Who: Come one come all, it's a party! Well a cleanup first.
What: Cleanup assistance for Mibu at Kokakuro followed by Gipo's Solstice Bash
When: Cleanup ASAP, hopefully the party will start at Sunset, 4:40 PM Reggio Time (which is actually right about now but we'll fudge a bit)
Where: Kokakura Restaurant
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She pulled her hair back as she stepped into the place and took mental survey of the damage. "Hello?" she called out, trying to figure out who was here already.
He smiled when he saw the young woman who had been there earlier upset about the damaged restaurant.
"Ah so you did come. I'm happy to see you here."
"My employer has been out of sorts lately, but I'm sure he'll be glad to see someone using this place for what should be a very good purpose. I am Okuni."
"It's not surprising that people would be out of sorts when an Earthquake affects their business." He had experienced much the same with his organization due to the recent volcanic eruption although he wasn't about to bring that issue into the conversation.
"Besides I have always found Solstice a good excuse for a wild party. Japaneses style will be different though. I go by Gipo."
((OOC pronounced GEpo))
He really did look like a man out of the photos from those many years ago.
"I've already had lunch made for the people helping."
Okuni stepped in closer to Oriya and whispered in his ear, "For both the restaurant and my part of things."
"I am curious though, what were the fragile things you lost in the quake? Not irreplaceable I hope?"
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