
Dec 17, 2008 00:29

WHO: Jinx (badluckykitty) & Kisuke Urahara(fanofinfo)
WHAT: Information exchange and planning, after this
WHERE: Urahara Shoten
WHEN: 12/16; Evening

He called you kitten )

n.a.o.e.2 jinx, urahara kisuke

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hexyoutotuesday December 17 2008, 08:16:24 UTC
Jinx did not have time for this. She did not fucking have time for this! That video, every single time she blinked, it played through her mind. Their voices rang in her ears. And why the hell did he have to make that so public? She had wasted so much time already trying to talk down people from going after Freeman themselves. If that happened, it was game over. If anyone but Jinx showed up at that location, Jushirou would die. If anyone came along with her, Jushirou would die. He was just the fucking lure, the goddamn bait because Freeman wanted his fucking playmate back. This was all her fault. Jinx began a game with the boogeyman and left the board sitting there unfinished. This was the end to their game, and her father was just a pawn. This was her battle, yet everyone else in the damn city was trying to make it theirs. The video was for her... his kitten... no one else.

It took her fifteen minutes to get to Urahara's shop. Though she was swerving through traffic on her Ducati at well over 100MPH, she had to stop to arm herself. She needed distractions in this battle, things to throw him off guard, things to slow him down before she crushed every bone in his body, before she split him in half with nothing more than a little bad luck. Driving alone, windows shattered in moving vehicles, anything in her way paid a serious price, and she left a trail of minimal destruction with her all the way to the man's shop.

Not a pause in her step from getting off her motorcycle, walking up the path to the shop, Jinx finally came to throw open the front door. "OLD MAN! I NEED THOSE COORDINATES NOW!" Her scream echoed through the shop as a few glass things shatter, including a lightbulb above. Every plant along the walk to the front door was dead, hanging out of its pot like it had been set in a desert for months on end. Her eyes had not been normal since she first saw Freeman's message. They were large, and instead of pink irises and slit pupils, they were glazed over a vibrant, glowing, sparking fuchsia. That same energy ran in currents around her hands, occasionally flickering over her body from one palm to the other.

Ready for anything, she wore a body suit, black leather all the way up to her neck, the same shade of heeled boots. The only things not covered were her head and hands, a very expensive looking diamond ring glittering on her left finger. Strapped across her back were two descent sized machine across her hips and around her thighs were holsters with semiautomatic pistols, knives, so many goddamn knives. The young assassin knew what she was getting into, and the weapons were only distractions anyway... all but her lovely switchblade kept close to her heart in the folds of the partially unzipped, skin tight suit. That blade had cut up hundreds of men, and the last one it would ever touch was going to be Freeman. She promised herself that.


fanofinfo December 17 2008, 08:27:01 UTC
His thoughts were quickly interrupted by a tornado of rage blasting off the front door.... Kisuke's hazel eyes looked up as the force of her entrance attempted to push his bucket hat clear off his head, though he quickly caught it and readjusted it. He stared a moment to see her attire... what she was packing... and he opened up his fan and brought it up to his face to cover his expression. "...My... it appears that you broke my door." He spoke, stating the obvious.

"I cant tell you in this, now, very open room. Anyone who happens to be passing by can hear." He turned his back, closing his fan and tucking it into his jacket. He took the tea and walked to the next room. "Come in. Have some tea." He looked back at her... when he would usually smile in his trickster-like fashion... Kisuke's face remained serious.

Getting into the other room and setting the tea down on a small table, he pulled out his phone and dialed. "Tessai... Forget the errands. I need a door repaired. Thank you." He left the message quickly, sliding his cellphone back into his back pocket.


hexyoutotuesday December 17 2008, 08:45:56 UTC
Honestly, Jinx had not meant to break the door of all things. That one just sort of happened. But who the fuck cared? She needed information, she needed it fast, and she needed to go save her father. Moving the game piece past the finish line, slaughtering Freeman and throwing his skin right on the Inspector's desk. She would never leave Jushirou's side again. Or... or at least that was her fantasy. This fight was probably going to get her killed, but she was taking Freeman with her at all costs. She would rip apart her own damn body and his along with it if that was what it would take. Who cared about a fucking door when a man's life was on the line? She had already said her goodbyes to her little brothers, Alba and Soiree, the Meira twins, Alba her husband, the love of her life.

