[ Aim Log / Complete ]

May 07, 2008 00:39

WHO: Vincent and Tifa
WHAT: Vincent passes out and Tifa come to help!
WHERE: Street near Tifa's bar.
WHEN: A few days ago.

(8:26:54 PM) Vincent: It was late at night, and there were hardly anyone left on the streets. Except for a dark figure wearing a black suit with long black hair. It had been nearly four days now since he had slept last, and he was walking slowly, heading to his apartment. He had stayed out longer than he expected and now wasn't sure he would even make it to his apartment.

He...he wasn't going to make, now he knew as he stumbled a bit and nearly fell. Resting against a brick wall, he slumped down slowly, eventually reaching the ground, his eyes just barely staying open. Inside his mind he could hear that laughter that always came as he got weaker.

It was dark out, but Vincent's legs hung out in the small light of a streetlamp, the only thing really visible of him.

(8:31:32 PM) Tifa: Tifa was walking around the corner in the middle of the night with a trash-bag over her shoulder. She didn't keep dumpsters next to the pub for fear of the smell that would surely waft up to her bedroom window. Instead, she walked a few blocks down, over by The Warrior Princess and let them deal with the stench of it all. As she was wandering through the night - her sneakers making a soft pattering sound on the cement, she heard something else.

She looked over towards the nearest lamp, which was emitting a soft glow over a large piece of fabric. The bulge under in the light was quivering slightly, and she walked curiously towards it. Hopefully it wasn't another dead - or almost dead cat in a sack. Why people did that, she'd never know.

(8:41:14 PM) Vincent: The man's head leaned forward, hair falling in front of his face as he stared at the sidewalk. Hearing footsteps, he pulled his head back to peer through the long bangs, but wasn't able to recognize the woman in front of him. If she was someone sent to kill him then oh well. He didn't have it in him to stop her. And he'd rather die than let Chaos take over anyway.

"Hmph," he muttered to himself, his hands trying to find his gun.

(8:43:54 PM) Tifa: Tifa's heart and stomach fluttered simultaneously when she realized she was staring at a man, and not just some cat in a bag. She stepped back warily, and dropped her bag of trash in case she needed her hands. It was only after squinting her eyes and taking a closer look that some semblance of recognition crossed her face. He was the mystery man from the bar on Tuesday. He'd only ordered a coffee and read the paper before slipping out just as allusively as he'd slipped in.

"Sir, are you all right?" she asked cautiously, taking a step forward to see if he was injured.

(8:48:53 PM) Vincent: There were no visible injuries on his body, unless you counted the scars he already had, and the artificial arm. Otherwise he was normal. He was just incredibly exhausted from the length of time he had been awake. Finally his hair moved enough that he could see the woman, finally recognizing her through his hair.

"I am...just...tired..." he said slowly, trying to actually speak loud enough for her to hear him. He didn't know if he could even trust her, but...it was better than nothing.

(8:51:53 PM) Tifa: Tifa moved forward inadvertently to hear what he said. He was tired? How could one be so tired that they'd pass out in the street? She rushed over to his side, regardless, and moved his thick mane of hair away from his face. He was just as pale and sick-looking as she remembered, though strangely beautiful as well.

"Have you been drinking?" she asked calmly, looking his body over for cuts. She didn't see any fresh ones. Maybe he'd hit his head and needed some medical attention. One could never tell here in Reggio Calabria.

(8:57:22 PM) Vincent: "No..." he managed, since she was closer it was easier for him to talk at a low level and have her still hear him. He hadn't had anything to drink, aside from coffee for the last few days. No cuts, just his awkward metal arm clenched in a fist against the pavement.

"...I can't fall asleep.." he said. She'd probably think he meant that he wasn't able to sleep, but he meant it as he SHOULDN'T fall asleep.

(8:59:40 PM) Tifa: "All right," Tifa said softly, putting a hand on his arm. "Do you need me to help you up?"

She didn't know what was wrong with him, but she'd take him over to a lighted area and assess the situation further. She wasn't dim - she wouldn't just bring him up to her flat. She knew nothing about him. He could have been putting on some kind of act to lure her in, even though his sleepiness seemed sincere. It was almost as if he was fighting sleep, and losing the battle. Perhaps he had somewhere important to be, or someone to save or something.

(9:06:55 PM) Vincent: He was actually a super hero and had to save the city from a meteor. Please Tifa, you've got to don the cape and save the city for him! But not really. Vincent's head drooped once more, before he pulled it back up.

"Fine," he said. It the word itself was much harder than how it was said. He needed help and he knew atleast that this woman might be able to help him.

(9:09:58 PM) Tifa: "Okay," Tifa did her best to place an arm under his ice-cold, and hard body. She put the other across his back and lifted him up easily. All those years of martial arts training definitely paid off.

"My place is a few blocks away," she said dismally, supported the gothic-looking man with her shoulders. He was very unsteady on his feet, but she was somewhat confident that she could make it back. She noticed something metal drooping beside her and she looked at it quickly, having been startled by its shine. It was some kind of arm piece. A weapon?

(9:19:31 PM) Vincent: Vincent was too out of it to complain and/or even hear her tell him where they were going. He just shuffled along, using the woman's strength to move. She really was strong, almost too strong it made him slightly worried. But again, there was no strength left in his body to stop her. And falling asleep on the street was a bad bet too.

(9:26:33 PM) Tifa: Tifa pulled him along, supporting his dead weight. Ever since seeing him at the pub that Tuesday morning, she had wanted to see him again. She didn't think their next meeting would be like this, however. The way she found him just made his circumstance more mysterious. Who was this guy? What was his story? Why couldn't he sleep? He looked like a text-book definition of a vampire. Tifa almost wondered if she should find him a coffin somewhere.

