WHO: Freeman, Jinx; Later, Urahara and possibly Jushirou
WHAT: Kitten takes the bait
WHERE: Warehouse #1171, the warehouse district
WHEN: Sunday, December 21st, nightfall
WARNINGS: Extreme violence and gore
I want your power glowing, juicy flowing, red hot, meaning of life )
Was it a good idea to stay with her? Of course... she was dying... She needed warmth, and any way to help stop her from bleeding out. But.. the AMC... Urahara couldnt escape them now... and his identity... he'd have to reveal himself, and they will have retrieved his former record.... True, it was under a different name... but... there were certain forms of identification that couldnt be faked.
The girl's life would simply be put into the hands of fate... she asked for no interference afterall... Urahara wasnt a man to go against a dying person's wishes unless they deliberately said so... or if he found reason to. All he knew was he was going to do everything he could for her... without breaking his word.
"They should be here soon... I can hear sirens..." He spoke. "...I'm going to keep talking... and I want you to focus on my voice. Stay conscious. Thats important. Alright? Alright..." Kisuke started... talking about the life of an orphan boy who traveled the world... who learned how to fight, the science, physics, and art of life and death... who played God, making perversions of nature... only to disappear and retrace his steps... trying to figure out what it was that he did wrong...
He didnt expect Jinx to remember all of it... it was something to occupy her mind.. and thats all he could hope for.
"You... are a very... interesting man..." she interrupted, giving him the weakest of smiles. Jinx was a smart girl, though she never thought things through, and she knew people. She had enough life experience thus far to be wise beyond her years only in moments of peace. And as she looked up at him, a fog over her eyes, she saw a sort of understanding within him. Strange how they had only spoken once in person before, and he very well may be the last human she ever touched. "I would... like to know... more... later... we can have... tea..." She felt herself fading, and jerked herself awake. Her body was screaming. It had lost too much blood, there was not enough left to keep her going, yet she continued to fight. Somehow, Jinx continued to fight. Maybe she was just to goddamn stubborn to die without having the last word.
"You... can fix yourself... you... can turn life... around... you know... that you have... done... wrong..." Her limp hand could no longer grasp onto Freeman's heart. It released from her hand, rolled off her chest to thump onto the ground. She had laced Freeman's hair around her other hand so tightly it was not going anywhere. "I don't... know... how to... fix things... I try... and I... I fail... so... I guess... I traded... my life for... someone's who was... worth more..." She did not care about the pain, the wheezing in her breath. She began to feel nothing at all. "Perversions... of nature? I was... once... human... maybe I... still am... maybe I... maybe..."
The sound of sirens came to her ears. Groaning, she tried to move, tried to sit up, but only managed to twitch her body. "Tell them... to get Jushirou... first... tell them... I'm okay..." There was no way in hell even Urahara could lie that well. Jinx looked more dead than alive. God, the field day Komui would have tearing apart her body in the morgue. "And then... you can... run..." she could barely look up at him. "Thank you... I... I..." Jinx gasped, trying to draw in a breath that would not come, fighting for consciousness, fighting, trying to hold onto that edge between this world and the next, then her body fell limp. Eyes closing, her head rolled off to the side. She could not breathe. Her heart struggled. All too quickly, she was slipping away... just as Komui Lee ran into the warehouse as quickly as possible.
...This girl. She couldnt die. He decided... he wouldnt let her. He didnt care that he gave her his word he wouldnt interfere. Fate was playing an unfair hand... and he wasnt willing to let Fate win if it meant she wasnt going to survive.
He pulled out several tools from his jacket, closing off some of her wounds with devices unknown from the medical world... he wasnt going to be able to save her here.. but he would certainly buy her some time before taking her to the hospital. Her left lung was punctured... she had quit breathing... and so he had to give her body air to hold her over until medics showed up with oxygen tanks. He plugged her nose and breathed into her, pushing her chest over her right lung with his hand to bring on oxygen flow. She was bleeding profuciously... but his unique devices held her together. She started breathing again, but barely... but thats all Kisuke needed to feel satisfied.
When the ambulance arrived, they immediately approached the shop keeper... "..Jushirou Ukitake's in the room over there. Take him to a hospital immediately... and if you have enough people and room, rush this girl over as well."
He looked down at Jinx... the bloody anomaly on his lap. "I'll see you again when you wake." The blond slid her off of him, resting her to lie flat on her back as he vanished. The AMC arrived.... and that was his cue to leave.
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