"Fine, we'll move into another fucking room." God, he wanted to have TEA! Fucking tea in this situation. Every time she blinked, every single fucking time her eyes closed, the energy shining through her lids, she could see that video. In the other room, she thought he would just say, then let her get the fuck out, but he called someone, talking about the broken door.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" she snapped, standing in the center of the room. Hands shaking, she removed the switchblade from her suit, flicking it open, running her thumb over the sharpened blade. Her eyes flicked a few times between their catlike state and the electrical charged glow, but they always returned to the latter. "Fuck... fuck... FUCK!" Something glass broke. It was not the tea, something behind her, she did not care. "Tell me the coordinates, NOW! There isn't time to fucking waste sitting around and sipping tea! Did we not watch the same video?" She gripped the closed switchblade hard, giving a light chuckle in her anger, eyes insane with rage, that bright light. "Kitten needs to go see the Boogeyman..." her voice was singsong, a higher pitch that usual in just that one sentence. The girl was not at all stable right now and there was no use in trying. Freeman was out there with her father... "TELL ME!"


fanofinfo December 17 2008, 09:00:17 UTC
Through her spouts of rage... Kisuke was seemingly calm, sitting down and taking one of the tea cups in his own hands, as if completely unphased. "Lady Jinx, I'm going to say this only one time." He brought the tea glass to his lips, taking a short sip. "...Have some tea."

His eyes turned over to her, in a strange calm. "...I understand the situation. Jushirou is my friend, do you think I want to see him hurt, or even worse killed? I can argue how much this situation worries me, how I understand the sense of urgency, but we simply dont have the time for that bickering." He got up and pulled a chair for her. "If I give you the coordinates and send you on your way, in the state you're in, we cant guarantee that anyone is going to live. The rage thats..." He observed her a moment, "pulsating you, is only going to cause more harm than good."

Kisuke tilted his head up, getting a better look at her from under the shade of his hat. "In Japan, the greatest fighters took a moment to calm themselves, to meditate before facing war. They drank tea." He released a short chuckle. "I'll spare you the history lesson... but this is for your well being as well as his. I need some information before I give you what you need, and I'll send you on your way."


hexyoutotuesday December 17 2008, 09:16:06 UTC
Tea... TEA! What the hell was with all these Japanese fucks and their tea? Fucking voodoo tea, that was what it was. God, Papa's tea shop, that got blown sky high, ten years of dedication and hard work, gone in seconds. Soon after, he was kidnapped. She was worried, but she had to bring in Paul, she thought everything was eventually going to be all right, then... noticing how badly she was shaking, maybe tea was a decent idea. As he pulled the chair out for her, she stripped the machine guns off her back, then came to sit her small body down. Eyes horribly unfocused, she slipped the switchblade back down her suit. The man was speaking the truth, no matter how much she hated to believe it. He reminded her of Jushirou when he was serious, which made her want to trust him. She needed to trust that he had the damn coordinates in the first place before she wasted her time here.

And then he told her he wanted information. In the most fucking urgent of moments, he wanted information in exchange for coordinates. What that how his game was going to be played? So could have asked Alba to trace the post for her, to find freeman... but he would not have let her go. They had been newlyweds for not even two months now, siblings for a decade, best friends all the way through. Urahara was right... running into this battle, Jinx expected to die, but god, what if she got Jushirou killed in the first place? Jinx clenched her fists tightly, closing her eyes, taking deep breaths just like her therapist told her.

When her eyes unveiled themselves, they were as human as they would get, their pink, catlike glimmer looking him over. Letting her gaze drift down, she stared at the teacups. "If... you love those cups... I wouldn't suggest putting them in my hands." And slowly, she collapsed into herself on the chair. Head on her knees, she hugged her legs tightly, then muttered to him, "What do you want to know?" With the adrenaline dying, she felt a deep pain come over her. Jinx had nine lives to begin with, and right now she was probably at negative twelve. She had tried to convince her brothers she was ready to leave this world, but she could not make herself believe the same. "I'll answer anything... just please, please tell me where they are. I have to get the Boogeyman before it's too late."


fanofinfo December 17 2008, 09:25:35 UTC
Urahara nodded, taking his seat across from her. "Drink when you're ready." He spoke taking a sip of his tea.

