[CLOSED--COMPLETE - collaborative email log]

May 06, 2008 18:23

WHO: Matsumoto Rangiku (venusgiapponese and Hitsugaya Toushirou (murderlotus)
WHAT: Ran's getting ready to meet with Cross, and Hitsugaya tries to talk her into leaving Reggio Calabria
WHERE: In their new apartment, Vescovo territory
WHEN: Before this log
NOTE: Anything spoken between the two is in Japanese


May 6, Tuesday afternoon. Yazawa and Yamakawa apartment 310. The apartment itself was hardly anything to brag about. Both packed and unpacked material that was littered about the floor and furniture only worsened matters, but they'd just moved in, work needed to be done, and two days was nowhere near enough time to settle in and set up.

Work didn't necessarily mean any particular mission for the Commission. Rather, the AMC's orders hardly meant anything to Rangiku at the very least.

She'd managed to find some of the boxes with her make-up, clothing, and shoes; a great variety of these items were lying around her in complete disarray. Before her was a mirror leaned up against a wall, and she was seated in a circle that she'd cleared of all the clutter. Naked, but this wasn't unusual for her. Rangiku was carefully brushing her long wavy locks while scanning all 'tools of the trade' surrounding her.

Meanwhile, Hitsugaya had just finished showering. The stand-up stall was miserably small, but given his body size, it hadn't bothered him much. Though the thought of how it didn't bother him did, in fact, bother him if only because it meant he was inwardly admitting he was of smaller stature than other men.


Clearing his mind, he wrapped a towel around his lower half, picking up a second towel to start drying his hair. He walked out of the bathroom, hair still dripping, traversed the short hallway into what could be considered the bedroom space. Seeing Matsumoto sitting naked, fixing herself up, was nothing unusual for him. He'd gotten used to it some number of years ago, though that didn't stop him from commenting:

"At least put on some underwear or a robe."

"Mou..." She whined before waving him off. "It won't matter once I get ready, ne~ I'm already working on that..."

Pushing her hair to the side, her hand began shuffling through the cluttered mess around her. Eventually she stood, eyes scanning the room before finding a pile of clothing she'd wanted to sort through for something to wear on her date tonight. Carefully stepping over the clutter, she reached out and grabbed the top portion of the pile before yanking it back to her small clearing in front of the mirror.

She managed to find some sexy undergarments and put them aside before looking for the perfect dress.

He watched her wordlessly, still rubbing his hair dry. Then he moved to a box--he already knew the contents--and opened it, pulling out a pair of underwear and some pants.

It was now or never--he'd try again.

"We've got a lot of money left, you know," he said, off-handedly, as he started dressing himself.

Finally finding the outfit she was looking for, she let out a quiet sigh.

Even now, Hitsugaya was still trying to talk her out of it... but she'd already made up her mind. They'd come too far for her to go back or give up now, and it was her fault that Hitsugaya...

"But I'm so close, ne..."

He'd tried to start it out innocuously, but since she had so straight-forwardly gotten to the point... the temperature in the room dropped noticeably--Hyourinmaru was unsheathed, inactivated, unable to soften the sudden chill. His emotions ran cold without the AI's blockade.

"So close? So close to what." His voice wasn't loud, but in its quiet was a seething anger, the way he ground out his consonants and growled through his vowels. It was everything he could do to not explode right then and there. "You've been here how long, and have you even heard his name yet?"

His body was completely tense; he clenched his fists until his nails bit white crescents into his palms. Each breath was sucked in through slightly bared teeth--he stared hard at her. Eyes trained on her. As they always were.

Then they fell from glaring daggers at the back of her head to bore holes into the places that other man had marked her. Why hadn't she called. He would've been there for her in mere seconds if she needed him. He was always there to support her, though no matter how he tried, he was unable to save her.

Before the temperature could drop any further, Hyourinmaru activated itself. It slowly restored the air to room temperature.

His comment had bitten her. Hard. She swallowed an invisible lump in her throat and stared at the floor miserably; he was mad at her. Of course he was--she hadn't asked for help, she stayed out the whole night, and her body had been marred again by yet another man. Admittedly, she became reckless; after the half-payment to her bodyguard, she felt selfish and allowed things to go too far. She hadn't been thinking at that point and suffered the consequences.

"I saw it." Her voice was barely a whisper. She continued staring at the ground; otherwise, she wouldn't be able to blink back the tears that were ready to fall from her eyes. "I saw his name--I know he's here, ne..." And in her mind, she told herself that she was going to find him, but she didn't want to say it out loud because she knew that Hitsugaya didn't want to hear it.

Her low gaze roamed over the cluttered floor and fell on a clock. Realizing the time, she silently worked to fix herself up for her next meeting.

The silent click of Hyourinmaru's activation in his mind reminded him that he was supposed to keep himself calm. So, that man was in Reggio Calabria.


Closing his eyes for a brief second, he continued dressing silently.

hitsugaya toushirou, matsumoto rangiku

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