Dec 31, 2008 16:41

WHO: Everyone
WHAT: The New Year's Eve Party
WHERE: The Bella Fortuna Center
WHEN: New Year's Eve to New Year's Day

This Beat Is Sick... )

damien crandall

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10pm-ish midorimaid January 3 2009, 00:30:02 UTC
As far as Kei was concernced, the party was going pretty well. His boss had wandered off with some young man a while ago. Before she left she told her maid to have a good time. Well, as good a time as he could between turning down men who had one too many drinks.

Kei sighed and went back to sipping his beverage. He was sort of hoping that his friend would be here. Other than those two lunch dates he hadn't seen Sawaki. Then again, it was a busy time for those in the alcohol business, so of course the other would be busy with that. Still, Kei had hope...


Re: 10pm-ish brewsyourface January 3 2009, 00:46:22 UTC
Tadayasu Sawaki dropped the last of his bottles off at the main bar. He clapped symbolic dust off his gloved hands and stepped out of the island of glass bricks in the middle of the dance floor, seeing his own neck reflected distorted. He nodded to the bartender as he ducked under the gate ( ... )


10pm-ish midorimaid January 3 2009, 01:24:19 UTC
Kei quickly swollowed what was left of his drink when he noticed a familiar face waving to him across the room. He smiled back shyly, motioning him to come over and join him. From the looks of it he was holding some of his own alcohol in his hands. Kei smoothed the dress he was wearing and waited for the other to come over.


Re: 10pm-ish brewsyourface January 3 2009, 01:29:54 UTC
Sawaki was forced to place his beers on the table and humiliatingly clamber up the stool like a thief over a wall. It was worth it to see Keiko's lovely face when he reached the summit.

"Keiko! It's so good to see you. I'm so sorry, there's been a lot of people wanting liquor in the past two weeks...."


10pm-ish midorimaid January 3 2009, 01:42:49 UTC
He giggled at the other. "It's good to see you too," he said, blushing just a little. "Don't worry over it. This is a busy time of year and I've been just as busy as you..." Kei peered at the beers curiously. Oh how he wanted to try it like he had years ago, but just blurting out the question would cause suspision.


Re: 10pm-ish brewsyourface January 3 2009, 02:14:36 UTC
"Mmm, yeah I guess all those parties need maids..." Sawaki's smile was big and dopey. Despite the sudden slickness of his palms, he managed to twist off the top to one of his brews and slide it over to her. It was one of his experiments in light brewing, a topic he normally despised. This year, however, he'd wanted to try to see if he could imitate champagne using brewing microbes. The resulting beer was light, airy and sweet, exactly the way his dates with Keiko made him feel.
"What's been going on since our"


10pm-ish midorimaid January 3 2009, 02:42:48 UTC
"Yeah... Oh! Thank you!" He took the beer and lifted it up. It smelled good, and tasted better. Just like something Sawaki would make.

"This is really good! I don't think I've ever tasted something like this before," he said, grinning at him and swirling his drink. "It's been really busy. My boss has had gatherings every night it seems... What about you? How was your Christmas?"


10pm-ish to midnight brewsyourface January 3 2009, 03:05:02 UTC
"Fine." Sawaki lied. He'd spent it alone with his microbes, depressed that he was no closer to finding Kei than eight months ago, wondering if he should just go home and inherit the old brewery, producing the same miso soup that people had bought from them for centuries.

They passed the time in small talk until the whole place grew hush, waiting for the countdown to start.


10pm-ish to midnight midorimaid January 3 2009, 03:33:45 UTC
Kei smiled and sipped quietly at his beer. When the time came for the countdown, Kei was just a little dizzy. But from the beer or just being around Sawaki he wasn't really sure.

"The countdown's about to start... Ne, comeone!" He hopped down from his seat and grabbed Sawaki's hand, pulling him towards the gathering crowd watching the clock.


midnight brewsyourface January 3 2009, 03:42:04 UTC
Keiko's hand behind her long white glove felt familiar somehow. It was comfortable as if he'd held it before. He gulped the last of his beer and set it down on his chair as he was pulled over towards the massive glass wall.

Outside the sky lit with joyful explosions. Flat thumps, shining crackles, screaming whistles. They made him jump and turn...right towards Keiko.

Hundreds chanted in the cold night: 10...9...8...


midnight midorimaid January 3 2009, 03:51:15 UTC
For some reason, Kei couldn't wipe the grin off of his face. He was actually holding his hand! And he didn't mind at all. Without thinking he stepped closer to the blond and wrapped his arms around the other's neck.

He softly counted down with the crowd, not noticing that he was getting really close to the other male...


midnight brewsyourface January 3 2009, 04:12:53 UTC
The world seemed to hush around them. There were no sounds to Tadayasu but his and Keiko's breathing as she wrapped her long, delicate fingers around the back of his neck.

He leaned...up. Lips parted, eyes heavy lidded, head tilted to the side. This time he was sure she wasn't doing it because she was hurt and scared or pitying him. If his lips weren't already occupied, he'd be smiling...


midnight midorimaid January 3 2009, 04:20:46 UTC
Kei pressed his lips to Sawaki's just as the crowd cried out "Happy New Year!" Not that he heard it, he was too busy deepening the kiss and pressing closer to the other. Totally forgetting that one, he was a boy, and two, his breasts were fake.


midnight brewsyourface January 3 2009, 04:26:57 UTC
There was a secret softness to Keiko's lips. They tingled bright cherry red, the color of the explosions in the sky, the little tingles in his own lips. They stayed connected like that until they had to break and gasp for breath. He stroked her cheek and leaned in again...


midnight midorimaid January 3 2009, 04:52:17 UTC
The kiss ended far too quickly for Kei's liking. When he pulled away he felt light headed and dizzier than before. He stared at Sawaki, leaning into his hand and then back towards him..

And it was at that time that a few of the more energetic guests bumped into him, sending him falling forward. He missed his friend's lips and instead burried his face in his shoulder giggling. His wig, on the other hand, had been disturbed in the exchange and slipped off.


midnight brewsyourface January 3 2009, 17:19:50 UTC
Sawaki laughed with the revelers, his cares forgotten in the Bacchanalian flux. He pulled Keiko in to kiss her again, his hand at the base of her neck when some movement within the gelatinous sea of people sent her sprawling forward into his arms.

He looked down to ask if she was ok and realized...He was still holding her hair which now hung from his hand, unwanted. The person underneath the wig...Was all too familiar. Kei Yuuki, his best friend, whom he'd left the university eight months ago to find. That silvery short cut was recognizable anywhere.

Sawaki squeaked and lept back a full three feet, sending a bottle of his own beer to the ground where it broke neatly. "K...KEI?!" The freakout promised to be epic.


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