"Understand... I'm only asking for information so we can evaluate the situation... so we know what we need to do when all is said and done." He wasnt expecting Jinx to know what he was talking about right away, but he continued talking. If she couldnt drink, conversation would hopefully calm her nerves. "..He called you kitten. Why?"


hexyoutotuesday December 17 2008, 09:48:27 UTC
Soon, Jinx was ready. Sitting back up, still shaking, she reached out for the cup in copes not to break it. She tried to take a sip and failed miserably, coughing on the tea, setting the cup back down. He just wanted to know what was going on top help, right? He just wanted to help, to deduce the situation and find the best way possible to go around it. That was right. Nothing more.

Upon taking a second attempt at the tea, she found herself cringing. That question rang in her brain. At first her eyes were wide, staring at him with that deer in the headlights look, but soon they softened then drifted from him. She set her teacup back down. In the chair she was small, tiny enough to bring her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them, pulling them tight against her body. These were not the kinds of questions she expected, but she would answer, for her father, to save her father...

"He called me Kitten... because that's his nickname for me." The answer was quite ambiguous, but it was difficult to think clearly now. Her body could not stop trembling for some strange reason. And his voice, Freeman's voice that rang in her ears, the sound of it from months ago, the growls, his laughter at her screams, when he grunted her name, so cold while her voice could melt through anything. And those eyes, his eyes... they haunted her dreams. Not a day went by since then where she did not think of her mistakes, of drawing the monster out into this world. "He's always... called me Kitten..." Her clawlike nails, slit pupils, the way she moved, growled hissed, stalked, sauntered, preyed, that feral aspect of her that no one could tame... she thought the explanation was obvious.


fanofinfo December 17 2008, 10:02:48 UTC
She didnt say much.. but the way she said it, her body language, even with the initial response to the question... Kisuke was a master at reading in between the lines. He gave her a small nod before going on, a theory already building up the answer to his next questions. "..What did he do to you? Why did he target you?" His fingers slid against the raku tea cup infront of him... saving himself a drink to give her his undivided attention.


hexyoutotuesday December 17 2008, 10:19:06 UTC
That question... fucking funny. And to show it, Jinx laughed, her eyes lightening up like a jack-o-lantern for a moment to them flicker out as she shut them, laughing harder, then so hard it hurt, that she nearly fell out of the chair, losing it, what was left of her mind reeling at the very thought of what he did to her. What a fucking hilarious man this one was. And why did he target her? Was it not obvious? Of course not... only three people in this city knew. Her husband, her father, and the doctor who barely managed to save her life, who collected the DNA from her, DNA that could have locked her away for many years. They could not prove a single one of her assassinations, but that one... she was right there covered in a dead man's blood and Freeman's...

"I could show you the scars," she chuckled when her hysterics finally calmed down. "I could show you mine and his..." She placed her hand beneath her left breast where the largest scar was, where he nearly forced his entire hand through her ribcage. And there were the scars down her back, long gashes that never healed properly due to infection from being slammed into that warehouse wall. So many scars... and his body, the knife wounds, the gashes from her claws, bite marks, on both of them. "It's not what he did to me..." she closed her eyes, the monster's rest irises staring right back at her, that demented look of a man who could eat a human heart without flinching, staring right back into her predator's eyes. "...I was the one who started this all. He wants me..."

And to answer his second question, she let her feet fall back to the floor. The young assassin straightened her posture and reached for her tea, still not looking the man in the eye. "I'm his favorite playmate. I'm the only who who," she hissed, "knows how to live." As she brought the teacup to her lips, her hand was trembling so badly she splashed the hot liquid onto the table, her chest, down her chin. Quickly setting the cup back down, she tried to wipe the liquid off herself. It was warm, like the blood that poured over their bodies those nights, when they made eye contact, had that connection, because they were... they were the same...

