WHO: Adam Monroe, Peter Petrelli
WHAT: Adam is a day late. Peter wants to smack a bitch.
WHERE: Pay-by-the-hour motel on the edge of town AKA Adam's residence.
WHEN: Wednesday. Late evening.
Day two, and no sight of Adam Monroe - the man he was being assigned to. Peter wasn't enthusiastic about the whole babysitting deal. Some unstable guy that apparently wouldn't follow orders for the life of him, and giving the Antimafia Commission trouble. Peter wondered why they couldn't just kick the fucking guy out, but he guessed he must have been useful in some way.
In some way, out at the edge of town, in a fucking pay-by-the-hour motel.
Peter parked his car in front of where the guy was supposedly staying. He got out, slammed the car door, and straightened his tie. Walked up to the door, and knocked once. Twice.