
The mechanic couldn't help but became engrossed in listening to the brief exchange. It was always fun, trying to figure out what the other people were saying with the little broken Japanese he had. There was a "thank you" and a "please" and something about whether Shouichi would like wasabi. It was so interesting. Spanner had tried to learn the language, but sadly his talents for linguistics could not hold a candle to what he could do with machines. Shouichi had laughed at him when he was presented with Spanner's hand-written business card. Spanner had naively substituted the kanji of "vinegar" and "flower" together to make up his name - Supana. The mechanic never stopped doing that though, figuring that he needn't another's opinion. And besides, it was good practice.

"Oh? And what do I like?" He grinned at Shouichi, pleased at the knowledge that his friend still remembered those small little things about Spanner that were so easily forgettable to everyone else. Perhaps that was why they were so close - because of mutual interests and because they were both shy around people.


technobabbling May 8 2008, 08:54:50 UTC
Face reddening slightly from being put on the spot, he broke eye contact for a moment. "Aa.. You like futomaki. Salmon rolls, anything with unagi. Hamachi too, right?" He asked, though he already knew the answer - it was just far too easy to become embarrassed in such a situation. Shrugging it off for the most part, he took another sip of tea.

"Heh. That was a fun day.."


divaricatore May 8 2008, 09:04:46 UTC
"Good job. You earned a lollipop." With a laugh, Spanner reached into his pocket and tossed a wrapped candy towards Shouichi. The guy really remembered, and Spanner found himself feeling quite happy, something he had not felt in a long time.

He turned to the waiter and ordered unagi for himself, nodding to the man as he spoke in accented Italian. "Your tastes are still the same too, I see." He spoke to Shouichi as the waiter left their table, taking away the menus with him. "Been out much at all?"


technobabbling May 8 2008, 09:20:16 UTC
Shouichi's physical dexterity didn't quite match up to his sharp mind, to say the least. He fumbled the plastic-wrapped candy several times before maintaining a solid grip on it, looking slightly flustered by the whole thing. He shoved it into his pocket and muttered to himself, morbidly amused by the exchange. He didn't even like candy - and Spanner knew this.

He nodded at the other - Shouichi admittedly had bland tastes in food. However, it didn't seem to bother him much. Blinking at the other's question, he sighed. "Aa, not at all. I'm extremely unfamiliar with the area outside of my flat building and the place that I work... it's sort of ridiculous, really."


divaricatore May 9 2008, 01:55:05 UTC
"Aah." The mechanic let out a sigh. "I haven't exactly been an outdoors person either. Around my part, it just stinks of blood." His mind drifted off towards the scene he witnessed first hand that morning as he was attempting to do a morning jog - some exercise was necessary once in a while. There was a fresh corpse of a woman just a block down the street, her clothes suggested that she was a prostitute. Spanner did not guess the reason why she was killed. There was no use, she was already dead, any lingering thought was no necessary.

"I suppose someone like you wouldn't like it around there." Spanner grinned. At least he didn't think Shouichi would. He didn't know how long his best friend had been here at Reggio Calabria, so there was no telling if Shouichi was already accustomed to the bloodshed or not.


technobabbling May 9 2008, 07:53:51 UTC
While Shouichi was more than aware of how this world worked and the type of things that lay underneath the surface, it was also true that he was fairly sheltered from the more gruesome of displays - things like that only reaching him as data. After six years in his current line of business, they were merely numbers. Perhaps if he had spent more time out on the frontlines he would think differently, but it was yet to be seen.

"Probably not." Was the answer he chose, seeing as he couldn't be too sure of the truth. To be honest, he hardly wanted his friend to see him in a negative light. Someone like me.. he briefly mused, closing his eyes.

He could spare the details for now.


hope Yama's not interrupting much! pitchingsword May 9 2008, 08:04:37 UTC
Yamamoto hurried over to the table and with a huge grin he set down some hot tea for the both of them to share. His waiter just got far to busy and the dark haired man needed to take over for a few tables. Sheepishly putting a hand behind his head, he offered a smile.

"Sorry for the wait, guys," He said gently, "Name's Yamamoto Takeshi."

He figured he would be polite and introduce himself, as being the owner of the restaurant maybe they would understand.

"How about something on the house, from me!" He said, smiling, "The tea doesn't count though, I'm already making that free for you guys!"

[have they eaten yet? cause I wasn't sure if they had! tell me if they have and I'll delete and reenter it!]


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