"He is the reflection in the mirror after I've killed a man. He's just like me..." and the laughter started up again and lasted until she was doubled over in the chair, trying to contain her emotions, trying not to wreck anything else. "I suppose now... you want to know... how I know Freeman."


fanofinfo December 17 2008, 17:32:27 UTC
And her words confirmed his thoughts. Through her laughs, Kisuke was reminded how unstable she was... only imagining what might have processed through her mind. So... she certainly was Freeman's play thing. He brought his glass up to his lips, taking a thoughtful sip of the bitter tea within. "A reflection in the mirror can be the most deceiving.." He mused, mostly to himself. As she assumed his next question he gave a nod. "My, you're a bright girl."

His assumption would be that she had killed with him. This city was so dark and full of what one would only imagine hell to be. Whether Freeman had created this drama or not... people felt fear in this city. This city was fear. Fear of whether or not someone was going to live to see the morning... fear that the person they may care about the most will be gone in an instant.

Clubs surrounded the city in hopes to mask this fear... to pretend its a game and that the city was nothing but a party to get drunk at. Some people drank this fear, got intoxicated by it, and that person right now was Freeman. He was most likely enjoying this all... feeling the fleeting ecstasy and reveling in it as much as he could. He wouldnt do anything to Jushirou, not until someone came to stop him... and he could witness the fear with his own insanely predatory eyes. But would he kill Jushirou if he saw Jinx? Eliminating the essential element of her fear would ruin the art of it all, wouldnt it? Though... through his information, Kisuke recalled Freeman is a serial killer, who doesnt hold any reason really to kill and steal life from someone else. Would he kill Jushirou just for the sake of it? ... or would he hang the possibility over Jinx's head until he drove her mad? Technically speaking, if all he wanted was Jinx... his kitten, wouldnt Jushirou then serve his purpose of luring her there?

... How would she face Freeman and save Jushirou? He pondered on this and mulled several strategies in his mind, waiting for her side of the story.


hexyoutotuesday December 17 2008, 19:01:30 UTC
"September 19th," she muttered, slowly sitting back up. She flicked her feral eyes toward him, making perfect contact. "I'll remember that day for the rest of my life, and not a single day passes where I don't think of it, where I don't feel..." She ran a finger along the edge of her teacup, looking down at the prisms the reflection of her finger made in the tea that was splashed on the table around it. "Chiamata del Corvo..." she whispered the name of a heavy metal dance club, a place where the scum go to feel the heat with one another, the kind of place made up of leather, fishnets, people with a glutton for pain, and people who like pretending they were monsters. "I don't know what he was doing there, hell, I don't know what I was doing there, but...I was trying to be so damn good! I was trying my hardest not to--" her thumb twitched and she pulled her hand away from the teacup, running her nail over the pad of it, it itched, and it itched a lot. "...not to kill anyone."

"I... I saw someone from across the room, with that same look in his eye that I had, with the goddamn hunger." The ex homicidal maniac reached down her suit and grabbed out her switchblade. It was like an extension of her body, so damn familiar to her hands. When she flicked out the pretty steel, she ran her thumb along the blade, trying to solve that awful itch. "We were different from everyone else, and the same as each other. He approached me, smiled...god, Freeman's smile... and he told me..." her voice grew harsh as she quoted, eyes unfocused, her prey blade cutting into her thumb to let warm blood trickle over the steal, "You know how to live, don't you?"

Jinx scoffed with a light chuckle, pulling the blade up to look at it, to see blood in the light decorating her blade so naturally. Giving off a low growl, she flicked her tongue over the cool steal. The blood was her own, not nearly as satisfying. She was a creep, a freak, one of the things that went bump in the night, the last person hundreds of people had seen as they bled out right before her eyes, sometimes as she was still fucking their dying body, getting off on their screams, their pain, skinning them as she slammed them, their begs and cries, just to see how their heart looked between sex, fear, and the oncoming death. "He was poison... he was danger... my boogeyman... Freeman is a uncontrollable fire and I wanted him to burn me, I wanted to be engulfed in his flames, danger, sticky, wet, hot, danger, claws over flesh, the blood, so much fucking blood, his, mine, completely feral, no reserve, and his eyes, Freeman's eyes..." She was reliving the memories, chills straightening her back, breathing harder, she could feel the temperature of her blood rise, her heart pounding as she scooted herself tight into the chair, her long legs curled around her body, drawing the knife from her jugular down past her collarbone, not cutting but leaving a red trail down her chest.