"Almost there," she cooed encouragingly. It was true, Seventh Heaven was right around the corner. She hoped that they wouldn't run into anyone crazy on the way.

(9:34:00 PM) Vincent: Haha, real funny. xD Vincent slept in a bed. If he happened to dislike crosses and garlic didn't make him a vampire. He tried walking, hoping to help her out a little. He hated depending on others the most, so this was almost killing him in side. Chaos was basically laughing at him even more, laughing as he was helped along. Vincent was trying to keep the monster personality of his down, but he was losing the fight.

(9:37:40 PM) Tifa: There was something ethereal about him - otherworldly even, and it was this that made Tifa fascinated enough to bring him into her flat. She had somehow gotten him through the door and past the bar counter. The trickiest part had been lifting him up the stairs. She wasn't THAT much in shape. It took a little help from him to ascend the rickety, wooden stairs, but once they were at the top, they were finished. She moved him over to her guest bed and sat him down, watching carefully to see if he'd stay sitting up, or if he'd keel over onto the mattress.

"We're here now. You can sleep," she whispered.

(9:48:06 PM) Vincent: It wasn't long but Vincent felt every step he took falling closer to sleep, and closer to letting go. Finally he was set on the bed, still sitting up. It..had been too long. He couldn't stay awake anymore. His eyes shut for a few moments. He muttered, "I-I'm sorry.."

Then before he could even fall over to sleep, a low laugh came from the man, starting small until his shoulders starting to shake. Vincent looked completely different now, standing up, looking as if he wasn't used to his own body. A new voice took over, one that was much deeper and darker than his usual tone. He wasn't the same man anymore.

(9:52:38 PM) Tifa: Tifa smiled faintly as his eyes began to close. She sat on the bed next to him, ensuring that he got to sleep properly, but was rudely snapped wide awake by a sinister-sounding laugh. Tifa's hazel-brown eyes darted over to the man, and her smile vanished. He was standing up now - she had felt the mattress move. The low tone of his voice was frightening.

"What- " she began uncertainly.

(9:23:14 PM) Vincent: "You shouldn't let strangers into your house you know, you never know what they are..." Vincent/Chaos said, laughing manically. His hands moved toward Tifa's throat, the laughing continuing. There was no way this monster was the same as the other man Tifa had seen, maybe she could tell the difference. And probably only violence would be the thing to stop him.

(9:27:07 PM) Tifa: Tifa backed up instinctively and brought her gloved fists up to her chest. There was something wrong with this man. He must have been one of those science experiments gone wrong- one of those half-breeds she'd only heard about, but never seen. When he reached out for her throat, she back-handed his arm away from her and narrowed her eyes in concentration. Gone was the gentle, but tormented and pale face of the man who was lying in the street out of exhaustion.

"Who are you?" she asked pointedly, fists at the ready.

(9:31:45 PM) Vincent: "I'm Chaos," he said through the laughter. "And I love strong women, love making them scream," he tried to move for her throat this time, trying a little harder, but still just toying with her. She might notice that the man's eyes changed from violent to pained once and a while, as Vincent tried to regain control.

"Don't you want to play?"

(9:34:14 PM) Tifa: The ever-changing expressions on Vincent's face didn't go unnoticed. Tifa's own face contorted as she was trying to pinpoint what exactly was going on. Was he schizophrenic? That must have been it- though his face was almost completely different when he was violent. Chaos. Well. What kind of name was that? It must have been a nickname for his other personality.

"You need to go to sleep," Tifa said forcefully, still not moving an inch from where she was standing. She whipped her head and neck out of the way when he reached for it.

(9:41:22 PM) Vincent: "Is that an invitation?" he laughed again, his long back hair shaking with the laughs. "Come on, it won't hurt that much," Vincent hated this. Hated not being in control and letting this thing ruin him. Vincent was trying his best to get a hold, but was losing.

(9:43:35 PM) Tifa: Tifa still didn't move. Maybe he'd lapse out of this personality soon. Luckily she didn't have any children or else she'd be far more worried about him being in her apartment.

"What's your real name?" she asked.

(9:49:29 PM) Vincent: "It doesn't fucking matter!" Chaos yelled, before finally falling to his knees, holding his head. "My name...is Vincent..." the crazy violent voice changing back to the pained flat voice of the original owner.

"Shut up!" Chaos said through the same mouth. "No!" Vincent said. God how stupid it must have looked.

(9:53:28 PM) Tifa: Tifa raised an eyebrow and watching his crumpled figure carefully. Clearly this was an identity issue. She stepped closer to him, but only slightly. She didn't dare bend down to his level lest he attack her suddenly and have the advantage. Instead, she decided to pull the psychologist card.

"You're very tired, Vincent. You should get to sleep."

(10:10:46 PM) Vincent: Vincent was on his hands and knees, staring at the ground, his hair covering his face. He muttered, "I'm sorry," before finally just falling to his side, and passing out.

(10:54:25 PM) Tifa: Tifa tilted her head to the side and her features softened. She watched Chaos slip away and Vincent return as the ghostly body of the man fell into a quick slumber. Hesitating, just to make sure it wasn't a trick, Tifa inched forward slowly. When several minutes of observation went past, she confirmed to herself that he actually was asleep and then walked over to him.

"Sleep as long as you like, Vincent," she said quietly, pulling a blanket over him. His story was finally being told to her, and for that, she was happy.

tifa lockheart, vincent valentine

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