"Another human being has never evoked fear in me like Freeman's eyes... I wanted to scream, to run, to slit his fucking throat... but I couldn't, I liked it, I loved it. I had never been so afraid before in my life and I still came." Her entire body shuddered, her eyes glosses over, distant, lost in the memories. "And I fucked him again... and again... I skinned a man for him, tortured him to death, and we fucked in the blood... Freeman..." She was curled deep into herself now, her rate of breathing three times that of a normal human. "I showed him that side of the world... I was the first to touch him, the first to make him cum, his only equal... and he wants to finish what I started. He knows my weaknesses, and he's using it to finish our game. He's not out for personal grudge, this is all just fun, playtime, and I have the best games."


fanofinfo December 17 2008, 19:12:47 UTC
Urahara's eyes widened as her story proceeded. He blinked, in silence, trying to make sense of it. When she finished talking, no words would leave his mouth at first. He drank some tea, relaxing his demeanor, to put away the look of shock from his face. "...I....didnt realize Freeman's message was a booty call." He seemed to joke, the slightest grin on his face.

The blond leaned back in his chair a bit, stroking the stubble on his chin. "So I'm right to assume you know... or at least understand Freeman rather well..." Kisuke's gaze flicked up to her. "What do you think he'll do once you answer his call?"


hexyoutotuesday December 17 2008, 21:56:48 UTC
Jinx had given him his information, and now she wanted the coordinates. Was she scared out of her mind at what lay at the end of the rabbit hole? Of course she was. Of course she was shaking, felt like vomiting, wanted to just go back home and curl up into Alba's arms. But she had said her goodbyes. It was her time to leave this earth. She would fight to the end, take Freeman down in any way possible, and if it was what it took, she would exchange her own life for Jushirou's. He still had much good left to do in this world while Jinx was only hurting it. Alba could live on Fate's dream without her, Soiree would raise his child, Jushirou would continue saving the world. If she was going to go out, this was the best way to do it.

Her gaze was snapped back to reality at Urahara's remark. At first she simply stared at him, letting her head tilt off to the side, but the maniac's face untwisted and burst into laughter. At times like these she felt more human, her face lit like any young girl's, but she could never hide those predator's eyes. Her laughter slowed and she caught the man's gaze, a more serious atmosphere falling over them. Sighing, she stood from her chair and paced the room for a moment. Freeman... her skin was still hot to the touch from the thoughts of everything, from the fervent memories.

"He knows I'm going to storm the castle, he knows I can make an entrance or be as silent as the night. He'll be ready for anything, and be thrilled with whatever I give him, me alone. He wants me to show him the nightmare..." Looking back to Urahara, she raised her hand that began to glow with that bright energy that had broken his door. Over the past few months, she had been trying to control it, but this fight would not be about control... not in the least. " father may hate me after this. His last memories of me may very well be the monster he's been trying to tell me I'm not." Sighing, she lowered her hand and picked at the wound on her thumb. After wiping her switchblade off on her leg, she closed it, replacing her favorite weapon.

"Freeman... wants to see me at what he considers my best. He wants to see the girl who mercilessly murdered hundreds, who throws cars and buildings on people, he wants to feel that bad luck. This is how Freeman wants to live or die. If I give him want he wants, he will die living. If I can't defeat him, he'll frown at me, kill both Papa and I, then continue his life as a free man." If this was a year prior, Jinx would have ripped him limp from limb without any regard toward anything within a mile radius... but now... she had no idea if she could show him the monster hiding in the back of her mind. "When I come to his door, he's going to try his hardest, give his all just like he expects me to." With her back to the man, she wrapped her arms around her thin body, gripping her shoulders tightly. "I will bathe in his blood..."

"So give me the coordinates. I am prepared to die." From her trembling knees, it was obvious she still had unfinished business in this world. From the bridal ring sitting pretty on her finger, she was not ready to let go.


fanofinfo December 17 2008, 22:08:52 UTC
Kisuke nodded, understanding what she was saying. This girl... she was capable of colossal damage. Fighting Freeman... that might as well have been her final fight, with the way she was speaking and the way the man seemed to instill fear in her heart. He let out a heavy sigh, pulling off his hat to show her respect. "You're a good woman, Signora Jinx. It would be a shame... if I am unable to speak to you again after all this..." She was fascinating, but she knew what she had to do, it seemed.

"...I'll see what I can do with damage control... I'll give you the coordinates." He pulled out a piece of paper and started writing. "...Though... I wonder... what are you going to do to ensure Jushirou's safety? You're in a considerable handicap... but if you say Freeman wants you at your best, he'll realize this... and he will probably either let your father go to feel your wrath... or he will kill him on sight to feel your need for bloody revenge. You have to consider this with your actions... and how you plan on taking him on."

Kisuke's hazel eyes fell back on her, mid-writing. "What are you going to do, Jinx?"


hexyoutotuesday December 17 2008, 22:43:03 UTC
Slowly, she turned back to him, watching him remove her hat. Jinx was a sinking ship, a train wreck. Her fate was inevitable and she was going to go out with as much destruction as physically possible. She had spent all her lives already, had too many chances. Alba always thought she was his indestructible big sister. Gin would come close to killing her, and she could still grin and snark a remark. She would walk unscathed out of collapsing buildings, take out entire squadrons of soldati without breaking a nail, or she could come bloody and limping out of a mission... but in the end, Jinx would always get the job done, and she would be alive to tell the tale. But she had a strong feeling that the next time anyone would see her, there would not even be enough left to put in a body bag.

"Thank you," she spoke to his damage control. She had already told the AMC to hold back Operative Kiyone, had to calm down Hiyori, the Meira brothers were helping to keep others from going after Freeman themselves... because the second an individual walked through that door that was not Jinx, it was game over. Urahara brought up things she did not want to think about, things she was hoping would go smoothly. Jinx had no idea, no fucking clue, what she was going to do other than go in and take Freeman down. He was not the type of man to make plans with; they never turned out as anticipated.

"He's not dumb enough to remove Jushirou from the situation entirely," she finally spoke after a long pause, letting her gaze trail to the ceiling. "If he kills my father, there will no longer be a battle. The game would be over. And if he lets him go... it would be too easy. I do not think Freeman is in the mood to have an entire building crush us both." There was her last resort... Freeman would have his hand through her ribcage and she would hold tightly to him, ripping them both seam from seam, obliterating all that surrounded them. "By keeping Papa there... there and alive... he will get his fight." Jinx moved to pick her machine guns off the floor, strapping them over her back.

What are you going to do? "The answer is obvious," she told Urahara, looking him directly in the eye. "I am going to slaughter Freeman and save Jushirou. I'm already dying, so there's no holding back on this one. I need you to observe this location. When the battle is over, and you will know when it is, if you do not hear word from me, contact the AMC to get an ambulance for Jushirou. Do not give these coordinates to anyone, do not inform a single soul you have spoken to me. I will not have any interruptions." Though her gaze was steady, the rest of her body was shaking like a leaf. "Looking on the bright side," she gave a small grin, "when I'm dead, they can't keep chasing after me for property damage."


fanofinfo December 17 2008, 22:57:51 UTC
The shop owner nodded, her response was everything he was expecting to to be. Of course he wasnt going to tell anyone about anything they had discussed... this was Jinx's battle. No one else would do. Kisuke was trustworthy, for the most part. He had secret agendas... and he was going to keep an eye on the situation through and through... in his own way. He finished writing the coordinates and slid the piece of paper over to her. "Go." He was now convinced that she was able to do what she needed to, with more or less, clarity in her mind.

"I will ask just one more thing from you." Kisuke gave her a slight smile. "...Control. If you lose control... you will lose this fight and everything you hold dear." He stood up, walking over towards her. "...Do you understand?"


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